package main import ( "bytes" netmapSDK "" netmapV2 "" netmapGRPC "" "" "" netmapEvent "" netmapTransportGRPC "" "" netmapService "" "" "" ) // primary solution of local network state dump. type networkState struct { epoch *atomic.Uint64 controlNetStatus atomic.Value // control.NetmapStatus nodeInfo atomic.Value // *netmapSDK.NodeInfo } func newNetworkState() *networkState { return &networkState{ epoch: atomic.NewUint64(0), } } func (s *networkState) CurrentEpoch() uint64 { return s.epoch.Load() } func (s *networkState) setCurrentEpoch(v uint64) { s.epoch.Store(v) } func (s *networkState) setNodeInfo(ni *netmapSDK.NodeInfo) { s.nodeInfo.Store(ni) var ctrlNetSt control.NetmapStatus switch ni.State() { default: ctrlNetSt = control.NetmapStatus_STATUS_UNDEFINED case netmapSDK.NodeStateOnline: ctrlNetSt = control.NetmapStatus_ONLINE case netmapSDK.NodeStateOffline: ctrlNetSt = control.NetmapStatus_OFFLINE } s.controlNetStatus.Store(ctrlNetSt) } func (s *networkState) controlNetmapStatus() control.NetmapStatus { return s.controlNetStatus.Load().(control.NetmapStatus) } func (s *networkState) getNodeInfo() *netmapSDK.NodeInfo { return s.nodeInfo.Load().(*netmapSDK.NodeInfo) } func nodeKeyFromNetmap(c *cfg) []byte { return c.cfgNetmap.state.getNodeInfo().PublicKey() } func nodeAddressFromNetmap(c *cfg) string { return c.cfgNetmap.state.getNodeInfo().Address() } func initNetmapService(c *cfg) { c.cfgNodeInfo.localInfo.SetAddress(c.localAddr.String()) c.cfgNodeInfo.localInfo.SetPublicKey(c.key.PublicKey().Bytes()) c.cfgNodeInfo.localInfo.SetAttributes(parseAttributes(c.appCfg)...) c.cfgNodeInfo.localInfo.SetState(netmapSDK.NodeStateOffline) if c.cfgMorph.client == nil { initMorphComponents(c) } netmapGRPC.RegisterNetmapServiceServer(c.cfgGRPC.server, netmapTransportGRPC.New( netmapService.NewSignService( &c.key.PrivateKey, netmapService.NewResponseService( netmapService.NewExecutionService( c, c.apiVersion, &netInfo{ netState: c.cfgNetmap.state, magic: c.cfgMorph.client, }, ), c.respSvc, ), ), ), ) addNewEpochNotificationHandler(c, func(ev event.Event) { c.cfgNetmap.state.setCurrentEpoch(ev.(netmapEvent.NewEpoch).EpochNumber()) }) addNewEpochAsyncNotificationHandler(c, func(ev event.Event) { if c.cfgNetmap.reBoostrapTurnedOff.Load() { // fixes #470 return } n := ev.(netmapEvent.NewEpoch).EpochNumber() const reBootstrapInterval = 2 if (n-c.cfgNetmap.startEpoch)%reBootstrapInterval == 0 { err := c.bootstrap() if err != nil { c.log.Warn("can't send re-bootstrap tx", zap.Error(err)) } } }) addNewEpochAsyncNotificationHandler(c, func(ev event.Event) { e := ev.(netmapEvent.NewEpoch).EpochNumber() ni, err := c.netmapLocalNodeState(e) if err != nil { c.log.Error("could not update node state on new epoch", zap.Uint64("epoch", e), zap.String("error", err.Error()), ) return } c.handleLocalNodeInfo(ni) }) } func bootstrapNode(c *cfg) { initState(c) err := c.bootstrap() fatalOnErrDetails("bootstrap error", err) } func addNetmapNotificationHandler(c *cfg, sTyp string, h event.Handler) { typ := event.TypeFromString(sTyp) if c.cfgNetmap.subscribers == nil { c.cfgNetmap.subscribers = make(map[event.Type][]event.Handler, 1) } c.cfgNetmap.subscribers[typ] = append(c.cfgNetmap.subscribers[typ], h) } func setNetmapNotificationParser(c *cfg, sTyp string, p event.Parser) { typ := event.TypeFromString(sTyp) if c.cfgNetmap.parsers == nil { c.cfgNetmap.parsers = make(map[event.Type]event.Parser, 1) } c.cfgNetmap.parsers[typ] = p } func initState(c *cfg) { epoch, err := c.cfgNetmap.wrapper.Epoch() fatalOnErrDetails("could not initialize current epoch number", err) ni, err := c.netmapLocalNodeState(epoch) fatalOnErrDetails("could not init network state", err) c.log.Info("initial network state", zap.Uint64("epoch", epoch), zap.Stringer("state", ni.State()), ) c.cfgNetmap.state.setCurrentEpoch(epoch) c.cfgNetmap.startEpoch = epoch c.cfgNetmap.state.setNodeInfo(ni) } func (c *cfg) netmapLocalNodeState(epoch uint64) (*netmapSDK.NodeInfo, error) { // calculate current network state nm, err := c.cfgNetmap.wrapper.GetNetMapByEpoch(epoch) if err != nil { return nil, err } return c.localNodeInfoFromNetmap(nm), nil } func (c *cfg) localNodeInfoFromNetmap(nm *netmapSDK.Netmap) *netmapSDK.NodeInfo { for _, n := range nm.Nodes { if bytes.Equal(n.PublicKey(), c.key.PublicKey().Bytes()) { return n.NodeInfo } } return nil } // addNewEpochNotificationHandler adds handler that will be executed synchronously func addNewEpochNotificationHandler(c *cfg, h event.Handler) { addNetmapNotificationHandler(c, newEpochNotification, h) } // addNewEpochAsyncNotificationHandler adds handler that will be executed asynchronously via netmap workerPool func addNewEpochAsyncNotificationHandler(c *cfg, h event.Handler) { addNetmapNotificationHandler( c, newEpochNotification, event.WorkerPoolHandler( c.cfgNetmap.workerPool, h, c.log, ), ) } func (c *cfg) SetNetmapStatus(st control.NetmapStatus) error { if st == control.NetmapStatus_ONLINE { c.cfgNetmap.reBoostrapTurnedOff.Store(false) return c.bootstrap() } var apiState netmapSDK.NodeState if st == control.NetmapStatus_OFFLINE { apiState = netmapSDK.NodeStateOffline } c.cfgNetmap.reBoostrapTurnedOff.Store(true) return c.cfgNetmap.wrapper.UpdatePeerState( c.key.PublicKey().Bytes(), apiState, ) } type netInfo struct { netState netmap.State magic interface { MagicNumber() uint64 } } func (n *netInfo) Dump() (*netmapV2.NetworkInfo, error) { ni := new(netmapV2.NetworkInfo) ni.SetCurrentEpoch(n.netState.CurrentEpoch()) ni.SetMagicNumber(n.magic.MagicNumber()) return ni, nil }