--- title: "Joker" date: 2019-03-03T16:39:46+01:00 draft: false slug: joker dnsprovider: since: "v2.6.0" code: "joker" url: "https://joker.com" --- <!-- THIS DOCUMENTATION IS AUTO-GENERATED. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT. --> <!-- providers/dns/joker/joker.toml --> <!-- THIS DOCUMENTATION IS AUTO-GENERATED. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT. --> Configuration for [Joker](https://joker.com). <!--more--> - Code: `joker` - Since: v2.6.0 Here is an example bash command using the Joker provider: ```bash # SVC JOKER_API_MODE=SVC \ JOKER_USERNAME=<your email> \ JOKER_PASSWORD=<your password> \ lego --email you@example.com --dns joker --domains my.example.org run # DMAPI JOKER_API_MODE=DMAPI \ JOKER_USERNAME=<your email> \ JOKER_PASSWORD=<your password> \ lego --email you@example.com --dns joker --domains my.example.org run ## or JOKER_API_MODE=DMAPI \ JOKER_API_KEY=<your API key> \ lego --email you@example.com --dns joker --domains my.example.org run ``` ## Credentials | Environment Variable Name | Description | |-----------------------|-------------| | `JOKER_API_KEY` | API key (only with DMAPI mode) | | `JOKER_API_MODE` | 'DMAPI' or 'SVC'. DMAPI is for resellers accounts. (Default: DMAPI) | | `JOKER_PASSWORD` | Joker.com password | | `JOKER_USERNAME` | Joker.com username | The environment variable names can be suffixed by `_FILE` to reference a file instead of a value. More information [here]({{< ref "dns#configuration-and-credentials" >}}). ## Additional Configuration | Environment Variable Name | Description | |--------------------------------|-------------| | `JOKER_HTTP_TIMEOUT` | API request timeout | | `JOKER_POLLING_INTERVAL` | Time between DNS propagation check | | `JOKER_PROPAGATION_TIMEOUT` | Maximum waiting time for DNS propagation | | `JOKER_SEQUENCE_INTERVAL` | Time between sequential requests (only with 'SVC' mode) | | `JOKER_TTL` | The TTL of the TXT record used for the DNS challenge | The environment variable names can be suffixed by `_FILE` to reference a file instead of a value. More information [here]({{< ref "dns#configuration-and-credentials" >}}). ## SVC mode In the SVC mode, username and passsword are not your email and account passwords, but those displayed in Joker.com domain dashboard when enabling Dynamic DNS. As per [Joker.com documentation](https://joker.com/faq/content/6/496/en/let_s-encrypt-support.html): > 1. please login at Joker.com, visit 'My Domains', > find the domain you want to add Let's Encrypt certificate for, and chose "DNS" in the menu > > 2. on the top right, you will find the setting for 'Dynamic DNS'. > If not already active, please activate it. > It will not affect any other already existing DNS records of this domain. > > 3. please take a note of the credentials which are now shown as 'Dynamic DNS Authentication', consisting of a 'username' and a 'password'. > > 4. this is all you have to do here - and only once per domain. ## More information - [API documentation](https://joker.com/faq/category/39/22-dmapi.html) <!-- THIS DOCUMENTATION IS AUTO-GENERATED. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT. --> <!-- providers/dns/joker/joker.toml --> <!-- THIS DOCUMENTATION IS AUTO-GENERATED. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT. -->