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2018-11-01 07:46:13 +00:00
# Step Certificates
An online certificate authority and related tools for secure automated
certificate management, so you can use TLS everywhere.
For more information and docs see [the Step website](https://smallstep.com/cli/)
and the [blog post](https://smallstep.com/blog/zero-trust-swiss-army-knife.html)
announcing Step Certificate Authority.
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## Why?
Managing your own *public key infrastructure* (PKI) can be tedious and error
prone. Good security hygiene is hard. Setting up simple PKI is out of reach for
many small teams, and following best practices like proper certificate revocation
and rolling is challenging even for experts.
This project is part of smallstep's broader security architecture, which makes
it much easier to implement good security practices early, and incrementally
improve them as your system matures.
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### Table of Contents
- [Installing](#installing)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Terminology](#terminology)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
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- [Commonly Asked Questions](docs/common-questions.md)
- [Recommended Defaults](docs/recommendations.md)
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- [Versioning](#versioning)
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- [How To Create A New Release](docs/distribution.md)
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## Installing
These instructions will install an OS specific version of the `step` binary on
your local machine.
### Mac OS
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Install `step` via [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/):
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2018-11-12 22:19:30 +00:00
brew install smallstep/smallstep/step
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### Linux
Download the latest Debian package from [releases](https://github.com/smallstep/certificates/releases):
wget https://github.com/smallstep/certificates/releases/download/X.Y.Z/step_X.Y.Z_amd64.deb
Install the Debian package:
sudo dpkg -i step-ca_X.Y.Z_amd64.deb
## Documentation
Documentation can be found in three places:
1. On the command line with `step ca help xxx` where `xxx` is the subcommand you are interested in. Ex: `step help ca provisioners list`
2. On the web at https://smallstep.com/docs/step-ca
3. In your browser with `step ca help --http :8080` and visiting http://localhost:8080
## Terminology
### PKI - Public Key Infrastructure
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A set of roles, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute,
use, store, and revoke digital certificates and manage public-key encryption.
The purpose of a PKI is to facilitate the secure electronic transfer of
information for a range of network activities.
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### Provisioners
Provisioners are people or code that are registered with the CA and authorized
to issue "provisioning tokens". Provisioning tokens are single use tokens that
can be used to authenticate with the CA and get a certificate.
## Getting Started
Demonstrates setting up your own PKI and certificate authority using `step ca`
and getting certificates using the `step` command line tool and SDK.
### Prerequisites
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1. [Step Cli](https://github.com/smallstep/cli/blob/master/README.md#installing)
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2. [Step CA](#installing)
### Initializing PKI and configuring the Certificate Authority
To initialize a PKI and configure the Step Certificate Authority run:
step ca init
You'll be asked for a name for your PKI. This name will appear in your CA
certificates. It doesn't really matter what you choose. The name of your
organization or your project will suffice.
If you run:
tree .
You should see:
├── config
│   └── ca.json
└── secrets
├── intermediate_ca.crt
├── intermediate_ca_key
├── root_ca.crt
├── root_ca_key
The files created include:
* `root_ca.crt` and `root_ca_key`: the root certificate and private key for
your PKI
* `intermediate_ca.crt` and `intermediate_ca_key`: the intermediate certificate
and private key that will be used to sign leaf certificates
* `ca.json`: the configuration file necessary for running the Step CA.
All of the files endinging in `_key` are password protected using the password
you chose during PKI initialization.
### What's Inside `ca.json`?
`ca.json` is responsible for configuring communication, authorization, and
default new certificate values for the Step CA. Below is a short list of
definitions and descriptions of available configuration attributes.
* `root`: location of the root certificate on the filesystem. The root certificate
is used to mutually authenticate all api clients of the CA.
* `crt`: location of the intermediate certificate on the filesystem. The
intermediate certificate is returned alongside each new certificate,
allowing the client to complete the certificate chain.
* `key`: location of the intermediate private key on the filesystem. The
intermediate key signs all new certificates generated by the CA.
* `password`: optionally store the password for decrypting the intermediate private
key (this should be the same password you chose during PKI initialization). If
the value is not stored in configuration then you will be prompted for it when
starting the CA.
* `address`: e.g. `` - address and port on which the CA will bind
and respond to requests.
* `dnsNames`: comma separated list of DNS Name(s) for the CA.
* `logger`: the default logging format for the CA is `text`. The other options
is `json`.
* `tls`: settings for negotiating communication with the CA; includes acceptable
ciphersuites, min/max TLS version, etc.
* `authority`: controls the request authorization and signature processes.
- `template`: default ASN1DN values for new certificates.
- `claims`: default validation for requested attributes in the certificate request.
Can be overriden by similar claims objects defined by individual provisioners.
* `minTLSCertDuration`: do not allow certificates with a duration less
than this value.
* `maxTLSCertDuration`: do not allow certificates with a duration greater
than this value.
* `defaultTLSCertDuration`: if not certificat validity period is specified,
use this value.
* `disableIssuedAtCheck`: disable a check verifying that provisioning
tokens must be issued after the CA has booted. This is one prevention
against token reuse. The default value is `false`. Do not change this
unless you know what you are doing.
- `provisioners`: list of provisioners. Each provisioner has a `name`,
associated public/private keys, and an optional `claims` attribute that will
override any values set in the global `claims` directly underneath `authority`.
`step ca init` will generate one provisioner. New provisioners can be added by
running `step ca provisioner add`.
