package logs

const (
	RequestUnmatched                                     = "request unmatched"                                                                                 // Error in ../../api/router.go
	CheckContainer                                       = "check container"                                                                                   // Info in ../../authmate/authmate.go
	CreateContainer                                      = "create container"                                                                                  // Info in ../../authmate/authmate.go
	StoreBearerTokenIntoFrostFS                          = "store bearer token into FrostFS"                                                                   // Info in ../../authmate/authmate.go
	UpdateAccessCredObjectIntoFrostFS                    = "update access cred object into FrostFS"                                                            // Info in ../../authmate/authmate.go
	MetricsAreDisabled                                   = "metrics are disabled"                                                                              // Warn in ../../metrics/app.go
	FoundMoreThanOneUnversionedNode                      = "found more than one unversioned node"                                                              // Debug in ../../pkg/service/tree/tree.go
	ServiceIsRunning                                     = "service is running"                                                                                // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/service.go
	ServiceCouldntStartOnConfiguredPort                  = "service couldn't start on configured port"                                                         // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/service.go
	ServiceHasntStartedSinceItsDisabled                  = "service hasn't started since it's disabled"                                                        // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/service.go
	ShuttingDownService                                  = "shutting down service"                                                                             // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/service.go
	CantGracefullyShutDownService                        = "can't gracefully shut down service, force stop"                                                    // Error in ../../cmd/s3-gw/service.go
	ContainerResolverWillBeDisabled                      = "container resolver will be disabled because of resolvers 'resolver_order' is empty"                // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToInitializeTracing                            = "failed to initialize tracing"                                                                      // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	TracingConfigUpdated                                 = "tracing config updated"                                                                            // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToShutdownTracing                              = "failed to shutdown tracing"                                                                        // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	UsingCredentials                                     = "using credentials"                                                                                 // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	ApplicationStarted                                   = "application started"                                                                               // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	ApplicationFinished                                  = "application finished"                                                                              // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FetchDomainsPrepareToUseAPI                          = "fetch domains, prepare to use API"                                                                 // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	StartingServer                                       = "starting server"                                                                                   // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	StoppingServer                                       = "stopping server"                                                                                   // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	SIGHUPConfigReloadStarted                            = "SIGHUP config reload started"                                                                      // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToReloadConfigBecauseItsMissed                 = "failed to reload config because it's missed"                                                       // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToReloadConfig                                 = "failed to reload config"                                                                           // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToReloadResolvers                              = "failed to reload resolvers"                                                                        // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToReloadServerParameters                       = "failed to reload server parameters"                                                                // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	SIGHUPConfigReloadCompleted                          = "SIGHUP config reload completed"                                                                    // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	LogLevelWontBeUpdated                                = "log level won't be updated"                                                                        // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToAddServer                                    = "failed to add server"                                                                              // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	AddServer                                            = "add server"                                                                                        // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	ResolverNNSWontBeUsedSinceRPCEndpointIsntProvided    = "resolver 'nns' won't be used since 'rpc_endpoint' isn't provided"                                  // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	InvalidLifetimeUsingDefaultValue                     = "invalid lifetime, using default value (in seconds)"                                                // Error in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	