Leonard Lyubich 8ceba2a7c2 [] Share InnerRingList function between contracts
Define InnerRingList function that calls "innerRingList" method of
particular smart contract. Define InnerRingListViaStorage function
that reads address of smart contract from the storage by key, and
calls InnerRingList with the result. Reuse these functions in all

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2021-02-04 10:31:24 +03:00

202 lines
4.1 KiB

package neofsidcontract
import (
type (
UserInfo struct {
Keys [][]byte
const (
version = 1
netmapContractKey = "netmapScriptHash"
containerContractKey = "containerScriptHash"
var (
ctx storage.Context
func init() {
if runtime.GetTrigger() != runtime.Application {
panic("contract has not been called in application node")
ctx = storage.GetContext()
func Init(addrNetmap, addrContainer []byte) {
if storage.Get(ctx, netmapContractKey) != nil {
panic("init: contract already deployed")
if len(addrNetmap) != 20 || len(addrContainer) != 20 {
panic("init: incorrect length of contract script hash")
storage.Put(ctx, netmapContractKey, addrNetmap)
storage.Put(ctx, containerContractKey, addrContainer)
runtime.Log("neofsid contract initialized")
func AddKey(owner []byte, keys [][]byte) bool {
var (
n int // number of votes for inner ring invoke
id []byte // ballot key of the inner ring invocation
if len(owner) != 25 {
panic("addKey: incorrect owner")
innerRing := irList()
threshold := len(innerRing)/3*2 + 1
irKey := common.InnerRingInvoker(innerRing)
if len(irKey) == 0 {
panic("addKey: invocation from non inner ring node")
info := getUserInfo(ctx, owner)
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
pubKey := keys[i]
if len(pubKey) != 33 {
panic("addKey: incorrect public key")
for j := range info.Keys {
key := info.Keys[j]
if common.BytesEqual(key, pubKey) {
continue addLoop
info.Keys = append(info.Keys, pubKey)
fromKnownContract := fromKnownContract(runtime.GetCallingScriptHash())
if fromKnownContract {
n = threshold
runtime.Log("addKey: processed indirect invoke")
} else {
id := invokeIDKeys(owner, keys, []byte("add"))
n = common.Vote(ctx, id, irKey)
if n < threshold {
runtime.Log("addKey: processed invoke from inner ring")
return true
common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id)
common.SetSerialized(ctx, owner, info)
runtime.Log("addKey: key bound to the owner")
return true
func RemoveKey(owner []byte, keys [][]byte) bool {
if len(owner) != 25 {
panic("removeKey: incorrect owner")
innerRing := irList()
threshold := len(innerRing)/3*2 + 1
irKey := common.InnerRingInvoker(innerRing)
if len(irKey) == 0 {
panic("removeKey: invocation from non inner ring node")
id := invokeIDKeys(owner, keys, []byte("remove"))
n := common.Vote(ctx, id, irKey)
if n < threshold {
runtime.Log("removeKey: processed invoke from inner ring")
return true
common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id)
info := getUserInfo(ctx, owner)
var leftKeys [][]byte
for i := range info.Keys {
key := info.Keys[i]
for j := 0; j < len(keys); j++ {
pubKey := keys[j]
if len(pubKey) != 33 {
panic("removeKey: incorrect public key")
if common.BytesEqual(key, pubKey) {
continue rmLoop
leftKeys = append(leftKeys, key)
info.Keys = leftKeys
common.SetSerialized(ctx, owner, info)
return true
func Key(owner []byte) [][]byte {
if len(owner) != 25 {
panic("key: incorrect owner")
info := getUserInfo(ctx, owner)
return info.Keys
func Version() int {
return version
func getUserInfo(ctx storage.Context, key interface{}) UserInfo {
data := storage.Get(ctx, key)
if data != nil {
return binary.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).(UserInfo)
return UserInfo{Keys: [][]byte{}}
func invokeIDKeys(owner []byte, keys [][]byte, prefix []byte) []byte {
prefix = append(prefix, owner...)
for i := range keys {
prefix = append(prefix, keys[i]...)
return crypto.SHA256(prefix)
func fromKnownContract(caller []byte) bool {
containerContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, containerContractKey).([]byte)
if common.BytesEqual(caller, containerContractAddr) {
return true
return false
func irList() []common.IRNode {
return common.InnerRingListViaStorage(ctx, netmapContractKey)