VERSION ?= "$(shell git describe --tags 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^v//')" GRPC_VERSION=$(shell go list -m | cut -d " " -f 2) HUB_IMAGE=nspccdev/neofs B=\033[0;1m G=\033[0;92m R=\033[0m # Show current version version: @echo "Current version: $(VERSION)-$(GRPC_VERSION)" # Make sure that all files added to commit deps: @printf "${B}${G}⇒ Ensure vendor${R}: " @go mod tidy -v && echo OK || (echo fail && exit 2) @printf "${B}${G}⇒ Download requirements${R}: " @go mod download && echo OK || (echo fail && exit 2) @printf "${B}${G}⇒ Store vendor localy${R}: " @go mod vendor && echo OK || (echo fail && exit 2) image: VERSION?= image: deps @echo "${B}${G}⇒ Build GW docker-image with $(GRPC_VERSION) ${R}" @docker build \ --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) \ -f Dockerfile \ -t $(HUB_IMAGE)-http-gate:$(VERSION) . .PHONY: dev # v1.24.0 v1.25.1 v1.26.0 v1.27.1 dev: VERSIONS?=$(GRPC_VERSION) dev: @echo "=> Build multiple images for $(VERSIONS)"; \ git checkout go.{sum,mod}; \ for v in $(VERSIONS); do \ curdir=$$(pwd); \ echo "=> Checkout gRPC to $${v}"; \ cd ../grpc-go; \ git checkout $${v} &> /dev/null || (echo "Release $${v} not found" && exit 2); \ cd ../neofs-api; \ git checkout go.{sum,mod}; \ go get$${v}; \ cd $${curdir}; \ cp go_dev.mod go.mod; \ go get$${v}; \ make image VERSION=$(VERSION)-$${v}; \ git checkout go.{sum,mod}; \ done