package cmd import ( "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/rand" "encoding/hex" "errors" "fmt" "os" "" "" "" crypto "" "" "" "" ) const ( envPrefix = "NEOFS_CLI" generateKeyConst = "new" ttlDefaultValue = 2 ) // Global scope flags. var ( cfgFile string verbose bool ) // rootCmd represents the base command when called without any subcommands var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "neofs-cli", Short: "Command Line Tool to work with NeoFS", Long: `NeoFS CLI provides all basic interactions with NeoFS and it's services. It contains commands for interaction with NeoFS nodes using different versions of neofs-api and some useful utilities for compiling ACL rules from JSON notation, managing container access through protocol gates, querying network map and much more!`, } var ( errInvalidKey = errors.New("provided key is incorrect") errInvalidEndpoint = errors.New("provided RPC endpoint is incorrect") errCantGenerateKey = errors.New("can't generate new private key") ) // Execute adds all child commands to the root command and sets flags appropriately. // This is called by main.main(). It only needs to happen once to the rootCmd. func Execute() { if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil { os.Exit(1) } } func init() { cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig) // Here you will define your flags and configuration settings. // Cobra supports persistent flags, which, if defined here, // will be global for your application. // use stdout as default output for cmd.Print() rootCmd.SetOut(os.Stdout) rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&cfgFile, "config", "c", "", "config file (default is $HOME/.config/neofs-cli/config.yaml)") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("key", "k", "", "private key in hex, WIF or filepath (use `--key new` to generate key for request)") _ = viper.BindPFlag("key", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("key")) rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("rpc-endpoint", "r", "", "remote node address (as 'multiaddr' or '<host>:<port>')") _ = viper.BindPFlag("rpc", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("rpc-endpoint")) rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Uint32("ttl", ttlDefaultValue, "TTL value in request meta header") _ = viper.BindPFlag("ttl", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("ttl")) rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose output") // Cobra also supports local flags, which will only run // when this action is called directly. // rootCmd.Flags().BoolP("toggle", "t", false, "Help message for toggle") } // initConfig reads in config file and ENV variables if set. func initConfig() { if cfgFile != "" { // Use config file from the flag. viper.SetConfigFile(cfgFile) } else { // Find home directory. home, err := homedir.Dir() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } // Search config in home directory with name ".main" (without extension). viper.AddConfigPath(home) viper.SetConfigName(".config/neofs-cli") } viper.SetEnvPrefix(envPrefix) viper.AutomaticEnv() // read in environment variables that match // If a config file is found, read it in. if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err == nil { printVerbose("Using config file: %s", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) } } // getKey returns private key that was provided in global arguments. func getKey() (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) { privateKey := viper.GetString("key") if privateKey == generateKeyConst { buf := make([]byte, crypto.PrivateKeyCompressedSize) _, err := rand.Read(buf) if err != nil { return nil, errCantGenerateKey } printVerbose("Generating private key:", hex.EncodeToString(buf)) return crypto.UnmarshalPrivateKey(buf) } key, err := crypto.LoadPrivateKey(privateKey) if err != nil { return nil, errInvalidKey } return key, nil } // getEndpointAddress returns network address structure that stores multiaddr // inside, parsed from global arguments. func getEndpointAddress() (*network.Address, error) { endpoint := viper.GetString("rpc") addr, err := network.AddressFromString(endpoint) if err != nil { return nil, errInvalidEndpoint } return addr, nil } // getSDKClient returns default neofs-api-go sdk client. Consider using // opts... to provide TTL or other global configuration flags. func getSDKClient() (*client.Client, error) { key, err := getKey() if err != nil { return nil, err } netAddr, err := getEndpointAddress() if err != nil { return nil, err } ipAddr, err := netAddr.IPAddrString() if err != nil { return nil, errInvalidEndpoint } return client.New(key, client.WithAddress(ipAddr)) } func getTTL() uint32 { ttl := viper.GetUint32("ttl") printVerbose("TTL: %d", ttl) return ttl } // ownerFromString converts string with NEO3 wallet address to neofs owner ID. func ownerFromString(s string) (*owner.ID, error) { result := owner.NewID() err := result.Parse(s) if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("can't decode owner ID wallet address") } return result, nil } func printVerbose(format string, a ...interface{}) { if verbose { fmt.Printf(format+"\n", a...) } }