import native from 'k6/x/neofs/native'; import registry from 'k6/x/neofs/registry'; import s3 from 'k6/x/neofs/s3'; import { sleep } from 'k6'; import { Counter } from 'k6/metrics'; /* ./k6 run -e CLIENTS=200 -e TIME_LIMIT=30 -e -e REGISTRY_FILE=registry.bolt scenarios/verify.js */ const obj_registry =; // Time limit (in seconds) for the run const time_limit = __ENV.TIME_LIMIT || "60"; // Count of objects in each status const obj_counters = { verified: new Counter('verified_obj'), skipped: new Counter('skipped_obj'), invalid: new Counter('invalid_obj'), }; // Connect to random gRPC endpoint let grpc_client = undefined; if (__ENV.GRPC_ENDPOINTS) { const grpcEndpoints = __ENV.GRPC_ENDPOINTS.split(','); const grpcEndpoint = grpcEndpoints[Math.floor(Math.random() * grpcEndpoints.length)]; grpc_client = native.connect(grpcEndpoint, ''); } // Connect to random S3 endpoint let s3_client = undefined; if (__ENV.S3_ENDPOINTS) { const s3_endpoints = __ENV.S3_ENDPOINTS.split(','); const s3_endpoint = s3_endpoints[Math.floor(Math.random() * s3_endpoints.length)]; s3_client = s3.connect(`http://${s3_endpoint}`); } // We will attempt to verify every object in "created" status. The scenario will execute // as many scenarios as there are objects. Each object will have 3 retries to be verified const obj_count_to_verify = obj_registry.getObjectCountInStatus("created"); const scenarios = { verify: { executor: 'shared-iterations', vus: __ENV.CLIENTS, iterations: obj_count_to_verify, maxDuration: `${time_limit}s`, exec: 'obj_verify', gracefulStop: '5s', } }; export const options = { scenarios: scenarios, setupTimeout: '5s', }; export function setup() { // Populate counters with initial values for (const [status, counter] of Object.entries(obj_counters)) { counter.add(obj_registry.getObjectCountInStatus(status)); } } export function obj_verify() { if (__ENV.SLEEP) { sleep(__ENV.SLEEP); } const obj = obj_registry.nextObjectToVerify(); if (!obj) { console.log("All objects have been verified"); return; } console.log(`Verifying object ${}`); const obj_status = verify_object_with_retries(obj, 3); obj_counters[obj_status].add(1); obj_registry.setObjectStatus(, obj_status); } function verify_object_with_retries(obj, attempts) { for (let i = 0; i < attempts; i++) { let result; if (obj.c_id && obj.o_id) { result = grpc_client.verifyHash(obj.c_id, obj.o_id, obj.payload_hash); } else if (obj.s3_bucket && obj.s3_key) { result = s3_client.verifyHash(obj.s3_bucket, obj.s3_key, obj.payload_hash); } else { console.log(`Object id=${} cannot be verified with supported protocols`); return "skipped"; } if (result.success) { return "verified"; } else if (result.error == "hash mismatch") { return "invalid"; } // Unless we explicitly saw that there was a hash mismatch, then we will retry after a delay console.log(`Verify error on ${}: {resp.error}. Object will be re-tried`); sleep(__ENV.SLEEP); } return "invalid"; }