[run] deadline = "5m" skip-files = [] [linters-settings] [linters-settings.govet] check-shadowing = true [linters-settings.gocyclo] min-complexity = 12.0 [linters-settings.maligned] suggest-new = true [linters-settings.goconst] min-len = 3.0 min-occurrences = 3.0 [linters-settings.misspell] locale = "US" [linters] enable-all = true disable = [ "maligned", "lll", "gas", "dupl", "prealloc", "scopelint", ] [issues] exclude-use-default = false max-per-linter = 0 max-same = 0 exclude = [ "Error return value of (.+) is not checked", "exported (type|method|function) (.+) should have comment or be unexported", "possible misuse of unsafe.Pointer", "cyclomatic complexity (.+) of func `NewDNSChallengeProviderByName` is high (.+)", # providers/dns/dns_providers.go "string `(lego\\.wtf|manhattan)` has (\\d+) occurrences, make it a constant", #providers/dns/gcloud/googlecloud_test.go "`(tlsFeatureExtensionOID|ocspMustStapleFeature)` is a global variable", # certcrypto/crypto.go "`(defaultNameservers|recursiveNameservers|dnsTimeout|fqdnToZone|muFqdnToZone)` is a global variable", # challenge/dns01/nameserver.go "`idPeAcmeIdentifierV1` is a global variable", # challenge/tlsalpn01/tls_alpn_challenge.go "`Logger` is a global variable", # log/logger.go "`version` is a global variable", # cli.go "`load` is a global variable", # e2e/challenges_test.go "`envTest` is a global variable", # providers/dns/**/*_test.go "`(tldsMock|testCases)` is a global variable", # providers/dns/namecheap/namecheap_test.go "`(errorClientErr|errorStorageErr|egTestAccount)` is a global variable", # providers/dns/acmedns/acmedns_test.go "`memcachedHosts` is a global variable", # providers/http/memcached/memcached_test.go ]