anatoly-bogatyrev 346809005f
Feature/storage groups (#29)
* New test case and keywords for the storage group have been added
* Timeout for object PUT operation has been increased up to 120 seconds
* Object operations keywords have been renamed
2021-02-10 21:53:26 +03:00

67 lines
3.5 KiB

*** Settings ***
Variables ../../../variables/
Library ../${RESOURCES}/
Library ../${RESOURCES}/
Library Collections
Resource common_steps_acl_bearer.robot
*** Test cases ***
BearerToken Operations for Inaccessible Container
[Documentation] Testcase to validate NeoFS operations with BearerToken for Inaccessible Container.
[Tags] ACL NeoFS NeoCLI BearerToken
[Timeout] 20 min
Generate Keys
Prepare eACL Role rules
Log Check Bearer token with simple object
Generate file 1024
Check Container Inaccessible and Allow All Bearer
Log Check Bearer token with complex object
Cleanup Files ${FILE_S}
Generate file 70e+6
Check Container Inaccessible and Allow All Bearer
[Teardown] Cleanup
*** Keywords ***
Check Container Inaccessible and Allow All Bearer
${CID} = Create Container Inaccessible
Run Keyword And Expect Error *
... Put object ${USER_KEY} ${FILE_S} ${CID} ${EMPTY} ${FILE_USR_HEADER}
Run Keyword And Expect Error *
... Get object ${USER_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY} local_file_eacl
Run Keyword And Expect Error *
... Search object ${USER_KEY} ${CID} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${FILE_USR_HEADER}
Run Keyword And Expect Error *
... Head object ${USER_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY}
Run Keyword And Expect Error *
... Get Range ${USER_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} s_get_range ${EMPTY} 0:256
Run Keyword And Expect Error *
... Delete object ${USER_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY}
${rule1}= Create Dictionary Operation=PUT Access=ALLOW Role=USER
${rule2}= Create Dictionary Operation=SEARCH Access=ALLOW Role=USER
${eACL_gen}= Create List ${rule1} ${rule2}
Form BearerToken file ${USER_KEY} ${CID} bearer_allow_all_user ${eACL_gen} 100500
Run Keyword And Expect Error *
... Put object ${USER_KEY} ${FILE_S} ${CID} bearer_allow_all_user ${FILE_USR_HEADER}
Run Keyword And Expect Error *
... Search object ${USER_KEY} ${CID} ${EMPTY} bearer_allow_all_user ${FILE_USR_HEADER}
@{CLEANUP_FILES} = Create List ${FILE_S}
... bearer_allow_all_user gen_eacl_deny_all_USER
Cleanup Files @{CLEANUP_FILES}
Get Docker Logs acl_bearer