package templates

import (

// Step represents the default variables available in the CA.
type Step struct {

// StepSSH holds SSH-related values for the CA.
type StepSSH struct {
	HostKey           ssh.PublicKey
	UserKey           ssh.PublicKey
	HostFederatedKeys []ssh.PublicKey
	UserFederatedKeys []ssh.PublicKey

// DefaultSSHTemplates contains the configuration of default templates used on ssh.
// Relative paths are relative to the StepPath.
var DefaultSSHTemplates = SSHTemplates{
	User: []Template{
			Name:         "include.tpl",
			Type:         Snippet,
			TemplatePath: "templates/ssh/include.tpl",
			Path:         "~/.ssh/config",
			Comment:      "#",
			Name:         "config.tpl",
			Type:         File,
			TemplatePath: "templates/ssh/config.tpl",
			Path:         "ssh/config",
			Comment:      "#",
			Name:         "known_hosts.tpl",
			Type:         File,
			TemplatePath: "templates/ssh/known_hosts.tpl",
			Path:         "ssh/known_hosts",
			Comment:      "#",
	Host: []Template{
			Name:         "sshd_config.tpl",
			Type:         Snippet,
			TemplatePath: "templates/ssh/sshd_config.tpl",
			Path:         "/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
			Comment:      "#",
			RequiredData: []string{"Certificate", "Key"},
			Name:         "ca.tpl",
			Type:         Snippet,
			TemplatePath: "templates/ssh/ca.tpl",
			Path:         "/etc/ssh/",
			Comment:      "#",

// DefaultSSHTemplateData contains the data of the default templates used on ssh.
var DefaultSSHTemplateData = map[string]string{
	// include.tpl adds the step ssh config file.
	// Note: on windows `Include C:\...` is treated as a relative path.
	"include.tpl": `Host *
{{- if or .User.GOOS "none" | eq "windows" }}
	Include "{{ .User.StepPath | replace "\\" "/" | trimPrefix "C:" }}/ssh/config"
{{- else }}
	Include "{{.User.StepPath}}/ssh/config"
{{- end }}`,

	// config.tpl is the step ssh config file, it includes the Match rule and
	// references the step known_hosts file.
	// Note: on windows ProxyCommand requires the full path
	"config.tpl": `Match exec "step ssh check-host %h"
{{- if .User.User }}
	User {{.User.User}}
{{- end }}
{{- if or .User.GOOS "none" | eq "windows" }}
	UserKnownHostsFile "{{.User.StepPath}}\ssh\known_hosts"
	ProxyCommand C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c step ssh proxycommand %r %h %p
{{- else }}
	UserKnownHostsFile "{{.User.StepPath}}/ssh/known_hosts"
	ProxyCommand step ssh proxycommand %r %h %p
{{- end }}

	// known_hosts.tpl authorizes the ssh hosts key
	"known_hosts.tpl": `@cert-authority * {{.Step.SSH.HostKey.Type}} {{.Step.SSH.HostKey.Marshal | toString | b64enc}}
{{- range .Step.SSH.HostFederatedKeys}}
@cert-authority * {{.Type}} {{.Marshal | toString | b64enc}}
{{- end }}

	// sshd_config.tpl adds the configuration to support certificates
	"sshd_config.tpl": `TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/
HostCertificate /etc/ssh/{{.User.Certificate}}
HostKey /etc/ssh/{{.User.Key}}`,

	// ca.tpl contains the public key used to authorized clients
	"ca.tpl": `{{.Step.SSH.UserKey.Type}} {{.Step.SSH.UserKey.Marshal | toString | b64enc}}
{{- range .Step.SSH.UserFederatedKeys}}
{{.Type}} {{.Marshal | toString | b64enc}}
{{- end }}

// DefaultTemplates returns the default templates.
func DefaultTemplates() *Templates {
	sshTemplates := DefaultSSHTemplates
	for i, t := range sshTemplates.User {
		sshTemplates.User[i].TemplatePath = ""
		sshTemplates.User[i].Content = []byte(DefaultSSHTemplateData[t.Name])
	for i, t := range sshTemplates.Host {
		sshTemplates.Host[i].TemplatePath = ""
		sshTemplates.Host[i].Content = []byte(DefaultSSHTemplateData[t.Name])
	return &Templates{
		SSH:  &sshTemplates,
		Data: map[string]interface{}{},