InvalidCacheSizeUsingDefaultValue                    = "invalid cache size, using default value"                                                           // Error in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	FailedToParseDefaultLocationConstraint               = "failed to parse 'default' location constraint, default one will be used"                           // Warn in cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	FailedToReadRegionMapFilePolicies                    = "failed to read region map file, policies will be empty"                                            // Warn in cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	DefaultLocationConstraintCantBeOverriden             = "'default' location constraint can't be overriden by custom policy, use 'placement_policy.default'" // Warn in cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	FailedToParseLocationConstraint                      = "failed to parse location constraint, it cannot be used"                                            // Warn in cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	FailedToParseDefaultCopiesNumbers                    = "failed to parse 'default' copies numbers, default one will be used"                                // Warn in cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	FailedToParseCopiesNumbers                           = "failed to parse copies numbers, skip"                                                              // Warn in cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	DefaultNamespacesCannotBeEmpty                       = "default namespaces cannot be empty, defaults will be used"                                         // Warn in cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	FailedToParseNamespacesConfig                        = "failed to unmarshal namespaces config"                                                             // Warn in cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	DefaultNamespaceConfigValuesBeOverwritten            = "default namespace config value be overwritten by values from 'namespaces.config'"                  // Warn in cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	MultipleDefaultOverridesFound                        = "multiple default overrides found, only one will be used"                                           // Warn in cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	FailedToParseDefaultDefaultLocationConstraint        = "failed to parse default 'default' location constraint"                                             // Fatal in cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	ConstraintAdded                                      = "constraint added"                                                                                  // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	SkipEmptyAddress                                     = "skip, empty address"                                                                               // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	AddedStoragePeer                                     = "added storage peer"                                                                                // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	PrepareConnectionPool                                = "prepare connection pool"                                                                           // Debug in ../../cmd/s3-authmate/modules/utils.go
	PrepareFrostfsIDClient                               = "prepare frostfsid client"                                                                          // Debug in ../../cmd/s3-authmate/modules/utils.go
	PreparePolicyClient                                  = "prepare policy client"                                                                             // Debug in ../../cmd/s3-authmate/modules/utils.go
	CreateSubjectInFrostFSID                             = "create subject in frostfsid"                                                                       // Debug in ../../cmd/s3-authmate/modules/utils.go
	SubjectAlreadyExistsInFrostFSID                      = "subject already exists in frostfsid"                                                               // Debug in ../../cmd/s3-authmate/modules/utils.go
	SetSubjectNameInFrostFSID                            = "set subject name in frostfsid"                                                                     // Debug in ../../cmd/s3-authmate/modules/utils.go
	AddPolicyChainRules                                  = "add policy chain rules"                                                                            // Debug in ../../cmd/s3-authmate/modules/utils.go
	InvalidCacheEntryType                                = "invalid cache entry type"                                                                          // Warn in ../../api/cache/*
	InvalidCacheKeyType                                  = "invalid cache key type"                                                                            // Warn in ../../api/cache/objectslist.go
	ObjectIsCopied                                       = "object is copied"                                                                                  // Info in ../../api/handler/copy.go
	RequestFailed                                        = "request failed"                                                                                    // Error in ../../api/handler/util.go
	GetBucketInfo                                        = "get bucket info"                                                                                   // Warn in ../../api/handler/cors.go
	GetBucketCors                                        = "get bucket cors"                                                                                   // Warn in ../../api/handler/cors.go
	CouldntDeleteObject                                  = "couldn't delete object"                                                                            // Error in ../../api/layer/layer.go
	BucketIsCreated                                      = "bucket is created"                                                                                 // Info in ../../api/handler/put.go
	CouldNotParseContainerObjectLockEnabledAttribute     = "could not parse container object lock enabled attribute"                                           // Error in ../../api/layer/container.go
	CouldNotListUserContainers                           = "could not list user containers"                                                                    // Error in ../../api/layer/container.go
	CouldNotFetchContainerInfo                           = "could not fetch container info"                                                                    // Error in ../../api/layer/container.go
