forked from TrueCloudLab/certificates
Added example for custom claims (#39)
Add docs and examples for custom claims
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 229 additions and 55 deletions
@ -379,6 +379,80 @@ $ bin/step ca provisioner remove --all
The same entity may have multiple provisioners for authorizing different
types of certs. Each of these provisioners must have unique keys.
## Use Custom Claims for Provisioners to Control Certificate Validity etc
It's possible to configure provisioners on the CA to issue certs using propoerties specific to their target environments. Most commonly different validity periods and disabling renewals for certs. Here's how:
$ step ca init
# complete the init steps
$ step ca provisioner add --create
# lets create a provisioner for dev certs
Please enter a password to encrypt the provisioner private key? password
# add claims inside a provisioner element in ~/.step/config/ca.json
"authority": {
"provisioners": [
"name": "",
"type": "jwk",
"key": {
"use": "sig",
"kty": "EC",
"kid": "Kg43gSukHnl8f5NztLPDxqpz_9TNUILnMrIMIa70jOU",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"x": "So0JVWFFXo-6GmDwq6WWZZk-AFZt5GKTx5PzdLhdsrQ",
"y": "kVz8pCl2Qx9fZmJZhXGrHpufwNDTp7oHwi8Zaj7rhiQ"
"encryptedKey": "...",
+ "claims": {
+ "minTLSCertDuration": "5s",
+ "maxTLSCertDuration": "12h",
+ "defaultTLSCertDuration": "2h",
+ "disableRenewal": true
+ }
# launch CA...
$ step-ca $(step path)/config/ca.json
Please enter the password to decrypt ~/.step/secrets/intermediate_ca_key: password
2019/02/21 12:09:51 Serving HTTPS on :9443 ...
Please [`step ca provisioner`]('s docs for details on all available claims properties. The durations are strings which are a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
Now certs issued by the `` provisioner will be valid for two hours and deny renewals. Command line flags allow validity extension up to 12h, please see [`step ca certificate`]('s docs for details.
# grab a cert, will also work with 'step ca token' flow
$ step ca certificate localhost site.crt site.key
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
What provisioner key do you want to use?
IY7gYg_cDKmXtcs1sbhdBDDb9K9YvLO5aHzArjaayso (
▸ uBYWYDCpeJu_IYzMGPZ1LJJTdlaiJQfdpkOVewbjy-8 (
✔ Please enter the password to decrypt the provisioner key: password
✔ CA:
✔ Certificate: site.crt
✔ Private Key: site.key
$ step certificate inspect site.crt --format json | jq .validity
"start": "2019-02-21T20:19:06Z",
"end": "2019-02-21T22:19:06Z",
"length": 7200
# renewals will be denied for certs issued by this provisioner
$ step ca renew site.crt site.key
error renewing certificate: Unauthorized
## Notes on Securing the Step CA and your PKI.
In this section we recommend a few best practices when it comes to
@ -555,6 +555,69 @@ Hello kube_client (cert issued by 'Smallstep Kubernetes Root CA') at 2019-01-28
Since the demo server is enrolled with the federated `Cloud CA` that trusts certs issued by the `Kubernetes CA` through federation the connection is successfully established.
## Custom certificate validity periods using Custom Claims
Bring up the certificate authority with the example:
certificates $ step-ca examples/pki/config/ca.json
2019/03/11 13:37:03 Serving HTTPS on :9000 ...
The example comes with multiple provisioner options, two of which have custom claims to expand the validity of certificates:
$ step ca provisioner list | jq '.[] | "\(.name): \(.claims.defaultTLSCertDuration)"'
# null means step default of 24h for cert validity
" null"
" 2m0s"
"decade: 87600h0m0s"
"90days: 2160h0m0s"
A closer look at a duration-bound provisioner, `90days` for instance, reveals the custom configuration for certificate validity.
$ step ca provisioner list | jq '.[3].claims'
"maxTLSCertDuration": "2160h0m0s",
"defaultTLSCertDuration": "2160h0m0s"
Certificates with different validity periods can be generated using the respective provisioners.
The durations are strings which are a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
Please see [Getting Started]( in the docs directory to learn what custom claims configuration options are available and how to use them.
