
64 lines
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import json
from time import sleep
import allure
import pytest
from epoch import tick_epoch
from python_keywords.container import create_container, get_container, list_containers, delete_container
from utility import placement_policy_from_container
@pytest.mark.parametrize('name', ['', 'test-container'], ids=['No name', 'Set particular name'])
def test_container_creation(prepare_wallet_and_deposit, name):
wallet = prepare_wallet_and_deposit
msg = f'with name {name}' if name else 'without name'
allure.dynamic.title(f'User can create container {msg}')
with open(wallet) as fp:
json_wallet = json.load(fp)
placement_rule = 'REP 2 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 2 FROM * AS X'
info_to_check = {'basic ACL: 0x1c8c8ccc (private)',
f'owner ID: {json_wallet.get("accounts")[0].get("address")}'}
if name:
info_to_check.add(f'attribute: Name={name}')
name = f' --name {name}'
cid = create_container(wallet, rule=placement_rule, options=name)
info_to_check.add(f'container ID: {cid}')
containers = list_containers(wallet)
assert cid in containers, f'Expected container {cid} in containers: {containers}'
get_output = get_container(wallet, cid, flag='')
with allure.step('Check container has correct information'):
got_policy = placement_policy_from_container(get_output)
assert got_policy == placement_rule.replace('\'', ''), \
f'Expected \n{placement_rule} and got policy \n{got_policy} are the same'
for info in info_to_check:
assert info in get_output, f'Expected info {info} in output:\n{get_output}'
with allure.step('Delete container and check it was deleted'):
delete_container(wallet, cid)
wait_for_container_deletion(wallet, cid)
@allure.step('Wait for container deletion')
def wait_for_container_deletion(wallet: str, cid: str):
attempts, sleep_interval = 10, 5
for _ in range(attempts):
get_container(wallet, cid)
except Exception as err:
if 'container not found' not in str(err):
raise AssertionError(f'Expected "container not found" in error, got\n{err}')
raise AssertionError(f'Expected container deleted during {attempts * sleep_interval} sec.')