# Building Debian package on host

## Prerequisites

For now, we're assuming building for Debian 11 (stable) x86_64.

Go version 18.4 or later should already be installed, i.e. this runs

* `make all`

## Installing packaging dependencies

$ sudo apt install debhelper-compat dh-sequence-bash-completion devscripts

Warining: number of package installed is pretty large considering dependecies.

## Package building

$ make debpackage

## Leftovers cleaning

$ make debclean
$ dh clean

# Package versioning

By default, package version is based on product version and may also contain git
tags and hashes.

Package version could be overwritten by setting `PKG_VERSION` variable before
build, Debian package versioning rules should be respected.

$ PKG_VERSION=0.32.0 make debpackge