PKG? BINNAME?=step-ca # Set V to 1 for verbose output from the Makefile Q=$(if $V,,@) PREFIX?= SRC=$(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*") GOOS_OVERRIDE ?= # Set shell to bash for `echo -e` SHELL := /bin/bash all: build lint test .PHONY: all ######################################### # Bootstrapping ######################################### bootstra%: $Q which dep || go get $Q dep ensure vendor: Gopkg.lock $Q dep ensure BOOTSTRAP=\ \ \ \ \ define VENDOR_BIN_TMPL vendor/bin/$(notdir $(1)): vendor $Q go build -o $$@ ./vendor/$(1) VENDOR_BINS += vendor/bin/$(notdir $(1)) endef $(foreach pkg,$(BOOTSTRAP),$(eval $(call VENDOR_BIN_TMPL,$(pkg)))) .PHONY: bootstra% vendor ################################################# # Determine the type of `push` and `version` ################################################# # Version flags to embed in the binaries VERSION ?= $(shell [ -d .git ] && git describe --tags --always --dirty="-dev") VERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/^v//') # If TRAVIS_TAG is set then we know this ref has been tagged. ifdef TRAVIS_TAG PUSHTYPE=release else PUSHTYPE=master endif ######################################### # Build ######################################### DATE := $(shell date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC') LDFLAGS := -ldflags='-w -X "main.Version=$(VERSION)" -X "main.BuildTime=$(DATE)"' GOFLAGS := CGO_ENABLED=0 build: $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME) @echo "Build Complete!" $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME): vendor $(call rwildcard,*.go) $Q mkdir -p $(@D) $Q $(GOOS_OVERRIDE) $(GOFLAGS) go build -v -o $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME) $(LDFLAGS) $(PKG) # Target for building without calling dep ensure simple: $Q mkdir -p bin/ $Q $(GOOS_OVERRIDE) $(GOFLAGS) go build -v -o bin/$(BINNAME) $(LDFLAGS) $(PKG) @echo "Build Complete!" .PHONY: build simple ######################################### # Go generate ######################################### generate: $Q go generate ./... .PHONY: generate ######################################### # Test ######################################### test: $Q $(GOFLAGS) go test -short -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... vtest: $(Q)for d in $$(go list ./... | grep -v vendor); do \ echo -e "TESTS FOR: for \033[0;35m$$d\033[0m"; \ $(GOFLAGS) go test -v -bench=. -run=. -short -coverprofile=coverage.out $$d; \ out=$$?; \ if [[ $$out -ne 0 ]]; then ret=$$out; fi;\ rm -f profile.coverage.out; \ done; exit $$ret; .PHONY: test vtest integrate: integration integration: bin/$(BINNAME) $Q $(GOFLAGS) go test -tags=integration ./integration/... .PHONY: integrate integration ######################################### # Linting ######################################### LINTERS=\ gofmt \ golint \ vet \ misspell \ ineffassign \ deadcode $(patsubst %,%-bin,$(filter-out gofmt vet,$(LINTERS))): %-bin: vendor/bin/% gofmt-bin vet-bin: $(LINTERS): %: vendor/bin/gometalinter %-bin vendor $Q PATH=`pwd`/vendor/bin:$$PATH gometalinter --tests --disable-all --vendor \ --deadline=5m -s data -s pkg --enable $@ ./... fmt: $Q gofmt -l -w $(SRC) lint: $(LINTERS) .PHONY: $(LINTERS) lint fmt ######################################### # Install ######################################### INSTALL_PREFIX?=/usr/ install: $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME) $Q install -D $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME) uninstall: $Q rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/bin/$(BINNAME) .PHONY: install uninstall ######################################### # Debian ######################################### changelog: $Q echo "step-certificates ($(VERSION)) unstable; urgency=medium" > debian/changelog $Q echo >> debian/changelog $Q echo " * See" >> debian/changelog $Q echo >> debian/changelog $Q echo " -- Smallstep Labs, Inc. $(shell date -uR)" >> debian/changelog debian: changelog $Q mkdir -p $(RELEASE); \ OUTPUT=../step-certificates_*.deb; \ rm $$OUTPUT; \ dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot -us -uc && cp $$OUTPUT $(RELEASE)/ distclean: clean .PHONY: changelog debian distclean ################################################# # Build statically compiled step binary for various operating systems ################################################# OUTPUT_ROOT=output/ BINARY_OUTPUT=$(OUTPUT_ROOT)binary/ BUNDLE_MAKE=v=$v GOOS_OVERRIDE='GOOS=$(1) GOARCH=$(2)' PREFIX=$(3) make $(3)bin/step-ca RELEASE=./.travis-releases binary-linux: $(call BUNDLE_MAKE,linux,amd64,$(BINARY_OUTPUT)linux/) binary-darwin: $(call BUNDLE_MAKE,darwin,amd64,$(BINARY_OUTPUT)darwin/) define BUNDLE $(q)BUNDLE_DIR=$(BINARY_OUTPUT)$(1)/bundle; \ stepName=step-certificates_$(2); \ mkdir -p $$BUNDLE_DIR $(RELEASE); \ TMP=$$(mktemp -d $$BUNDLE_DIR/tmp.XXXX); \ trap "rm -rf $$TMP" EXIT INT QUIT TERM; \ newdir=$$TMP/$$stepName; \ mkdir -p $$newdir/bin; \ cp $(BINARY_OUTPUT)$(1)/bin/step $$newdir/bin/; \ cp $$newdir/; \ NEW_BUNDLE=$(RELEASE)/step-certificates_$(2)_$(1)_$(3).tar.gz; \ rm -f $$NEW_BUNDLE; \ tar -zcvf $$NEW_BUNDLE -C $$TMP $$stepName; endef bundle-linux: binary-linux $(call BUNDLE,linux,$(VERSION),amd64) bundle-darwin: binary-darwin $(call BUNDLE,darwin,$(VERSION),amd64) .PHONY: binary-linux binary-darwin bundle-linux bundle-darwin ################################################# # Targets for creating OS specific artifacts ################################################# artifacts-linux-tag: bundle-linux debian artifacts-darwin-tag: bundle-darwin artifacts-tag: artifacts-linux-tag artifacts-darwin-tag .PHONY: artifacts-linux-tag artifacts-darwin-tag artifacts-tag ################################################# # Targets for creating step artifacts ################################################# # For all builds that are not tagged artifacts-master: # For all builds with a release tag artifacts-release: artifacts-tag # This command is called by travis directly *after* a successful build artifacts: artifacts-$(PUSHTYPE) .PHONY: artifacts-master artifacts-release artifacts ######################################### # Clean ######################################### clean: @echo "You will need to run 'make bootstrap' or 'dep ensure' directly to re-download any dependencies." $Q rm -rf vendor ifneq ($(BINNAME),"") $Q rm -f bin/$(BINNAME) endif .PHONY: clean