#!/usr/bin/python3.8 import allure import hashlib import logging import os import tarfile import uuid from typing import Tuple import allure import docker import wallet from cli_helpers import _cmd_run from common import ASSETS_DIR, SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE logger = logging.getLogger("NeoLogger") ROBOT_AUTO_KEYWORDS = False def generate_file(size: int = SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE) -> str: """ Function generates a binary file with the specified size in bytes. Args: size (int): the size in bytes, can be declared as 6e+6 for example Returns: (str): the path to the generated file """ file_path = f"{os.getcwd()}/{ASSETS_DIR}/{str(uuid.uuid4())}" with open(file_path, "wb") as fout: fout.write(os.urandom(size)) logger.info(f"file with size {size} bytes has been generated: {file_path}") return file_path @allure.step("Generate file") def generate_file_and_file_hash(size: int) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Function generates a binary file with the specified size in bytes and its hash. Args: size (int): the size in bytes, can be declared as 6e+6 for example Returns: (str): the path to the generated file (str): the hash of the generated file """ file_path = generate_file(size) file_hash = get_file_hash(file_path) return file_path, file_hash @allure.step("Get File Hash") def get_file_hash(filename: str, len: int = None): """ This function generates hash for the specified file. Args: filename (str): the path to the file to generate hash for len (int): how many bytes to read Returns: (str): the hash of the file """ file_hash = hashlib.sha256() with open(filename, "rb") as out: if len: file_hash.update(out.read(len)) else: file_hash.update(out.read()) return file_hash.hexdigest() @allure.step("Generate Wallet") def generate_wallet(): return wallet.init_wallet(ASSETS_DIR) @allure.step("Get Docker Logs") def get_container_logs(testcase_name: str) -> None: client = docker.APIClient(base_url="unix://var/run/docker.sock") logs_dir = os.getenv("${OUTPUT_DIR}") tar_name = f"{logs_dir}/dockerlogs({testcase_name}).tar.gz" tar = tarfile.open(tar_name, "w:gz") for container in client.containers(): container_name = container["Names"][0][1:] if client.inspect_container(container_name)["Config"]["Domainname"] == "neofs.devenv": file_name = f"{logs_dir}/docker_log_{container_name}" with open(file_name, "wb") as out: out.write(client.logs(container_name)) logger.info(f"Collected logs from container {container_name}") tar.add(file_name) os.remove(file_name) tar.close() @allure.step("Make Up") def make_up(services: list = [], config_dict: dict = {}): test_path = os.getcwd() dev_path = os.getenv("DEVENV_PATH", "../neofs-dev-env") os.chdir(dev_path) if len(services) > 0: for service in services: if config_dict != {}: with open(f"{dev_path}/.int_test.env", "a") as out: for key, value in config_dict.items(): out.write(f"{key}={value}") cmd = f"make up/{service}" _cmd_run(cmd) else: cmd = f"make up/basic;" f"make update.max_object_size val={SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE}" _cmd_run(cmd, timeout=120) os.chdir(test_path) @allure.step("Make Down") def make_down(services: list = []): test_path = os.getcwd() dev_path = os.getenv("DEVENV_PATH", "../neofs-dev-env") os.chdir(dev_path) if len(services) > 0: for service in services: cmd = f"make down/{service}" _cmd_run(cmd) with open(f"{dev_path}/.int_test.env", "w"): pass else: cmd = "make down; make clean" _cmd_run(cmd, timeout=60) os.chdir(test_path)