*** Settings *** Variables ../../variables/common.py Library wallet_keywords.py Library rpc_call_keywords.py *** Variables *** ${TRANSFER_AMOUNT} = ${30} ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT} = ${25} *** Keywords *** Generate Keys ${WALLET} ${ADDR} ${USER_KEY_GEN} = Init Wallet with Address ${TEMP_DIR} ${WALLET_OTH} ${ADDR_OTH} ${OTHER_KEY_GEN} = Init Wallet with Address ${TEMP_DIR} Set Global Variable ${USER_KEY} ${USER_KEY_GEN} Set Global Variable ${OTHER_KEY} ${OTHER_KEY_GEN} Set Global Variable ${SYSTEM_KEY_IR} ${NEOFS_IR_WIF} Set Global Variable ${SYSTEM_KEY_SN} ${NEOFS_SN_WIF} Payment Operations ${ADDR} ${USER_KEY} Payment Operations ${ADDR_OTH} ${OTHER_KEY} Payment Operations [Arguments] ${ADDR} ${WIF} ${TX} = Transfer Mainnet Gas ${MAINNET_WALLET_WIF} ${ADDR} ${TRANSFER_AMOUNT} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${MAINNET_TIMEOUT} ${MAINNET_BLOCK_TIME} ... Transaction accepted in block ${TX} ${MAINNET_BALANCE} = Get Mainnet Balance ${ADDR} Should Be Equal As Numbers ${MAINNET_BALANCE} ${TRANSFER_AMOUNT} ${TX_DEPOSIT} = NeoFS Deposit ${WIF} ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${MAINNET_TIMEOUT} ${MAINNET_BLOCK_TIME} ... Transaction accepted in block ${TX_DEPOSIT}