### Running the CA
To start the CA run:
step-ca $STEPPATH/config/ca.step
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Consider populating a `defaults.json` file with a few variables that will
make your command line experience much more pleasant.
### Set your defaults
$ cat > $STEPPATH/config/defaults.json
"ca-url": "https://<dns-name>:<port>",
"ca-config": "/home/user/.step/config/ca.json"
"root": "/home/user/.step/secrets/root_ca.crt"
**ca-curl**: Use the DNS name and port that you used when initializing the CA.
**root**: Path to the root certificate on the file system.
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You can always override these values with command-line flags.
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### Reload
It is important that the CA be able to handle configuration changes with no downtime.
Our CA has a built in `reload` function allowing it to:
1. Finish processing existing connections while blocking new ones.
2. Parse the configuration file and re-initialize the API.
3. Begin accepting blocked and new connections.
`reload` is triggered by sending a SIGHUP to the PID (see `man kill`
for your OS) of the Step CA process. A few important details to note when using `reload`:
* The location of the modified configuration must be in the same location as it
was in the original invocation of `step-ca`. So, if the original command was
$ step-ca ./.step/config/ca.json
then, upon `reload`, the Step CA will read it's new configuration from the same
configuration file.
* Step CA requires the password to decrypt the intermediate certificate again
upon `reload`. You can auotmate this in one of two ways:
* Use the `--password-file` flag in the original invocation.
* Use the top level `password` attribute in the `ca.json` configuration file.
## Versioning
We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. For the versions available,
see the [tags on this repository](https://github.com/smallstep/cli).
### Let's issue a certificate!
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There are two steps to issuing a certificate at the command line:
1. Generate a provisioning token using your provisioning credentials.
2. Generate a CSR and exchange it, along with the provisioning token, for a certificate.
If you would like to generate a certificate from the command line, the Step CLI
provides a single command that will prompt you to select and decrypt an
authorized provisioner and then request a new certificate.
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$ step ca certificate "foo.example.com" foo.crt foo.key
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If you would like to generate certificates on demand from an automated
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configuration management solution (no user input) you would split the above flow
into two commands.
$ TOKEN=$(step ca token foo.example.com \
2018-11-01 07:46:13 +00:00
--kid 4vn46fbZT68Uxfs9LBwHkTvrjEvxQqx-W8nnE-qDjts \
--ca-url https://ca.example.com \
--root /path/to/root_ca.crt --password-file /path/to/provisioner/password)
$ step ca certificate "foo.example.com" foo.crt foo.key --token "$TOKEN" \
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--ca-url https://ca.example.com --root /path/to/root_ca.crt
You can take a closer look at the contents of the certificate using `step certificate inspect`:
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$ step certificate inspect foo.crt
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### List|Add|Remove Provisioners
The Step CA configuration is initialized with one provisioner; one entity
that is authorized by the CA to generate provisioning tokens for new certificates.
We encourage you to have many provisioners - ideally one for each entity in your
**Why should I be using multiple provisioners?**
* Each certificate generated by the Step CA contains the ID of the provisioner
that issued the *provisioning token* authorizing the creation of the cert. This
ID is stored in the X.509 ExtraExtensions of the certificate under
`OID:` and can be inspected by running `step
certificate inspect foo.crt`. These IDs can and should be used to debug and
gather information about the origin of a certificate. If every member of your
ops team and the configuration management tools all use the same provisioner
to authorize new certificates you lose valuable visibility into the workings
of your PKI.
* Each provisioner should require a **unique** password to decrypt it's private key
-- we can generate unique passwords for you but we can't force you to use them.
If you only have one provisioner then every entity in the infrastructure will
need access to that one password. Jim from your dev ops team should not be using
the same provisioner/password combo to authorize certificates for debugging as
Chef is for your CICD - no matter how trustworthy Jim says he is.
Let's begin by listing the existing provisioners:
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$ bin/step ca provisioner list
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Now let's add a provisioner for Jim.
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$ bin/step ca provisioner add jim@smallstep.com --create
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**NOTE**: This change will not affect the Step CA until a reload is forced by
sending a SIGHUP signal to the process.
List the provisioners again and you will see that nothing has changed.
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$ bin/step ca provisioner list
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Now let's reload the CA. You will need to re-enter your intermediate
password unless it's in your `ca.json` or your are using `--password-file`.
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$ ps aux | grep step-ca # to get the PID
$ kill -1 <pid>
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Once the CA is running again, list the provisioners, again.
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$ bin/step ca provisioner list
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Boom! Magic.
Now suppose Jim forgets his password ('come on Jim!'), and he'd like to remove
his old provisioner. Get the `kid` (Key ID) of Jim's provisioner by listing
the provisioners and finding the appropriate one. Then run:
$ bin/step ca provisioner remove jim@smallstep.com --kid <kid>
Then reload the CA and verify that Jim's provisioner is no longer returned
in the provisioner list.
We can also remove all of Jim's provisioners, supposing Jim forgot all the passwords
('really Jim?'), by running the following:
$ bin/step ca provisioner remove jim@smallstep.com --all
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The same entity may have multiple provisioners for authorizing different
types of certs. Each of these provisioners must have unique keys.
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## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the
[LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for details
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### Individual Contributor License
[![CLA assistant](https://cla-assistant.io/readme/badge/smallstep/certificates)](https://cla-assistant.io/smallstep/certificates)