Dmitrii Stepanov f526f49995 [] engine: Check object existance concurrently
Signed-off-by: Dmitrii Stepanov <>
2024-01-23 09:28:29 +03:00

83 lines
2.1 KiB

package shard
import (
meta ""
oid ""
// ExistsPrm groups the parameters of Exists operation.
type ExistsPrm struct {
addr oid.Address
// ExistsRes groups the resulting values of Exists operation.
type ExistsRes struct {
ex bool
// SetAddress is an Exists option to set object checked for existence.
func (p *ExistsPrm) SetAddress(addr oid.Address) {
p.addr = addr
// Exists returns the fact that the object is in the shard.
func (p ExistsRes) Exists() bool {
return p.ex
// Exists checks if object is presented in shard.
// Returns any error encountered that does not allow to
// unambiguously determine the presence of an object.
// Returns an error of type apistatus.ObjectAlreadyRemoved if object has been marked as removed.
// Returns the object.ErrObjectIsExpired if the object is presented but already expired.
// Returns the ErrShardDisabled if the shard is disabled.
func (s *Shard) Exists(ctx context.Context, prm ExistsPrm) (ExistsRes, error) {
ctx, span := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "Shard.Exists",
attribute.String("shard_id", s.ID().String()),
attribute.String("address", prm.addr.EncodeToString()),
defer span.End()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ExistsRes{}, ctx.Err()
var exists bool
var err error
defer s.m.RUnlock()
if {
return ExistsRes{}, ErrShardDisabled
} else if {
var p common.ExistsPrm
p.Address = prm.addr
var res common.ExistsRes
res, err = s.blobStor.Exists(ctx, p)
exists = res.Exists
} else {
var existsPrm meta.ExistsPrm
var res meta.ExistsRes
res, err = s.metaBase.Exists(ctx, existsPrm)
exists = res.Exists()
return ExistsRes{
ex: exists,
}, err