max furman 704a510a2a Remove non-pending orders from the acme_orders_by_account index ...
- Each acme account has an index in this table. Before this change, the
index would grow unchecked as orders accumulate. This change removes
orders that have moved out of the 'PENDING' state.
2020-06-01 12:56:50 -07:00

338 lines
11 KiB

package acme
import (
database "github.com/smallstep/certificates/db"
// Interface is the acme authority interface.
type Interface interface {
GetDirectory(ctx context.Context) (*Directory, error)
NewNonce() (string, error)
UseNonce(string) error
DeactivateAccount(ctx context.Context, accID string) (*Account, error)
GetAccount(ctx context.Context, accID string) (*Account, error)
GetAccountByKey(ctx context.Context, key *jose.JSONWebKey) (*Account, error)
NewAccount(ctx context.Context, ao AccountOptions) (*Account, error)
UpdateAccount(context.Context, string, []string) (*Account, error)
GetAuthz(ctx context.Context, accID string, authzID string) (*Authz, error)
ValidateChallenge(ctx context.Context, accID string, chID string, key *jose.JSONWebKey) (*Challenge, error)
FinalizeOrder(ctx context.Context, accID string, orderID string, csr *x509.CertificateRequest) (*Order, error)
GetOrder(ctx context.Context, accID string, orderID string) (*Order, error)
GetOrdersByAccount(ctx context.Context, accID string) ([]string, error)
NewOrder(ctx context.Context, oo OrderOptions) (*Order, error)
GetCertificate(string, string) ([]byte, error)
LoadProvisionerByID(string) (provisioner.Interface, error)
GetLink(ctx context.Context, linkType Link, absoluteLink bool, inputs ...string) string
GetLinkExplicit(linkType Link, provName string, absoluteLink bool, baseURL *url.URL, inputs ...string) string
// Authority is the layer that handles all ACME interactions.
type Authority struct {
backdate provisioner.Duration
db nosql.DB
dir *directory
signAuth SignAuthority
// AuthorityOptions required to create a new ACME Authority.
type AuthorityOptions struct {
Backdate provisioner.Duration
// DB is the database used by nosql.
DB nosql.DB
// DNS the host used to generate accurate ACME links. By default the authority
// will use the Host from the request, so this value will only be used if
// request.Host is empty.
DNS string
// Prefix is a URL path prefix under which the ACME api is served. This
// prefix is required to generate accurate ACME links.
// E.g. https://ca.smallstep.com/acme/my-acme-provisioner/new-account --
// "acme" is the prefix from which the ACME api is accessed.
Prefix string
var (
accountTable = []byte("acme_accounts")
accountByKeyIDTable = []byte("acme_keyID_accountID_index")
authzTable = []byte("acme_authzs")
challengeTable = []byte("acme_challenges")
nonceTable = []byte("nonces")
orderTable = []byte("acme_orders")
ordersByAccountIDTable = []byte("acme_account_orders_index")
certTable = []byte("acme_certs")
// NewAuthority returns a new Authority that implements the ACME interface.
// Deprecated: NewAuthority exists for hitorical compatibility and should not
// be used. Use acme.New() instead.
func NewAuthority(db nosql.DB, dns, prefix string, signAuth SignAuthority) (*Authority, error) {
return New(signAuth, AuthorityOptions{
DB: db,
DNS: dns,
Prefix: prefix,
// New returns a new Autohrity that implements the ACME interface.
func New(signAuth SignAuthority, ops AuthorityOptions) (*Authority, error) {
if _, ok := ops.DB.(*database.SimpleDB); !ok {
// If it's not a SimpleDB then go ahead and bootstrap the DB with the
// necessary ACME tables. SimpleDB should ONLY be used for testing.
tables := [][]byte{accountTable, accountByKeyIDTable, authzTable,
challengeTable, nonceTable, orderTable, ordersByAccountIDTable,
for _, b := range tables {
if err := ops.DB.CreateTable(b); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating table %s",
return &Authority{
backdate: ops.Backdate, db: ops.DB, dir: newDirectory(ops.DNS, ops.Prefix), signAuth: signAuth,
}, nil
// GetLink returns the requested link from the directory.
func (a *Authority) GetLink(ctx context.Context, typ Link, abs bool, inputs ...string) string {
return a.dir.getLink(ctx, typ, abs, inputs...)
// GetLinkExplicit returns the requested link from the directory.
func (a *Authority) GetLinkExplicit(typ Link, provName string, abs bool, baseURL *url.URL, inputs ...string) string {
return a.dir.getLinkExplicit(typ, provName, abs, baseURL, inputs...)
