import logging import os from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Optional import allure from dateutil.parser import parse from pytest_tests.steps import s3_gate_bucket, s3_gate_object logger = logging.getLogger("NeoLogger") @allure.step("Expected all objects are presented in the bucket") def check_objects_in_bucket( s3_client, bucket, expected_objects: list, unexpected_objects: Optional[list] = None ) -> None: unexpected_objects = unexpected_objects or [] bucket_objects = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3(s3_client, bucket) assert len(bucket_objects) == len( expected_objects ), f"Expected {len(expected_objects)} objects in the bucket" for bucket_object in expected_objects: assert ( bucket_object in bucket_objects ), f"Expected object {bucket_object} in objects list {bucket_objects}" for bucket_object in unexpected_objects: assert ( bucket_object not in bucket_objects ), f"Expected object {bucket_object} not in objects list {bucket_objects}" @allure.step("Try to get object and got error") def try_to_get_objects_and_expect_error(s3_client, bucket: str, object_keys: list) -> None: for obj in object_keys: try: s3_gate_object.get_object_s3(s3_client, bucket, obj) raise AssertionError(f"Object {obj} found in bucket {bucket}") except Exception as err: assert "The specified key does not exist" in str( err ), f"Expected error in exception {err}" @allure.step("Set versioning status to '{status}' for bucket '{bucket}'") def set_bucket_versioning(s3_client, bucket: str, status: s3_gate_bucket.VersioningStatus): s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_versioning_status(s3_client, bucket) s3_gate_bucket.set_bucket_versioning(s3_client, bucket, status=status) bucket_status = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_versioning_status(s3_client, bucket) assert bucket_status == status.value, f"Expected {bucket_status} status. Got {status.value}" def object_key_from_file_path(full_path: str) -> str: return os.path.basename(full_path) def assert_tags( actual_tags: list, expected_tags: Optional[list] = None, unexpected_tags: Optional[list] = None ) -> None: expected_tags = ( [{"Key": key, "Value": value} for key, value in expected_tags] if expected_tags else [] ) unexpected_tags = ( [{"Key": key, "Value": value} for key, value in unexpected_tags] if unexpected_tags else [] ) if expected_tags == []: assert not actual_tags, f"Expected there is no tags, got {actual_tags}" assert len(expected_tags) == len(actual_tags) for tag in expected_tags: assert tag in actual_tags, f"Tag {tag} must be in {actual_tags}" for tag in unexpected_tags: assert tag not in actual_tags, f"Tag {tag} should not be in {actual_tags}" @allure.step("Expected all tags are presented in object") def check_tags_by_object( s3_client, bucket: str, key_name: str, expected_tags: list, unexpected_tags: Optional[list] = None, ) -> None: actual_tags = s3_gate_object.get_object_tagging(s3_client, bucket, key_name) assert_tags( expected_tags=expected_tags, unexpected_tags=unexpected_tags, actual_tags=actual_tags ) @allure.step("Expected all tags are presented in bucket") def check_tags_by_bucket( s3_client, bucket: str, expected_tags: list, unexpected_tags: Optional[list] = None ) -> None: actual_tags = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_tagging(s3_client, bucket) assert_tags( expected_tags=expected_tags, unexpected_tags=unexpected_tags, actual_tags=actual_tags ) def assert_object_lock_mode( s3_client, bucket: str, file_name: str, object_lock_mode: str, retain_untile_date: datetime, legal_hold_status: str = "OFF", retain_period: Optional[int] = None, ): object_dict = s3_gate_object.get_object_s3(s3_client, bucket, file_name, full_output=True) assert ( object_dict.get("ObjectLockMode") == object_lock_mode ), f"Expected Object Lock Mode is {object_lock_mode}" assert ( object_dict.get("ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus") == legal_hold_status ), f"Expected Object Lock Legal Hold Status is {legal_hold_status}" object_retain_date = object_dict.get("ObjectLockRetainUntilDate") retain_date = ( parse(object_retain_date) if isinstance(object_retain_date, str) else object_retain_date ) if retain_untile_date: assert retain_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") == retain_untile_date.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" ), f'Expected Object Lock Retain Until Date is {str(retain_untile_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))}' elif retain_period: last_modify_date = object_dict.get("LastModified") last_modify = ( parse(last_modify_date) if isinstance(last_modify_date, str) else last_modify_date ) assert ( retain_date - last_modify + timedelta(seconds=1) ).days == retain_period, f"Expected retention period is {retain_period} days" def assert_s3_acl(acl_grants: list, permitted_users: str): if permitted_users == "AllUsers": grantees = {"AllUsers": 0, "CanonicalUser": 0} for acl_grant in acl_grants: if acl_grant.get("Grantee", {}).get("Type") == "Group": uri = acl_grant.get("Grantee", {}).get("URI") permission = acl_grant.get("Permission") assert (uri, permission) == ( "", "FULL_CONTROL", ), "All Groups should have FULL_CONTROL" grantees["AllUsers"] += 1 if acl_grant.get("Grantee", {}).get("Type") == "CanonicalUser": permission = acl_grant.get("Permission") assert permission == "FULL_CONTROL", "Canonical User should have FULL_CONTROL" grantees["CanonicalUser"] += 1 assert grantees["AllUsers"] >= 1, "All Users should have FULL_CONTROL" assert grantees["CanonicalUser"] >= 1, "Canonical User should have FULL_CONTROL" if permitted_users == "CanonicalUser": for acl_grant in acl_grants: if acl_grant.get("Grantee", {}).get("Type") == "CanonicalUser": permission = acl_grant.get("Permission") assert permission == "FULL_CONTROL", "Only CanonicalUser should have FULL_CONTROL" else: logger.error("FULL_CONTROL is given to All Users")