$ step ca certificate decade decade.crt decade.key
✔ Key ID: iu7VZxKUcquv1BCWuvEUOyRy4zYyCmgt61OpRW5VbRE (decade)
✔ Please enter the password to decrypt the provisioner key: password
✔ CA: https://localhost:9000/1.0/sign
✔ Certificate: decade.crt
✔ Private Key: decade.key
$ step certificate inspect --format json decade.crt | jq .validity
"start": "2019-03-11T22:34:30Z",
"end": "2029-03-08T22:34:30Z",
"length": 315360000
$ step ca certificate 90days 90days.crt 90days.key
✔ Key ID: 2LgjIvfirblnFMC6FjUr8jYkO8nOqz4rKoarCc8kiGU (90days)
✔ Please enter the password to decrypt the provisioner key: password
✔ CA: https://localhost:9000/1.0/sign
✔ Certificate: 90days.crt
✔ Private Key: 90days.key
$ step certificate inspect --format json 90days.crt | jq .validity
"start": "2019-03-11T22:35:39Z",
"end": "2019-06-09T22:35:39Z",
"length": 7776000
## Configuration Management Tools
Configuration management tools such as Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Salt, etc. make
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"root": "examples/pki/secrets/root_ca.crt",
"federatedRoots": null,
"crt": "examples/pki/secrets/intermediate_ca.crt",
"key": "examples/pki/secrets/intermediate_ca_key",
"password": "password",
"address": ":9000",
"dnsNames": [
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
"authority": {
"provisioners": [
"name": "",
"type": "jwk",
"name": "",
"key": {
"use": "sig",
"kty": "EC",
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
"encryptedKey": "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzI1NitBMTI4S1ciLCJjdHkiOiJqd2sranNvbiIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00iLCJwMmMiOjEwMDAwMCwicDJzIjoiOTFVWjdzRGw3RlNXcldfX1I1NUh3USJ9.FcWtrBDNgrkA33G9Ll9sXh1cPF-3jVXeYe1FLmSDc_Q2PmfLOPvJOA.0ZoN32ayaRWnufJb.WrkffMmDLWiq1-2kn-w7-kVBGW12gjNCBHNHB1hyEdED0rWH1YWpKd8FjoOACdJyLhSn4kAS3Lw5AH7fvO27A48zzvoxZU5EgSm5HG9IjkIH-LBJ-v79ShkpmPylchgjkFhxa5epD11OIK4rFmI7s-0BCjmJokLR_DZBhDMw2khGnsr_MEOfAz9UnqXaQ4MIy8eT52xUpx68gpWFlz2YP3EqiYyNEv0PpjMtyP5lO2i8-p8BqvuJdus9H3fO5Dg-1KVto1wuqh4BQ2JKTauv60QAnM_4sdxRHku3F_nV64SCrZfDvnN2ve21raFROtyXaqHZhN6lyoPxDncy8v4.biaOblEe0N-gMpJyFZ-3-A"
"name": "",
"type": "jwk",
"name": "",
"key": {
"use": "sig",
"kty": "EC",
@ -40,19 +40,56 @@
"encryptedKey": "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzI1NitBMTI4S1ciLCJjdHkiOiJqd2sranNvbiIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00iLCJwMmMiOjEwMDAwMCwicDJzIjoiVERQS2dzcEItTUR4ZDJxTGo0VlpwdyJ9.2_j0cZgTm2eFkZ-hrtr1hBIvLxN0w3TZhbX0Jrrq7vBMaywhgFcGTA.mCasZCbZJ-JT7vjA.bW052WDKSf_ueEXq1dyxLq0n3qXWRO-LXr7OzBLdUKWKSBGQrzqS5KJWqdUCPoMIHTqpwYvm-iD6uFlcxKBYxnsAG_hoq_V3icvvwNQQSd_q7Thxr2_KtPIDJWNuX1t5qXp11hkgb-8d5HO93CmN7xNDG89pzSUepT6RYXOZ483mP5fre9qzkfnrjx3oPROCnf3SnIVUvqk7fwfXuniNsg3NrNqncHYUQNReiq3e9I1R60w0ZQTvIReY7-zfiq7iPgVqmu5I7XGgFK4iBv0L7UOEora65b4hRWeLxg5t7OCfUqrS9yxAk8FdjFb9sEfjopWViPRepB0dYPH8dVI.fb6-7XWqp0j6CR9Li0NI-Q",
