Leonard Lyubich 3ef5b0ff9c [] node: Do not add fee in smart contract calls
Calls to contracts by storage nodes do not lead to the accumulation of
multisignatures in the contract memory, so the call cost can always be
accurately calculated in advance without additional fee.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2021-05-13 19:29:10 +03:00

478 lines
13 KiB

package main
import (
apiClient ""
containerSDK ""
containerV2 ""
containerGRPC ""
crypto ""
containerCore ""
netmapCore ""
containerEvent ""
containerTransportGRPC ""
containerService ""
loadcontroller ""
loadroute ""
placementrouter ""
loadstorage ""
containerMorph ""
const (
startEstimationNotifyEvent = "StartEstimation"
stopEstimationNotifyEvent = "StopEstimation"
func initContainerService(c *cfg) {
staticClient, err := client.NewStatic(
cnrClient, err := container.New(staticClient)
wrap, err := wrapper.New(cnrClient)
c.cfgObject.cnrStorage = newCachedContainerStorage(wrap) // use RPC node as source of containers (with caching)
c.cfgObject.cnrClient = wrap
localMetrics := &localStorageLoad{
log: c.log,
engine: c.cfgObject.cfgLocalStorage.localStorage,
pubKey := crypto.MarshalPublicKey(&c.key.PublicKey)
resultWriter := &morphLoadWriter{
log: c.log,
cnrMorphClient: wrap,
key: pubKey,
loadAccumulator := loadstorage.New(loadstorage.Prm{})
loadPlacementBuilder := &loadPlacementBuilder{
log: c.log,
nmSrc: c.cfgNetmap.wrapper,
cnrSrc: wrap,
routeBuilder := placementrouter.New(placementrouter.Prm{
PlacementBuilder: loadPlacementBuilder,
loadRouter := loadroute.New(
LocalServerInfo: c,
RemoteWriterProvider: &remoteLoadAnnounceProvider{
key: c.key,
loadAddrSrc: c,
clientCache: cache.NewSDKClientCache(), // FIXME: use shared cache
deadEndProvider: loadcontroller.SimpleWriterProvider(loadAccumulator),
Builder: routeBuilder,
ctrl := loadcontroller.New(
LocalMetrics: loadcontroller.SimpleIteratorProvider(localMetrics),
AnnouncementAccumulator: loadcontroller.SimpleIteratorProvider(loadAccumulator),
LocalAnnouncementTarget: loadRouter,
ResultReceiver: loadcontroller.SimpleWriterProvider(resultWriter),
setContainerNotificationParser(c, startEstimationNotifyEvent, containerEvent.ParseStartEstimation)
addContainerAsyncNotificationHandler(c, startEstimationNotifyEvent, func(ev event.Event) {
Epoch: ev.(containerEvent.StartEstimation).Epoch(),
setContainerNotificationParser(c, stopEstimationNotifyEvent, containerEvent.ParseStopEstimation)
addContainerAsyncNotificationHandler(c, stopEstimationNotifyEvent, func(ev event.Event) {
Epoch: ev.(containerEvent.StopEstimation).Epoch(),
Server: containerService.NewExecutionService(containerMorph.NewExecutor(cnrClient)),
loadWriterProvider: loadRouter,
loadPlacementBuilder: loadPlacementBuilder,
routeBuilder: routeBuilder,
cfg: c,
// addContainerNotificationHandler adds handler that will be executed synchronously
func addContainerNotificationHandler(c *cfg, sTyp string, h event.Handler) {
typ := event.TypeFromString(sTyp)
if c.cfgContainer.subscribers == nil {
c.cfgContainer.subscribers = make(map[event.Type][]event.Handler, 1)
c.cfgContainer.subscribers[typ] = append(c.cfgContainer.subscribers[typ], h)
// addContainerAsyncNotificationHandler adds handler that will be executed asynchronously via container workerPool
func addContainerAsyncNotificationHandler(c *cfg, sTyp string, h event.Handler) {
func setContainerNotificationParser(c *cfg, sTyp string, p event.Parser) {
typ := event.TypeFromString(sTyp)
if c.cfgContainer.parsers == nil {
c.cfgContainer.parsers = make(map[event.Type]event.Parser, 1)
c.cfgContainer.parsers[typ] = p
type morphLoadWriter struct {
log *logger.Logger
cnrMorphClient *wrapper.Wrapper
key []byte
func (w *morphLoadWriter) Put(a containerSDK.UsedSpaceAnnouncement) error {
w.log.Debug("save used space announcement in contract",
zap.Uint64("epoch", a.Epoch()),
zap.Stringer("cid", a.ContainerID()),
zap.Uint64("size", a.UsedSpace()),
return w.cnrMorphClient.AnnounceLoad(a, w.key)
func (*morphLoadWriter) Close() error {
return nil
type nopLoadWriter struct{}
func (nopLoadWriter) Put(containerSDK.UsedSpaceAnnouncement) error {
return nil
func (nopLoadWriter) Close() error {
return nil
type remoteLoadAnnounceProvider struct {
key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
loadAddrSrc network.LocalAddressSource
clientCache interface {
Get(string) (apiClient.Client, error)
deadEndProvider loadcontroller.WriterProvider
func (r *remoteLoadAnnounceProvider) InitRemote(srv loadroute.ServerInfo) (loadcontroller.WriterProvider, error) {
if srv == nil {
return r.deadEndProvider, nil
addr := srv.Address()
if r.loadAddrSrc.LocalAddress().String() == srv.Address() {
// if local => return no-op writer
return loadcontroller.SimpleWriterProvider(new(nopLoadWriter)), nil
ipAddr, err := network.IPAddrFromMultiaddr(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not convert address to IP format")
c, err := r.clientCache.Get(ipAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not initialize API client")
return &remoteLoadAnnounceWriterProvider{
client: c,
key: r.key,
}, nil
type remoteLoadAnnounceWriterProvider struct {
client apiClient.Client
key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
func (p *remoteLoadAnnounceWriterProvider) InitWriter(ctx context.Context) (loadcontroller.Writer, error) {
