[] nns: replace root with TLD

Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <evgeniy@nspcc.ru>
This commit is contained in:
Evgenii Stratonikov 2021-10-04 13:26:23 +03:00 committed by Alex Vanin
parent edbd137340
commit e0dbd07f21
3 changed files with 136 additions and 58 deletions

View file

@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ const (
// NotFoundError is returned if container is missing.
NotFoundError = "container does not exist"
// default SOA record field values
defaultRefresh = 3600 // 1 hour
defaultRetry = 600 // 10 min
defaultExpire = 604800 // 1 week
defaultTTL = 3600 // 1 hour
var (
@ -114,14 +120,18 @@ func _deploy(data interface{}, isUpdate bool) {
func registerNiceNameTLD(addrNNS interop.Hash160, nnsRoot string) {
iter := contract.Call(addrNNS, "roots", contract.ReadStates).(iterator.Iterator)
for iterator.Next(iter) {
if iterator.Value(iter).(string) == nnsRoot {
runtime.Log("NNS root is already registered: " + nnsRoot)
isAvail := contract.Call(addrNNS, "isAvailable", contract.AllowCall|contract.ReadStates,
if !isAvail {
res := contract.Call(addrNNS, "register", contract.All,
nnsRoot, common.CommitteeAddress(), "ops@nspcc.ru",
defaultRefresh, defaultRetry, defaultExpire, defaultTTL).(bool)
if !res {
panic("can't register NNS TLD")
contract.Call(addrNNS, "addRoot", contract.All, nnsRoot)
// Update method updates contract source code and manifest. Can be invoked
@ -237,12 +247,6 @@ func PutNamed(container []byte, signature interop.Signature,
if name != "" {
if needRegister {
const (
defaultRefresh = 3600 // 1 hour
defaultRetry = 600 // 10 min
defaultExpire = 604800 // 1 week
defaultTTL = 3600 // 1 hour
res := contract.Call(nnsContractAddr, "register", contract.All,
domain, runtime.GetExecutingScriptHash(), "ops@nspcc.ru",
defaultRefresh, defaultRetry, defaultExpire, defaultTTL).(bool)

View file

@ -218,22 +218,6 @@ func Transfer(to interop.Hash160, tokenID []byte, data interface{}) bool {
return true
// AddRoot registers new root.
func AddRoot(root string) {
if !checkFragment(root, true) {
panic("invalid root format")
var (
ctx = storage.GetContext()
rootKey = append([]byte{prefixRoot}, []byte(root)...)
if storage.Get(ctx, rootKey) != nil {
panic("root already exists")
storage.Put(ctx, rootKey, 0)
// Roots returns iterator over a set of NameService roots.
func Roots() iterator.Iterator {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
@ -263,15 +247,36 @@ func IsAvailable(name string) bool {
panic("invalid domain name format")
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
if storage.Get(ctx, append([]byte{prefixRoot}, []byte(fragments[1])...)) == nil {
panic("root not found")
nsBytes := storage.Get(ctx, append([]byte{prefixName}, getTokenKey([]byte(name))...))
if nsBytes == nil {
l := len(fragments)
if storage.Get(ctx, append([]byte{prefixRoot}, []byte(fragments[l-1])...)) == nil {
if l != 1 {
panic("TLD not found")
return true
ns := std.Deserialize(nsBytes.([]byte)).(NameState)
return runtime.GetTime() >= ns.Expiration
return parentExpired(ctx, 0, fragments)
// parentExpired returns true if any domain from fragments doesn't exist or expired.
// first denotes the deepest subdomain to check.
func parentExpired(ctx storage.Context, first int, fragments []string) bool {
now := runtime.GetTime()
last := len(fragments) - 1
name := fragments[last]
for i := last; i >= first; i-- {
if i != last {
name = fragments[i] + "." + name
nsBytes := storage.Get(ctx, append([]byte{prefixName}, getTokenKey([]byte(name))...))
if nsBytes == nil {
return true
ns := std.Deserialize(nsBytes.([]byte)).(NameState)
if now >= ns.Expiration {
return true
return false
// Register registers new domain with the specified owner and name if it's available.
@ -280,9 +285,24 @@ func Register(name string, owner interop.Hash160, email string, refresh, retry,
if fragments == nil {
panic("invalid domain name format")
l := len(fragments)
tldKey := append([]byte{prefixRoot}, []byte(fragments[l-1])...)
ctx := storage.GetContext()
if storage.Get(ctx, append([]byte{prefixRoot}, []byte(fragments[1])...)) == nil {
panic("root not found")
tldBytes := storage.Get(ctx, tldKey)
if l == 1 {
if tldBytes != nil {
panic("TLD already exists")
storage.Put(ctx, tldKey, 0)
} else {
if tldBytes == nil {
panic("TLD not found")
if parentExpired(ctx, 1, fragments) {
panic("one of the parent domains has expired")
if !isValid(owner) {
@ -701,9 +721,6 @@ func splitAndCheck(name string, allowMultipleFragments bool) []string {
fragments := std.StringSplit(name, ".")
l = len(fragments)
if l < 2 {
return nil
if l > 2 && !allowMultipleFragments {
return nil
@ -832,6 +849,9 @@ func tokenIDFromName(name string) string {
panic("invalid domain name format")
l := len(fragments)
if l == 1 {
return name
return name[len(name)-(len(fragments[l-1])+len(fragments[l-2])+1):]

