* OBJ_NAME - if specified, this name will be used for all write operations instead of random generation.
## Verify
This scenario allows to verify that objects created by a previous run are really stored in the system and their data is not corrupted. Running this scenario assumes that you've already run gRPC and/or S3 scenario with option `REGISTRY=enabled`.
To verify stored objects execute scenario with options:
Scenario picks up all objects in `created` status. If object is stored correctly, its' status will be changed into `verified`. If object does not exist or its' data is corrupted, then the status will be changed into `invalid`.
Scenario ends as soon as all objects are checked (return code will be [108](https://k6.io/docs/javascript-api/k6-execution/#test)).
* CLIENTS - number of VUs for verifying objects (VU can handle both GRPC and S3 objects)
* TIME_LIMIT - amount of time in seconds that is sufficient to verify all objects. If this time interval ends, then verification process will be interrupted and objects that have not been checked will stay in the `created` state.