return &remoteLoadAnnounceWriter{
ctx: ctx,
client: p.client,
key: p.key,
}, nil
type remoteLoadAnnounceWriter struct {
ctx context.Context
client apiClient.Client
key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
buf []containerSDK.UsedSpaceAnnouncement
func (r *remoteLoadAnnounceWriter) Put(a containerSDK.UsedSpaceAnnouncement) error {
r.buf = append(r.buf, a)
return nil
func (r *remoteLoadAnnounceWriter) Close() error {
return r.client.AnnounceContainerUsedSpace(r.ctx, r.buf, apiClient.WithKey(r.key))
type loadPlacementBuilder struct {
log *logger.Logger
nmSrc netmapCore.Source
cnrSrc containerCore.Source
func (l *loadPlacementBuilder) BuildPlacement(epoch uint64, cid *containerSDK.ID) ([]netmap.Nodes, error) {
cnrNodes, nm, err := l.buildPlacement(epoch, cid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
const pivotPrefix = "load_announcement_"
pivot := []byte(
pivotPrefix + strconv.FormatUint(epoch, 10),
placement, err := nm.GetPlacementVectors(cnrNodes, pivot)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not build placement vectors")
return placement, nil
func (l *loadPlacementBuilder) buildPlacement(epoch uint64, cid *containerSDK.ID) (netmap.ContainerNodes, *netmap.Netmap, error) {
cnr, err := l.cnrSrc.Get(cid)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
nm, err := l.nmSrc.GetNetMapByEpoch(epoch)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not get network map")
cnrNodes, err := nm.GetContainerNodes(cnr.PlacementPolicy(), cid.ToV2().GetValue())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not build container nodes")
return cnrNodes, nm, nil
type localStorageLoad struct {
log *logger.Logger
engine *engine.StorageEngine
func (d *localStorageLoad) Iterate(f loadcontroller.UsedSpaceFilter, h loadcontroller.UsedSpaceHandler) error {
idList := engine.ListContainers(d.engine)
for i := range idList {
sz := engine.ContainerSize(d.engine, idList[i])
d.log.Debug("container size in storage engine calculated successfully",
zap.Uint64("size", sz),
zap.Stringer("cid", idList[i]),
a := containerSDK.NewAnnouncement()
if f != nil && !f(*a) {
if err := h(*a); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type usedSpaceService struct {
loadWriterProvider loadcontroller.WriterProvider
loadPlacementBuilder *loadPlacementBuilder
routeBuilder loadroute.Builder
cfg *cfg
func (c *cfg) PublicKey() []byte {
ni := c.localNodeInfo()
return ni.PublicKey()
func (c *cfg) Address() string {
ni := c.localNodeInfo()
return ni.Address()
func (c *usedSpaceService) PublicKey() []byte {
ni := c.cfg.localNodeInfo()
return ni.PublicKey()
func (c *usedSpaceService) Address() string {
ni := c.cfg.localNodeInfo()
return ni.Address()
func (c *usedSpaceService) AnnounceUsedSpace(ctx context.Context, req *containerV2.AnnounceUsedSpaceRequest) (*containerV2.AnnounceUsedSpaceResponse, error) {
var passedRoute []loadroute.ServerInfo
for hdr := req.GetVerificationHeader(); hdr != nil; hdr = hdr.GetOrigin() {
passedRoute = append(passedRoute, &containerOnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo{
key: hdr.GetBodySignature().GetKey(),
for left, right := 0, len(passedRoute)-1; left < right; left, right = left+1, right-1 {
passedRoute[left], passedRoute[right] = passedRoute[right], passedRoute[left]
passedRoute = append(passedRoute, c)
w, err := c.loadWriterProvider.InitWriter(loadroute.NewRouteContext(ctx, passedRoute))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not initialize container's used space writer")
for _, aV2 := range req.GetBody().GetAnnouncements() {
if err := c.processLoadValue(ctx, *containerSDK.NewAnnouncementFromV2(aV2), passedRoute, w); err != nil {
return nil, err
respBody := new(containerV2.AnnounceUsedSpaceResponseBody)
resp := new(containerV2.AnnounceUsedSpaceResponse)
return resp, nil
var errNodeOutsideContainer = errors.New("node outside the container")
type containerOnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo struct {
key []byte
func (i *containerOnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo) PublicKey() []byte {
return i.key
func (*containerOnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo) Address() string {
return ""
func (l *loadPlacementBuilder) isNodeFromContainerKey(epoch uint64, cid *containerSDK.ID, key []byte) (bool, error) {
cnrNodes, _, err := l.buildPlacement(epoch, cid)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, vector := range cnrNodes.Replicas() {
for _, node := range vector {
if bytes.Equal(node.PublicKey(), key) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
func (c *usedSpaceService) processLoadValue(ctx context.Context, a containerSDK.UsedSpaceAnnouncement,
route []loadroute.ServerInfo, w loadcontroller.Writer) error {
fromCnr, err := c.loadPlacementBuilder.isNodeFromContainerKey(a.Epoch(), a.ContainerID(), route[0].PublicKey())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not verify that the sender belongs to the container")
} else if !fromCnr {
return errNodeOutsideContainer
err = loadroute.CheckRoute(c.routeBuilder, a, route)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "wrong route of container's used space value")
err = w.Put(a)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not write container's used space value")
return nil