	MismatchedObjEncryptionInfo                          = "mismatched obj encryptionInfo"                                                                     // Warn in ../../api/layer/multipart_upload.go
	UploadPart                                           = "upload part"                                                                                       // Debug in ../../api/layer/multipart_upload.go
	CouldntDeleteOldPartObject                           = "couldn't delete old part object"                                                                   // Error in ../../api/layer/multipart_upload.go
	CouldNotPutCompletedObject                           = "could not put a completed object (multipart upload)"                                               // Error in ../../api/layer/multipart_upload.go
	CouldNotDeleteUploadPart                             = "could not delete upload part"                                                                      // Warn in ../../api/layer/multipart_upload.go
	CouldntDeletePart                                    = "couldn't delete part"                                                                              // Warn in ../../api/layer/multipart_upload.go
	PartDetails                                          = "part details"                                                                                      // Debug in ../../api/layer/multipart_upload.go
	GetObject                                            = "get object"                                                                                        // Debug in ../../api/layer/layer.go
	ResolveBucket                                        = "resolve bucket"                                                                                    // Info in ../../api/layer/layer.go
	CouldntDeleteCorsObject                              = "couldn't delete cors object"                                                                       // Error in ../../api/layer/cors.go
	PutObject                                            = "put object"                                                                                        // Debug in ../../api/layer/object.go
	FailedToDeleteObject                                 = "failed to delete object"                                                                           // Debug in ../../api/layer/object.go
	FailedToDiscardPutPayloadProbablyGoroutineLeaks      = "failed to discard put payload, probably goroutine leaks"                                           // Warn in ../../api/layer/object.go
	FailedToSubmitTaskToPool                             = "failed to submit task to pool"                                                                     // Warn in ../../api/layer/object.go
	CouldNotFetchObjectMeta                              = "could not fetch object meta"                                                                       // Warn in ../../api/layer/object.go
	GetTreeNode                                          = "get tree node"                                                                                     // Debug in ../../api/layer/tagging.go
	GetTreeNodeToDelete                                  = "get tree node to delete"                                                                           // Debug in ../../api/layer/tagging.go
	CouldntPutBucketInfoIntoCache                        = "couldn't put bucket info into cache"                                                               // Warn in ../../api/layer/cache.go
	CouldntAddObjectToCache                              = "couldn't add object to cache"                                                                      // Warn in ../../api/layer/cache.go
	CouldntCacheAccessControlOperation                   = "couldn't cache access control operation"                                                           // Warn in ../../api/layer/cache.go
	CouldntPutObjAddressToNameCache                      = "couldn't put obj address to name cache"                                                            // Warn in ../../api/layer/cache.go
	CouldntCacheListOfObjects                            = "couldn't cache list of objects"                                                                    // Warn in ../../api/layer/cache.go
	CouldntCacheListSession                              = "couldn't cache list session"                                                                       // Warn in ../../api/layer/cache.go
	CouldntCacheTags                                     = "couldn't cache tags"                                                                               // Error in ../../api/layer/cache.go
	CouldntCacheLockInfo                                 = "couldn't cache lock info"                                                                          // Error in ../../api/layer/cache.go
	CouldntCacheBucketSettings                           = "couldn't cache bucket settings"                                                                    // Warn in ../../api/layer/cache.go
	CouldntCacheCors                                     = "couldn't cache cors"                                                                               // Warn in ../../api/layer/cache.go
	CouldntCacheListPolicyChains                         = "couldn't cache list policy chains"                                                                 // Warn in ../../api/layer/cache.go
	RequestEnd                                           = "request end"                                                                                       // Info in ../../api/middleware/response.go
	CouldntReceiveAccessBoxForGateKeyRandomKeyWillBeUsed = "couldn't receive access box for gate key, random key will be used"                                 // Debug in ../../api/middleware/auth.go
	FailedToPassAuthentication                           = "failed to pass authentication"                                                                     // Error in ../../api/middleware/auth.go
	FailedToResolveCID                                   = "failed to resolve CID"                                                                             // Debug in ../../api/middleware/metrics.go
	RequestStart                                         = "request start"                                                                                     // Info in ../../api/middleware/reqinfo.go
	FailedToUnescapeObjectName                           = "failed to unescape object name"                                                                    // Warn in ../../api/middleware/reqinfo.go
