package containercontract import ( "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type ( storageNode struct { info []byte } Container struct { value []byte sig interop.Signature pub interop.PublicKey token []byte } ExtendedACL struct { value []byte sig interop.Signature pub interop.PublicKey token []byte } estimation struct { from interop.PublicKey size int } containerSizes struct { cid []byte estimations []estimation } ) const ( version = 1 ownersKey = "ownersList" neofsIDContractKey = "identityScriptHash" balanceContractKey = "balanceScriptHash" netmapContractKey = "netmapScriptHash" notaryDisabledKey = "notary" containerFeeKey = "ContainerFee" containerIDSize = 32 // SHA256 size estimateKeyPrefix = "cnr" cleanupDelta = 3 ) var ( eACLPrefix = []byte("eACL") ) func _deploy(data interface{}, isUpdate bool) { ctx := storage.GetContext() if isUpdate { migrateContainerAndEACLStructures(ctx) // from v0.8.0 to v0.9.0 return } args := data.([]interface{}) notaryDisabled := args[0].(bool) owner := args[1].(interop.Hash160) addrNetmap := args[2].(interop.Hash160) addrBalance := args[3].(interop.Hash160) addrID := args[4].(interop.Hash160) if !common.HasUpdateAccess(ctx) { panic("only owner can reinitialize contract") } if len(addrNetmap) != 20 || len(addrBalance) != 20 || len(addrID) != 20 { panic("init: incorrect length of contract script hash") } storage.Put(ctx, common.OwnerKey, owner) storage.Put(ctx, netmapContractKey, addrNetmap) storage.Put(ctx, balanceContractKey, addrBalance) storage.Put(ctx, neofsIDContractKey, addrID) // initialize the way to collect signatures storage.Put(ctx, notaryDisabledKey, notaryDisabled) if notaryDisabled { common.InitVote(ctx) runtime.Log("container contract notary disabled") } runtime.Log("container contract initialized") } func migrateContainerAndEACLStructures(ctx storage.Context) { eACLKeyLength := containerIDSize + len(eACLPrefix) it := storage.Find(ctx, []byte{}, storage.None) for iterator.Next(it) { pair := iterator.Value(it).([]interface{}) key := pair[0].([]byte) switch len(key) { case containerIDSize: // migrate containers val := pair[1].([]byte) newContainer := Container{value: val} common.SetSerialized(ctx, key, newContainer) case eACLKeyLength: // migrate eACLs val := pair[1].([]byte) eacl := std.Deserialize(val).(ExtendedACL) newEACL := ExtendedACL{ value: eacl.value, sig: eacl.sig, pub:, } common.SetSerialized(ctx, key, newEACL) } } } func Migrate(script []byte, manifest []byte, data interface{}) bool { ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext() if !common.HasUpdateAccess(ctx) { runtime.Log("only owner can update contract") return false } contract.Call(interop.Hash160(management.Hash), "update", contract.All, script, manifest, data) runtime.Log("container contract updated") return true } func Put(container []byte, signature interop.Signature, publicKey interop.PublicKey, token []byte) { ctx := storage.GetContext() notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool) offset := int(container[1]) offset = 2 + offset + 4 // version prefix + version size + owner prefix ownerID := container[offset : offset+25] // offset + size of owner containerID := crypto.Sha256(container) neofsIDContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, neofsIDContractKey).(interop.Hash160) cnr := Container{ value: container, sig: signature, pub: publicKey, token: token, } var ( // for invocation collection without notary alphabet = common.AlphabetNodes() nodeKey []byte alphabetCall bool ) if notaryDisabled { nodeKey = common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet) alphabetCall = len(nodeKey) != 0 } else { multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress() alphabetCall = runtime.CheckWitness(multiaddr) } if !alphabetCall { runtime.Notify("containerPut", container, signature, publicKey, token) return } from := common.WalletToScriptHash(ownerID) netmapContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, netmapContractKey).(interop.Hash160) balanceContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, balanceContractKey).(interop.Hash160) containerFee := contract.Call(netmapContractAddr, "config", contract.ReadOnly, containerFeeKey).(int) details := common.ContainerFeeTransferDetails(containerID) // todo: check if new container with unique container id if notaryDisabled { threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1 id := common.InvokeID([]interface{}{container, signature, publicKey}, []byte("put")) n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey) if n < threshold { return } common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id) } for i := 0; i < len(alphabet); i++ { node := alphabet[i] to := contract.CreateStandardAccount(node.PublicKey) contract.Call(balanceContractAddr, "transferX", contract.All, from, to, containerFee, details, ) } addContainer(ctx, containerID, ownerID, cnr) if len(token) == 0 { // if container created directly without session contract.Call(neofsIDContractAddr, "addKey", contract.All, ownerID, [][]byte{publicKey}) } runtime.Log("put: added new container") } func Delete(containerID []byte, signature interop.Signature, token []byte) { ctx := storage.GetContext() notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool) ownerID := getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID) if len(ownerID) == 0 { panic("delete: container does not exist") } var ( // for invocation collection without notary alphabet []common.IRNode nodeKey []byte alphabetCall bool ) if notaryDisabled { alphabet = common.AlphabetNodes() nodeKey = common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet) alphabetCall = len(nodeKey) != 0 } else { multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress() alphabetCall = runtime.CheckWitness(multiaddr) } if !alphabetCall { runtime.Notify("containerDelete", containerID, signature, token) return } if notaryDisabled { threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1 id := common.InvokeID([]interface{}{containerID, signature}, []byte("delete")) n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey) if n < threshold { return } common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id) } removeContainer(ctx, containerID, ownerID) runtime.Log("delete: remove container") } func Get(containerID []byte) Container { ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext() return getContainer(ctx, containerID) } func Owner(containerID []byte) []byte { ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext() return getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID) } func List(owner []byte) [][]byte { ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext() if len(owner) == 0 { return getAllContainers(ctx) } var list [][]byte owners := common.GetList(ctx, ownersKey) for i := 0; i < len(owners); i++ { ownerID := owners[i] if len(owner) != 0 && !common.BytesEqual(owner, ownerID) { continue } containers := common.GetList(ctx, ownerID) for j := 0; j < len(containers); j++ { container := containers[j] list = append(list, container) } } return list } func SetEACL(eACL []byte, signature interop.Signature, publicKey interop.PublicKey, token []byte) { ctx := storage.GetContext() notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool) // get container ID offset := int(eACL[1]) offset = 2 + offset + 4 containerID := eACL[offset : offset+32] ownerID := getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID) if len(ownerID) == 0 { panic("setEACL: container does not exists") } var ( // for invocation collection without notary alphabet []common.IRNode nodeKey []byte alphabetCall bool ) if notaryDisabled { alphabet = common.AlphabetNodes() nodeKey = common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet) alphabetCall = len(nodeKey) != 0 } else { multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress() alphabetCall = runtime.CheckWitness(multiaddr) } if !alphabetCall { runtime.Notify("setEACL", eACL, signature, publicKey, token) return } rule := ExtendedACL{ value: eACL, sig: signature, pub: publicKey, token: token, } key := append(eACLPrefix, containerID...) if notaryDisabled { threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1 id := common.InvokeID([]interface{}{eACL}, []byte("setEACL")) n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey) if n < threshold { return } common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id) } common.SetSerialized(ctx, key, rule) runtime.Log("setEACL: success") } func EACL(containerID []byte) ExtendedACL { ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext() ownerID := getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID) if len(ownerID) == 0 { panic("eACL: container does not exists") } return getEACL(ctx, containerID) } func PutContainerSize(epoch int, cid []byte, usedSize int, pubKey interop.PublicKey) { ctx := storage.GetContext() if !runtime.CheckWitness(pubKey) { panic("container: invalid witness for size estimation") } if !isStorageNode(ctx, pubKey) { panic("container: only storage nodes can save size estimations") } key := estimationKey(epoch, cid) s := getContainerSizeEstimation(ctx, key, cid) // do not add estimation twice for i := range s.estimations { est := s.estimations[i] if common.BytesEqual(est.from, pubKey) { panic("invalid estimation") } } s.estimations = append(s.estimations, estimation{ from: pubKey, size: usedSize, }) storage.Put(ctx, key, std.Serialize(s)) runtime.Log("container: saved container size estimation") } func GetContainerSize(id []byte) containerSizes { ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext() return getContainerSizeEstimation(ctx, id, nil) } func ListContainerSizes(epoch int) [][]byte { ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext() var buf interface{} = epoch key := []byte(estimateKeyPrefix) key = append(key, buf.([]byte)...) it := storage.Find(ctx, key, storage.KeysOnly) var result [][]byte for iterator.Next(it) { key := iterator.Value(it).([]byte) // it MUST BE `storage.KeysOnly` result = append(result, key) } return result } func NewEpoch(epochNum int) { ctx := storage.GetContext() notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool) if notaryDisabled { indirectCall := common.FromKnownContract( ctx, runtime.GetCallingScriptHash(), netmapContractKey, ) if !indirectCall { panic("newEpoch: this method must be invoked from inner ring") } } else { multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress() if !runtime.CheckWitness(multiaddr) { panic("newEpoch: this method must be invoked from inner ring") } } candidates := keysToDelete(ctx, epochNum) for _, candidate := range candidates { storage.Delete(ctx, candidate) } } func StartContainerEstimation(epoch int) { ctx := storage.GetContext() notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool) var ( // for invocation collection without notary alphabet []common.IRNode nodeKey []byte ) if notaryDisabled { alphabet = common.AlphabetNodes() nodeKey = common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet) if len(nodeKey) == 0 { panic("startEstimation: only inner ring nodes can invoke