FROM docker:19.03.11-dind ENV WD / ARG REG_USR ARG REG_PWD ARG JF_TOKEN ARG BUILD_NEOFS_NODE ENV REG_USR=${REG_USR} ENV REG_PWD=${REG_PWD} ENV NEOFSCLI_VERSION=0.9.0 ENV JF_TOKEN=${JF_TOKEN} ENV BUILD_NEOFS_NODE=${BUILD_NEOFS_NODE} ENV RF_VERSION 3.2.1 RUN apk add --no-cache openssh RUN apk add --no-cache libressl-dev RUN apk add --no-cache curl RUN apk add --no-cache bash bash-doc bash-completion RUN apk add --no-cache util-linux pciutils usbutils coreutils binutils findutils grep gcc libffi-dev openssl-dev RUN apk add --no-cache sudo RUN apk --no-cache add \ make \ python3 \ py3-pip RUN apk --no-cache add --virtual \ .build-deps \ build-base \ python3-dev RUN addgroup nobody root && \ echo "export PYTHONPATH=\$PYTHONPATH:/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages" > /.profile && \ mkdir -p /tests /reports /.local && \ chgrp -R 0 /reports /.local && \ chmod -R g=u /etc/passwd /reports /.local /.profile RUN pip3 install wheel RUN pip3 install robotframework RUN pip3 install pexpect RUN pip3 install requests # Golang ARG GOLANG_VERSION=1.14.3 #we need the go version installed from apk to bootstrap the custom version built from source RUN apk update && apk add go gcc bash musl-dev openssl-dev ca-certificates && update-ca-certificates RUN wget$GOLANG_VERSION.src.tar.gz && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go$GOLANG_VERSION.src.tar.gz RUN cd /usr/local/go/src && ./make.bash ENV PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin RUN rm go$GOLANG_VERSION.src.tar.gz #we delete the apk installed version to avoid conflict RUN apk del go RUN go version # Add the keys and set permissions COPY ./ca/* /root/.ssh/ RUN chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa && \ chmod 600 /root/.ssh/ RUN pip3 install docker-compose RUN export DOCKER_HOST="${HOSTNAME}-docker" RUN apk add --no-cache git \ --repository \ --repository RUN mkdir -p /robot/vendor RUN cd /robot/vendor \ && git clone WORKDIR ${WD} COPY ./ ${WD} RUN cd ${WD} && chmod +x