	InvalidDefaultMaxAge                                 = "invalid defaultMaxAge"                                                                             // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app_settings.go
	CantShutDownService                                  = "can't shut down service"                                                                           // Panic in ../../cmd/s3-gw/service.go
	CouldntGenerateRandomKey                             = "couldn't generate random key"                                                                      // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToCreateResolver                               = "failed to create resolver"                                                                         // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	CouldNotLoadFrostFSPrivateKey                        = "could not load FrostFS private key"                                                                // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToCreateConnectionPool                         = "failed to create connection pool"                                                                  // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToDialConnectionPool                           = "failed to dial connection pool"                                                                    // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToCreateTreePool                               = "failed to create tree pool"                                                                        // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	FailedToDialTreePool                                 = "failed to dial tree pool"                                                                          // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	ListenAndServe                                       = "listen and serve"                                                                                  // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	NoHealthyServers                                     = "no healthy servers"                                                                                // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	CouldNotInitializeAPIHandler                         = "could not initialize API handler"                                                                  // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	RuntimeSoftMemoryDefinedWithGOMEMLIMIT               = "soft runtime memory defined with GOMEMLIMIT environment variable, config value skipped"            // Warn in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	RuntimeSoftMemoryLimitUpdated                        = "soft runtime memory limit value updated"                                                           // Info in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	AnonRequestSkipFrostfsIDValidation                   = "anon request, skip FrostfsID validation"                                                           // Debug in ../../api/middleware/auth.go
	FrostfsIDValidationFailed                            = "FrostfsID validation failed"                                                                       // Error in ../../api/middleware/auth.go
	InitFrostfsIDContractFailed                          = "init frostfsid contract failed"                                                                    // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	InitPolicyContractFailed                             = "init policy contract failed"                                                                       // Fatal in ../../cmd/s3-gw/app.go
	PolicyValidationFailed                               = "policy validation failed"
	ServerReconnecting                                   = "reconnecting server..."
	ServerReconnectedSuccessfully                        = "server reconnected successfully"
	ServerReconnectFailed                                = "failed to reconnect server"
	ParseTreeNode                                        = "parse tree node"
	FailedToGetRealObjectSize                            = "failed to get real object size"
	CouldntDeleteObjectFromStorageContinueDeleting       = "couldn't delete object from storage, continue deleting from tree"
	CouldntPutAccessBoxIntoCache                         = "couldn't put accessbox into cache"
	InvalidAccessBoxCacheRemovingCheckInterval           = "invalid accessbox check removing interval, using default value"
	CouldNotCloseRequestBody                             = "could not close request body"
	BucketOwnerKeyIsMissing                              = "bucket owner key is missing"
	SettingsNodeInvalidOwnerKey                          = "settings node: invalid owner key"
	SuccessfulAuth                                       = "successful auth"
	PolicyRequest                                        = "policy request"
	FailedToGenerateRequestID                            = "failed to generate request id"
	InvalidBucketObjectLockEnabledHeader                 = "invalid X-Amz-Bucket-Object-Lock-Enabled header"
	InvalidTreeKV                                        = "invalid tree service meta KV"
	FailedToWriteResponse                                = "failed to write response"
	WarnDuplicateAddress                                 = "duplicate address"
	PolicyCouldntBeConvertedToNativeRules                = "policy couldn't be converted to native rules, only s3 rules be applied"
	CouldntCacheSubject                                  = "couldn't cache subject info"
	UserGroupsListIsEmpty                                = "user groups list is empty, subject not found"
	CouldntCacheUserKey                                  = "couldn't cache user key"
	ObjectTaggingNodeHasMultipleIDs                      = "object tagging node has multiple ids"
	BucketTaggingNodeHasMultipleIDs                      = "bucket tagging node has multiple ids"
	BucketSettingsNodeHasMultipleIDs                     = "bucket settings node has multiple ids"
	BucketCORSNodeHasMultipleIDs                         = "bucket cors node has multiple ids"
	SystemNodeHasMultipleIDs                             = "system node has multiple ids"
	FailedToRemoveOldSystemNode                          = "failed to remove old system node"
	FailedToParseAddressInTreeNode                       = "failed to parse object addr in tree node"
	UnexpectedMultiNodeIDsInSubTreeMultiParts            = "unexpected multi node ids in sub tree multi parts"
	FoundSeveralSystemNodes                              = "found several system nodes"
	FailedToParsePartInfo                                = "failed to parse part info"
	CouldNotFetchCORSContainerInfo                       = "couldn't fetch CORS container info"
	CloseCredsObjectPayload                              = "close creds object payload"