"claims": {
"minTLSCertDuration": "60s",
"defaultTLSCertDuration": "120s"
"minTLSCertDuration": "1m0s",
"defaultTLSCertDuration": "2m0s"
"type": "jwk",
"name": "decade",
"key": {
"use": "sig",
"kty": "EC",
"kid": "iu7VZxKUcquv1BCWuvEUOyRy4zYyCmgt61OpRW5VbRE",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"x": "PExnlmHxnnfpvp4bznMKbA6L_9Bk9ZhtsmvbOwh9Kys",
"y": "rrMPGvxscRzDdOYtZ1wsxeQjuuFl0nSzkwTHV_P-K-Y"
"claims": {
"maxTLSCertDuration": "87600h",
"defaultTLSCertDuration": "87600h"
"encryptedKey": "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzI1NitBMTI4S1ciLCJjdHkiOiJqd2sranNvbiIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00iLCJwMmMiOjEwMDAwMCwicDJzIjoiZS1OVzRaZlBUNjFCUmR1bjJyNk9OZyJ9.zjToJ_Od6RIzVmo0cnmLZ69am410ftfBW594qNt60KmKX6JEWUufhA.kSrC74fKK3CkqiNS.G-oUqQhYMFIKuSj8thg9B5TeiaIMsQ-o_PTxIZE-Qb8TDU15ehPAsuIQmnbM6dSpkSGCmZgHTscp3xgLyv6QEBBjUHBpLwciWyipj1KBZDKSgLKeV6G2NiVBMETOaD1DsX3DxrHM-K3T1chXJFMJfkDSx1OEtaVfzqVYLyvNb5y_26oeRNSNYuTLzOrk6Ebr6KJE6lSWpvu1dtOrDAhTErouC56EQu2fTeDCa9eN50iRs4OjmF6FtBlR63h6FkvbmjJWC3zbIOe2RXRQx0Po6_dnKXSIqs7JMZSBerlgw6jzHme8YvqBqc2Ccy4Y4gJ23nwLkcsOVuFNdk6Nb7s.SB296DDrS-Wi4a9x_TGv4A"
"type": "jwk",
"name": "90days",
"key": {
"use": "sig",
"kty": "EC",
"kid": "2LgjIvfirblnFMC6FjUr8jYkO8nOqz4rKoarCc8kiGU",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"x": "iHFHMN91iFUDLh2LweFj6o0gDJ-pdmBY4IFIBNfUqd4",
"y": "Yfym7KtzZQaQc1gQoT81ggNBPvAdV_0CW0A5mQgOsOc"
"claims": {
"maxTLSCertDuration": "2160h",
"defaultTLSCertDuration": "2160h"
"encryptedKey": "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzI1NitBMTI4S1ciLCJjdHkiOiJqd2sranNvbiIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00iLCJwMmMiOjEwMDAwMCwicDJzIjoiYk9XV0ZUN29uZldtZTdvbzdCMFZOdyJ9.p3gs2xd-Bdtwz1WGzQUZrcZeA8mpaMn_R_wTInpzZ9G1vIeRk-9T4g.RQNXmZP8uAzF1n8b.WpLqmNV_I0RIetdID2ag-igZryM8ekSimaHrXKoEpRAlBdBDZC-9qkbrJPNcTPRUi-29iZiBxKQ-0GX7ytiyulrQl7UfxUSrtT5vjhJEthSOGYXAOerUAnodGjpLCtIueTwVl6KJA2bXUapUd9xFn3DXfVgFagwqo1MrXKuIR0R5A4sjmEx8d2Kn_KQr0ZNnSOaAod2os4tmh3A87u9Jb51FMxhP-8Qbn7ff-RXwT_015C64Ux1zzS-ok89XbTgyfGxkah0-fVFAgS0zosHLI3C_pvumcglmFXZz7otH596BAU_QkqME6X-PGte6j6eldFobP_96tBxOhIRgVKw.Ky4xLbQZEGaBPjGJnKurng"
"tls": {
"cipherSuites": [
"minVersion": 1.2,
"maxVersion": 1.2,
"renegotiation": false
"password": "password"
Add table
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