package internal

import (

	cid ""
	oid ""

// here are small structures with public setters to share between parameter structures

type commonPrm struct {
	cli *client.Client

// SetClient sets the base client for FrostFS API communication.
func (x *commonPrm) SetClient(cli *client.Client) {
	x.cli = cli

type containerIDPrm struct {
	cnrID cid.ID

// SetContainerID sets the container identifier.
func (x *containerIDPrm) SetContainerID(id cid.ID) {
	x.cnrID = id

type bearerTokenPrm struct {
	bearerToken *bearer.Token

// SetBearerToken sets the bearer token to be attached to the request.
func (x *bearerTokenPrm) SetBearerToken(tok *bearer.Token) {
	x.bearerToken = tok

type objectAddressPrm struct {
	objAddr oid.Address

func (x *objectAddressPrm) SetAddress(addr oid.Address) {
	x.objAddr = addr

type rawPrm struct {
	raw bool

// SetRawFlag sets flag of raw request.
func (x *rawPrm) SetRawFlag(raw bool) {
	x.raw = raw

type payloadWriterPrm struct {
	wrt io.Writer

// SetPayloadWriter sets the writer of the object payload.
func (x *payloadWriterPrm) SetPayloadWriter(wrt io.Writer) {
	x.wrt = wrt

type commonObjectPrm struct {

	sessionToken *session.Object

	local bool

	xHeaders []string

// SetTTL sets request TTL value.
func (x *commonObjectPrm) SetTTL(ttl uint32) {
	x.local = ttl < 2

// SetXHeaders sets request X-Headers.
func (x *commonObjectPrm) SetXHeaders(hs []string) {
	x.xHeaders = hs

// SetSessionToken sets the token of the session within which the request should be sent.
func (x *commonObjectPrm) SetSessionToken(tok *session.Object) {
	x.sessionToken = tok