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package tests
import (
@ -29,37 +30,48 @@ func TestNNSGeneric(t *testing.T) {
CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, 0)
func TestNNSAddRoot(t *testing.T) {
func TestNNSRegisterTLD(t *testing.T) {
bc := NewChain(t)
h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "0com")
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"0com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"email@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
AddBlock(t, bc, tx)
CheckFault(t, bc, tx.Hash(), "invalid root format")
CheckFault(t, bc, tx.Hash(), "invalid domain name format")
acc := NewAccount(t, bc)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "addRoot", "com")
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "register",
"com", acc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"email@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
AddBlock(t, bc, tx)
CheckFault(t, bc, tx.Hash(), "not witnessed by committee")
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com")
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"email@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
AddBlock(t, bc, tx)
CheckHalt(t, bc, tx.Hash())
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com")
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"email@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
AddBlock(t, bc, tx)
CheckFault(t, bc, tx.Hash(), "root already exists")
CheckFault(t, bc, tx.Hash(), "TLD already exists")
func TestNNSRegister(t *testing.T) {
bc := NewChain(t)
h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com")
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx)
acc := NewAccount(t, bc)
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, []*wallet.Account{CommitteeAcc, acc}, h, "register",
"testdomain.com", acc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
@ -97,10 +109,12 @@ func TestNNSUpdateSOA(t *testing.T) {
bc := NewChain(t)
h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com")
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx)
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"testdomain.com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
@ -124,10 +138,12 @@ func TestNNSGetAllRecords(t *testing.T) {
bc := NewChain(t)
h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com")
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx)
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"testdomain.com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
@ -173,10 +189,12 @@ func TestNNSSetAdmin(t *testing.T) {
bc := NewChain(t)
h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com")
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx)
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"testdomain.com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
@ -198,15 +216,51 @@ func TestNNSSetAdmin(t *testing.T) {
AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx)
func TestNNSIsAvailable(t *testing.T) {
bc := NewChain(t)
h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "isAvailable", "com")
CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, true)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "isAvailable", "domain.com")
_, err := TestInvoke(bc, tx)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "TLD not found"))
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "isAvailable", "com")
CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, false)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "isAvailable", "domain.com")
CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, true)
acc := NewAccount(t, bc)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, []*wallet.Account{CommitteeAcc, acc}, h, "register",
"domain.com", acc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "isAvailable", "domain.com")
CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, false)
func TestNNSRenew(t *testing.T) {
bc := NewChain(t)
h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com")
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register",
"com", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)
AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx)
acc := NewAccount(t, bc)
refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104)
tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, []*wallet.Account{CommitteeAcc, acc}, h, "register",
"testdomain.com", acc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
"myemail@nspcc.ru", refresh, retry, expire, ttl)