Fix put object with --grant-full-control id=mycanonicaluserid

Signed-off-by: Yulia Kovshova <>
This commit is contained in:
Юлия Ковшова 2022-10-21 10:49:25 +03:00 committed by Julia Kovshova
parent 3f41fbc14b
commit 5cab1ecf19
3 changed files with 25 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class AwsCliClient:
if ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus:
cmd += f" --object-lock-legal-hold-status {ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus}"
if GrantFullControl:
cmd += f" --grant-full-control {GrantFullControl}"
cmd += f" --grant-full-control '{GrantFullControl}'"
if GrantRead:
cmd += f" --grant-read {GrantRead}"
output = _cmd_run(cmd, LONG_TIMEOUT)
@ -326,6 +326,28 @@ class AwsCliClient:
output = _cmd_run(cmd)
return self._to_json(output)
def put_object_retention(
self, Bucket: str, Key: str, Retention: dict, VersionId: Optional[str] = None
) -> dict:
version = f" --version-id {VersionId}" if VersionId else ""
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-object-retention --bucket {Bucket} --key {Key} "
f"{version} --retention '{json.dumps(Retention, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str)}' --endpoint {S3_GATE}"
output = _cmd_run(cmd)
return self._to_json(output)
def put_object_legal_hold(
self, Bucket: str, Key: str, LegalHold: dict, VersionId: Optional[str] = None
) -> dict:
version = f" --version-id {VersionId}" if VersionId else ""
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-object-legal-hold --bucket {Bucket} --key {Key} "
f"{version} --legal-hold '{json.dumps(LegalHold)}' --endpoint {S3_GATE}"
output = _cmd_run(cmd)
return self._to_json(output)
def put_object_tagging(self, Bucket: str, Key: str, Tagging: dict) -> dict:
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-object-tagging --bucket {Bucket} --key {Key} "

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@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class TestS3GateBucket(TestS3GateBase):
self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, "COMPLIANCE", date_obj_1, "ON"
self.s3_client, bucket_1, file_name, "COMPLIANCE", date_obj_1, "ON"
@allure.title("Test S3: delete bucket")

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@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ class TestS3GateObject(TestS3GateBase):
obj_acl = s3_gate_object.get_object_acl_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name_5)
obj_permission = [permission.get("Permission") for permission in obj_acl]