Evgenii Stratonikov 8a2b7f4501 [] pkg/innerring: provide wrappers to processors
The only thing we need hashes for is to process notifications.
Balance contract if left for now, as it has some initialization.

Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
2021-06-21 15:16:42 +03:00

80 lines
1.7 KiB

package alphabet
import (
const emitMethod = "emit"
func (np *Processor) processEmit() {
index := np.irList.AlphabetIndex()
if index < 0 {
np.log.Info("non alphabet mode, ignore gas emission event")
contract, ok := np.alphabetContracts.GetByIndex(index)
if !ok {
np.log.Debug("node is out of alphabet range, ignore gas emission event",
zap.Int("index", index))
// there is no signature collecting, so we don't need extra fee
err := np.morphClient.Invoke(contract, 0, emitMethod)
if err != nil {
np.log.Warn("can't invoke alphabet emit method")
if np.storageEmission == 0 {
np.log.Info("storage node emission is off")
networkMap, err := np.netmapClient.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
np.log.Warn("can't get netmap snapshot to emit gas to storage nodes",
zap.String("error", err.Error()))
ln := len(networkMap.Nodes)
if ln == 0 {
np.log.Debug("empty network map, do not emit gas")
gasPerNode := fixedn.Fixed8(np.storageEmission / uint64(ln))
for i := range networkMap.Nodes {
keyBytes := networkMap.Nodes[i].PublicKey()
key, err := keys.NewPublicKeyFromBytes(keyBytes, elliptic.P256())
if err != nil {
np.log.Warn("can't convert node public key to address",
zap.String("error", err.Error()))
err = np.morphClient.TransferGas(key.GetScriptHash(), gasPerNode)
if err != nil {
np.log.Warn("can't transfer gas",
zap.String("receiver", key.Address()),
zap.Int64("amount", int64(gasPerNode)),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),