this") } } else { multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress() if !runtime.CheckWitness(multiaddr) { panic("startEstimation: only inner ring nodes can invoke this") } } if notaryDisabled { threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1 id := common.InvokeID([]interface{}{epoch}, []byte("startEstimation")) n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey) if n < threshold { return } common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id) } runtime.Notify("StartEstimation", epoch) runtime.Log("startEstimation: notification has been produced") } func StopContainerEstimation(epoch int) { ctx := storage.GetContext() notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool) var ( // for invocation collection without notary alphabet []common.IRNode nodeKey []byte ) if notaryDisabled { alphabet = common.AlphabetNodes() nodeKey = common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet) if len(nodeKey) == 0 { panic("stopEstimation: only inner ring nodes can invoke this") } } else { multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress() if !runtime.CheckWitness(multiaddr) { panic("stopEstimation: only inner ring nodes can invoke this") } } if notaryDisabled { threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1 id := common.InvokeID([]interface{}{epoch}, []byte("stopEstimation")) n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey) if n < threshold { return } common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id) } runtime.Notify("StopEstimation", epoch) runtime.Log("stopEstimation: notification has been produced") } func Version() int { return version } func addContainer(ctx storage.Context, id, owner []byte, container Container) { addOrAppend(ctx, ownersKey, owner) addOrAppend(ctx, owner, id) common.SetSerialized(ctx, id, container) } func removeContainer(ctx storage.Context, id []byte, owner []byte) { n := remove(ctx, owner, id) // if it was last container, remove owner from the list of owners if n == 0 { _ = remove(ctx, ownersKey, owner) } storage.Delete(ctx, id) } func addOrAppend(ctx storage.Context, key interface{}, value []byte) { list := common.GetList(ctx, key) for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ { if common.BytesEqual(list[i], value) { return } } if len(list) == 0 { list = [][]byte{value} } else { list = append(list, value) } common.SetSerialized(ctx, key, list) } // remove returns amount of left elements in the list func remove(ctx storage.Context, key interface{}, value []byte) int { var ( list = common.GetList(ctx, key) newList = [][]byte{} ) for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ { if !common.BytesEqual(list[i], value) { newList = append(newList, list[i]) } } ln := len(newList) if ln == 0 { storage.Delete(ctx, key) } else { common.SetSerialized(ctx, key, newList) } return ln } func getAllContainers(ctx storage.Context) [][]byte { var list [][]byte it := storage.Find(ctx, []byte{}, storage.KeysOnly) for iterator.Next(it) { key := iterator.Value(it).([]byte) // it MUST BE `storage.KeysOnly` if len(key) == containerIDSize { list = append(list, key) } } return list } func getEACL(ctx storage.Context, cid []byte) ExtendedACL { key := append(eACLPrefix, cid...) data := storage.Get(ctx, key) if data != nil { return std.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).(ExtendedACL) } return ExtendedACL{value: []byte{}, sig: interop.Signature{}, pub: interop.PublicKey{}, token: []byte{}} } func getContainer(ctx storage.Context, cid []byte) Container { data := storage.Get(ctx, cid) if data != nil { return std.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).(Container) } return Container{value: []byte{}, sig: interop.Signature{}, pub: interop.PublicKey{}, token: []byte{}} } func getOwnerByID(ctx storage.Context, id []byte) []byte { owners := common.GetList(ctx, ownersKey) for i := 0; i < len(owners); i++ { ownerID := owners[i] containers := common.GetList(ctx, ownerID) for j := 0; j < len(containers); j++ { container := containers[j] if common.BytesEqual(container, id) { return ownerID } } } return nil } func estimationKey(epoch int, cid []byte) []byte { var buf interface{} = epoch result := []byte(estimateKeyPrefix) result = append(result, buf.([]byte)...) return append(result, cid...) } func getContainerSizeEstimation(ctx storage.Context, key, cid []byte) containerSizes { data := storage.Get(ctx, key) if data != nil { return std.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).(containerSizes) } return containerSizes{ cid: cid, estimations: []estimation{}, } } // isStorageNode looks into _previous_ epoch network map, because storage node // announce container size estimation of previous epoch. func isStorageNode(ctx storage.Context, key interop.PublicKey) bool { netmapContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, netmapContractKey).(interop.Hash160) snapshot := contract.Call(netmapContractAddr, "snapshot", contract.ReadOnly, 1).([]storageNode) for i := range snapshot { nodeInfo := snapshot[i].info nodeKey := nodeInfo[2:35] // offset:2, len:33 if common.BytesEqual(key, nodeKey) { return true } } return false } func keysToDelete(ctx storage.Context, epoch int) [][]byte { results := [][]byte{} it := storage.Find(ctx, []byte(estimateKeyPrefix), storage.KeysOnly) for iterator.Next(it) { k := iterator.Value(it).([]byte) // it MUST BE `storage.KeysOnly` nbytes := k[len(estimateKeyPrefix) : len(k)-32] var n interface{} = nbytes if epoch-n.(int) > cleanupDelta { results = append(results, k) } } return results }