#!/bin/bash # Before each test execution dev-env should be build down and up. xmls='' if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then test_list=$(find ./robot/testsuites -regex '.*robot') else test_list=$(find $@ -regex '.*robot') fi echo Tests to execute: $test_list for test in $test_list; do pushd $DEVENV_PATH if [[ $test =~ 's3_gate' || $test =~ 'http_gate' ]]; then sed -i -e '/coredns/d' .services else sed -i -e '/coredns/d' -e '/s3_gate/d' -e '/http_gate/d' .services fi make down make clean make up make update.max_object_size val=1000 popd test_addr=`echo $test | sed "s/\//_/g" | sed "s/.robot//"` robot --outputdir artifacts/ --output ${test_addr}_output.xml --log ${test_addr}_log.html --report ${test_addr}_report.html $test xmls+=" ./artifacts/${test_addr}_output.xml" pushd $DEVENV_PATH echo 'coredns' >> .services if [ -z $(cat .services | grep 's3_gate') ]; then echo 's3_gate' >> .services; fi if [ -z $(cat .services | grep 'http_gate') ]; then echo 'http_gate' >> .services; fi popd done rebot ${xmls}