ZhangTao1596 01806db612 [] container/announcement/storage: Map announcements by epoch and container id
Signed-off-by: ZhangTao1596 <>
2021-07-30 09:58:30 +03:00

150 lines
3.3 KiB

package loadstorage
import (
loadcontroller ""
type usedSpaceEstimations struct {
announcement container.UsedSpaceAnnouncement
sizes []uint64
type storageKey struct {
epoch uint64
cid string
// Storage represents in-memory storage of
// UsedSpaceAnnouncement values.
// The write operation has the usual behavior - to save
// the next number of used container space for a specific epoch.
// All values related to one key (epoch, container ID) are stored
// as a list.
// Storage also provides an iterator interface, into the handler
// of which the final score is passed, built on all values saved
// at the time of the call. Currently the only possible estimation
// formula is used - the average between 10th and 90th percentile.
// For correct operation, Storage must be created
// using the constructor (New) based on the required parameters
// and optional components. After successful creation,
// Storage is immediately ready to work through API.
type Storage struct {
mtx sync.RWMutex
mItems map[storageKey]*usedSpaceEstimations
// Prm groups the required parameters of the Storage's constructor.
// The component is not parameterizable at the moment.
type Prm struct{}
// New creates a new instance of the Storage.
// The created Storage does not require additional
// initialization and is completely ready for work.
func New(_ Prm) *Storage {
return &Storage{
mItems: make(map[storageKey]*usedSpaceEstimations),
// Put appends the next value of the occupied container space for the epoch
// to the list of already saved values.
// Always returns nil error.
func (s *Storage) Put(a container.UsedSpaceAnnouncement) error {
key := storageKey{
epoch: a.Epoch(),
cid: a.ContainerID().String(),
estimations, ok := s.mItems[key]
if !ok {
estimations = &usedSpaceEstimations{
announcement: a,
sizes: make([]uint64, 0, 1),
s.mItems[key] = estimations
estimations.sizes = append(estimations.sizes, a.UsedSpace())
return nil
func (s *Storage) Close() error {
return nil
// Iterate goes through all the lists with the key (container ID, epoch),
// calculates the final grade for all values, and passes it to the handler.
// Final grade is the average between 10th and 90th percentiles.
func (s *Storage) Iterate(f loadcontroller.UsedSpaceFilter, h loadcontroller.UsedSpaceHandler) (err error) {
for _, v := range s.mItems {
if f(v.announcement) {
// calculate estimation based on 90th percentile
if err = h(v.announcement); err != nil {
func finalEstimation(vals []uint64) uint64 {
sort.Slice(vals, func(i, j int) bool {
return vals[i] < vals[j]
const (
lowerRank = 10
upperRank = 90
if len(vals) >= lowerRank {
lowerInd := percentile(lowerRank, vals)
upperInd := percentile(upperRank, vals)
vals = vals[lowerInd:upperInd]
sum := uint64(0)
for i := range vals {
sum += vals[i]
return sum / uint64(len(vals))
func percentile(rank int, vals []uint64) int {
p := len(vals) * rank / 100
return p