// GetDirectory returns the ACME directory object.
func (a *Authority) GetDirectory(ctx context.Context) (*Directory, error) {
return &Directory{
NewNonce: a.dir.getLink(ctx, NewNonceLink, true),
NewAccount: a.dir.getLink(ctx, NewAccountLink, true),
NewOrder: a.dir.getLink(ctx, NewOrderLink, true),
RevokeCert: a.dir.getLink(ctx, RevokeCertLink, true),
KeyChange: a.dir.getLink(ctx, KeyChangeLink, true),
}, nil
// LoadProvisionerByID calls out to the SignAuthority interface to load a
// provisioner by ID.
func (a *Authority) LoadProvisionerByID(id string) (provisioner.Interface, error) {
return a.signAuth.LoadProvisionerByID(id)
// NewNonce generates, stores, and returns a new ACME nonce.
func (a *Authority) NewNonce() (string, error) {
n, err := newNonce(a.db)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return n.ID, nil
// UseNonce consumes the given nonce if it is valid, returns error otherwise.
func (a *Authority) UseNonce(nonce string) error {
return useNonce(a.db, nonce)
// NewAccount creates, stores, and returns a new ACME account.
func (a *Authority) NewAccount(ctx context.Context, ao AccountOptions) (*Account, error) {
acc, err := newAccount(a.db, ao)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return acc.toACME(ctx, a.db, a.dir)
// UpdateAccount updates an ACME account.
func (a *Authority) UpdateAccount(ctx context.Context, id string, contact []string) (*Account, error) {
acc, err := getAccountByID(a.db, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, ServerInternalErr(err)
if acc, err = acc.update(a.db, contact); err != nil {
return nil, err
return acc.toACME(ctx, a.db, a.dir)
// GetAccount returns an ACME account.
func (a *Authority) GetAccount(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Account, error) {
acc, err := getAccountByID(a.db, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return acc.toACME(ctx, a.db, a.dir)
// DeactivateAccount deactivates an ACME account.
func (a *Authority) DeactivateAccount(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Account, error) {
acc, err := getAccountByID(a.db, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if acc, err = acc.deactivate(a.db); err != nil {
return nil, err
return acc.toACME(ctx, a.db, a.dir)
func keyToID(jwk *jose.JSONWebKey) (string, error) {
kid, err := jwk.Thumbprint(crypto.SHA256)
if err != nil {
return "", ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error generating jwk thumbprint"))
return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(kid), nil
// GetAccountByKey returns the ACME associated with the jwk id.
func (a *Authority) GetAccountByKey(ctx context.Context, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey) (*Account, error) {
kid, err := keyToID(jwk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
acc, err := getAccountByKeyID(a.db, kid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return acc.toACME(ctx, a.db, a.dir)
// GetOrder returns an ACME order.
func (a *Authority) GetOrder(ctx context.Context, accID, orderID string) (*Order, error) {
o, err := getOrder(a.db, orderID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if accID != o.AccountID {
return nil, UnauthorizedErr(errors.New("account does not own order"))
if o, err = o.updateStatus(a.db); err != nil {
return nil, err
return o.toACME(ctx, a.db, a.dir)
// GetOrdersByAccount returns the list of order urls owned by the account.
func (a *Authority) GetOrdersByAccount(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]string, error) {
oids, err := getOrderIDsByAccount(a.db, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var ret = []string{}
for _, oid := range oids {
ret = append(ret, a.dir.getLink(ctx, OrderLink, true, oid))
return ret, nil
// NewOrder generates, stores, and returns a new ACME order.
func (a *Authority) NewOrder(ctx context.Context, ops OrderOptions) (*Order, error) {
prov, err := ProvisionerFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ops.backdate = a.backdate.Duration
ops.defaultDuration = prov.DefaultTLSCertDuration()
order, err := newOrder(a.db, ops)
if err != nil {
return nil, Wrap(err, "error creating order")
return order.toACME(ctx, a.db, a.dir)
// FinalizeOrder attempts to finalize an order and generate a new certificate.
func (a *Authority) FinalizeOrder(ctx context.Context, accID, orderID string, csr *x509.CertificateRequest) (*Order, error) {
prov, err := ProvisionerFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
o, err := getOrder(a.db, orderID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if accID != o.AccountID {
return nil, UnauthorizedErr(errors.New("account does not own order"))
o, err = o.finalize(a.db, csr, a.signAuth, prov)
if err != nil {
return nil, Wrap(err, "error finalizing order")
return o.toACME(ctx, a.db, a.dir)
// GetAuthz retrieves and attempts to update the status on an ACME authz
// before returning.
func (a *Authority) GetAuthz(ctx context.Context, accID, authzID string) (*Authz, error) {
az, err := getAuthz(a.db, authzID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if accID != az.getAccountID() {
return nil, UnauthorizedErr(errors.New("account does not own authz"))
az, err = az.updateStatus(a.db)
if err != nil {
return nil, Wrap(err, "error updating authz status")
return az.toACME(ctx, a.db, a.dir)
// ValidateChallenge attempts to validate the challenge.
func (a *Authority) ValidateChallenge(ctx context.Context, accID, chID string, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey) (*Challenge, error) {
ch, err := getChallenge(a.db, chID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if accID != ch.getAccountID() {
return nil, UnauthorizedErr(errors.New("account does not own challenge"))
client := http.Client{
Timeout: time.Duration(30 * time.Second),
dialer := &net.Dialer{
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
ch, err = ch.validate(a.db, jwk, validateOptions{
httpGet: client.Get,
lookupTxt: net.LookupTXT,
tlsDial: func(network, addr string, config *tls.Config) (*tls.Conn, error) {
return tls.DialWithDialer(dialer, network, addr, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, Wrap(err, "error attempting challenge validation")
return ch.toACME(ctx, a.db, a.dir)
// GetCertificate retrieves the Certificate by ID.
func (a *Authority) GetCertificate(accID, certID string) ([]byte, error) {
cert, err := getCert(a.db, certID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if accID != cert.AccountID {
return nil, UnauthorizedErr(errors.New("account does not own certificate"))
return cert.toACME(a.db, a.dir)