forked from TrueCloudLab/xk6-frostfs
141 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file
141 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file
import argparse
import json
import os
import shlex
import uuid
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError, STDOUT
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--size', help='Upload objects size in kb.')
parser.add_argument('--buckets', help='Number of buckets to create.')
parser.add_argument('--out', help='JSON file with output.')
parser.add_argument('--preload_obj', help='Number of pre-loaded objects.')
parser.add_argument('--endpoint', help='S3 Gateway address.')
parser.add_argument('--update', help='True/False, False by default. Save existed buckets from target file (--out). New buckets will not be created.')
parser.add_argument('--location', help='AWS location. Will be empty, if has not be declared.')
parser.add_argument('--versioning', help='True/False, False by default.')
args = parser.parse_args()
def main():
bucket_list = []
objects_struct = []
payload_filepath = '/tmp/data_file'
if args.update:
# Open file
with open(args.out) as f:
data_json = json.load(f)
bucket_list = data_json['buckets']
# Get CID list
print(f"Create buckets: {args.buckets}")
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
buckets_runs = {executor.submit(create_bucket): _ for _ in range(int(args.buckets))}
for run in buckets_runs:
if run.result() is not None:
print("Create buckets: Completed")
print(f" > Buckets: {bucket_list}")
print(f"Upload objects to each bucket: {args.preload_obj} ")
print(" > Create random payload: Completed")
for bucket in bucket_list:
print(f" > Upload objects for bucket {bucket}")
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=50) as executor:
objects_runs = {executor.submit(upload_object, bucket, payload_filepath): _ for _ in range(int(args.preload_obj))}
for run in objects_runs:
if run.result() is not None:
objects_struct.append({'bucket': bucket, 'object': run.result()})
print(f" > Upload objects for bucket {bucket}: Completed")
print("Upload objects to each bucket: Completed")
data = {'buckets': bucket_list, 'objects': objects_struct, 'obj_size': args.size + " Kb"}
with open(args.out, 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False)
print(f" > Total Buckets has been created: {len(bucket_list)}.")
print(f" > Total Objects has been created: {len(objects_struct)}.")
def random_payload(payload_filepath):
with open('%s' % payload_filepath, 'wb') as fout:
fout.write(os.urandom(1024 * int(args.size)))
def execute_cmd(cmd_line):
args = shlex.split(cmd_line)
output = ""
output = check_output(args, stderr=STDOUT).decode()
success = True
except CalledProcessError as e:
output = e.output.decode()
success = False
return output, success
def create_bucket():
bucket_create_marker = False
location = ""
if args.location:
location = f"--create-bucket-configuration 'LocationConstraint={args.location}'"
bucket_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
cmd_line = f"aws --no-verify-ssl s3api create-bucket --bucket {bucket_name} --endpoint http://{args.endpoint} {location}"
cmd_line_ver = f"aws --no-verify-ssl s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket {bucket_name} --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled --endpoint http://{args.endpoint} "
out, success = execute_cmd(cmd_line)
if not success:
if "succeeded and you already own it" in out:
bucket_create_marker = True
print(f" > Bucket {bucket_name} has not been created.")
bucket_create_marker = True
print(f"cmd: {cmd_line}")
if bucket_create_marker and args.versioning == "True":
out, success = execute_cmd(cmd_line_ver)
if not success:
print(f" > Bucket versioning has not been applied for bucket {bucket_name}.")
print(f" > Bucket versioning has been applied.")
return bucket_name
def upload_object(bucket, payload_filepath):
object_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
cmd_line = f"aws s3api put-object --bucket {bucket} --key {object_name} --body {payload_filepath} --endpoint http://{args.endpoint}"
out, success = execute_cmd(cmd_line)
if not success:
print(f" > Object {object_name} has not been uploaded.")
return object_name
if __name__ == "__main__":