import base64 import json import logging import os import uuid from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Optional import allure import json_transformers from common import ASSETS_DIR, NEOFS_CLI_EXEC, NEOFS_ENDPOINT, WALLET_CONFIG from data_formatters import get_wallet_public_key from json_transformers import encode_for_json from neo3 import wallet from neofs_testlib.cli import NeofsCli from import Shell from storage_object_info import StorageObjectInfo from wallet import WalletFile logger = logging.getLogger("NeoLogger") PUT_VERB = "PUT" DELETE_VERB = "DELETE" LOCK_VERB = "LOCK" GET_VERB = "GET" RANGEHASH_VERB = "RANGEHASH" RANGE_VERB = "RANGE" HEAD_VERB = "HEAD" SEARCH_VERB = "SEARCH" UNRELATED_KEY = "unrelated key in the session" UNRELATED_OBJECT = "unrelated object in the session" UNRELATED_CONTAINER = "unrelated container in the session" WRONG_VERB = "wrong verb of the session" INVALID_SIGNATURE = "invalid signature of the session data" @dataclass class Lifetime: exp: int = 100000000 nbf: int = 0 iat: int = 0 @allure.step("Generate Session Token") def generate_session_token(owner: str, session_wallet: str, cid: str = "") -> str: """ This function generates session token for ContainerSessionContext and writes it to the file. It is able to prepare session token file for a specific container () or for every container (adds "wildcard" field). Args: owner(str): wallet address of container owner session_wallet(str): the path to wallet to which we grant the access via session token cid(optional, str): container ID of the container; if absent, we assume the session token is generated for any container Returns: (str): the path to the generated session token file """ file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, str(uuid.uuid4())) session_wlt_content = "" with open(session_wallet) as fout: session_wlt_content = json.load(fout) session_wlt = wallet.Wallet.from_json(session_wlt_content, password="") pub_key_64 = base64.b64encode(bytes.fromhex(str(session_wlt.accounts[0].public_key))).decode( "utf-8" ) session_token = { "body": { "id": f"{base64.b64encode(uuid.uuid4().bytes).decode('utf-8')}", "ownerID": {"value": f"{json_transformers.encode_for_json(owner)}"}, "lifetime": {"exp": "100000000", "nbf": "0", "iat": "0"}, "sessionKey": f"{pub_key_64}", "container": { "verb": "PUT", "wildcard": cid != "", **({"containerID": {"value": f"{encode_for_json(cid)}"}} if cid != "" else {}), }, } }"Got this Session Token: {session_token}") with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as session_token_file: json.dump(session_token, session_token_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) return file_path @allure.step("Generate Session Token For Object") def generate_object_session_token( owner_wallet: WalletFile, session_wallet: WalletFile, oids: list[str], cid: str, verb: str, tokens_dir: str, lifetime: Optional[Lifetime] = None, ) -> str: """ This function generates session token for ObjectSessionContext and writes it to the file. It is able to prepare session token file for a specific container () or for every container (adds "wildcard" field). Args: owner_wallet: wallet of container owner session_wallet: wallet to which we grant the access via session token cid: container ID of the container oids: list of objectIDs to put into session verb: verb to grant access to; Valid verbs are: GET, RANGE, RANGEHASH, HEAD, SEARCH. lifetime: lifetime options for session Returns: The path to the generated session token file """ file_path = os.path.join(tokens_dir, str(uuid.uuid4())) pub_key_64 = get_wallet_public_key(session_wallet.path, session_wallet.password, "base64") lifetime = lifetime if lifetime else Lifetime() session_token = { "body": { "id": f"{base64.b64encode(uuid.uuid4().bytes).decode('utf-8')}", "ownerID": { "value": f"{json_transformers.encode_for_json(owner_wallet.get_address())}" }, "lifetime": { "exp": f"{lifetime.exp}", "nbf": f"{lifetime.nbf}", "iat": f"{lifetime.iat}", }, "sessionKey": pub_key_64, "object": { "verb": verb, "target": { "container": {"value": encode_for_json(cid)}, "objects": [{"value": encode_for_json(oid)} for oid in oids], }, }, } }"Got this Session Token: {session_token}") with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as session_token_file: json.dump(session_token, session_token_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) return file_path @allure.step("Get signed token for object session") def get_object_signed_token( owner_wallet: WalletFile, user_wallet: WalletFile, storage_objects: list[StorageObjectInfo], verb: str, shell: Shell, tokens_dir: str, lifetime: Optional[Lifetime] = None, ) -> str: """ Returns signed token file path for static object session """ storage_object_ids = [storage_object.oid for storage_object in storage_objects] session_token_file = generate_object_session_token( owner_wallet, user_wallet, storage_object_ids, owner_wallet.containers[0], verb, tokens_dir, lifetime=lifetime, ) return sign_session_token(shell, session_token_file, owner_wallet.path) @allure.step("Create Session Token") def create_session_token( shell: Shell, owner: str, wallet_path: str, wallet_password: str, rpc_endpoint: str = NEOFS_ENDPOINT, ) -> str: """ Create session token for an object. Args: shell: Shell instance. owner: User that writes the token. wallet_path: The path to wallet to which we grant the access via session token. wallet_password: Wallet password. rpc_endpoint: Remote node address (as 'multiaddr' or ':'). Returns: The path to the generated session token file. """ session_token = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, str(uuid.uuid4())) neofscli = NeofsCli(shell=shell, neofs_cli_exec_path=NEOFS_CLI_EXEC) neofscli.session.create( rpc_endpoint=rpc_endpoint, address=owner, wallet=wallet_path, wallet_password=wallet_password, out=session_token, ) return session_token @allure.step("Sign Session Token") def sign_session_token(shell: Shell, session_token_file: str, wlt: str) -> str: """ This function signs the session token by the given wallet. Args: shell: Shell instance. session_token_file: The path to the session token file. wlt: The path to the signing wallet. Returns: The path to the signed token. """ signed_token_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, str(uuid.uuid4())) neofscli = NeofsCli(shell=shell, neofs_cli_exec_path=NEOFS_CLI_EXEC, config_file=WALLET_CONFIG) neofscli.util.sign_session_token( wallet=wlt, from_file=session_token_file, to_file=signed_token_file ) return signed_token_file