feat: collapse ask and start question

1. Change RoomStatusRoundIsStarted to RoomStatusAnswering
2. Delete answerIdx from Answer struct and number from Round struct
3. Collapse AskQuestion and StartQuestion to AskQuestion
4. Rename main.go to room_contract.go
This commit is contained in:
Nikita Mikhalev 2025-01-19 20:08:41 +03:00
parent 3545b158b5
commit 03963987a4

View file

@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ func RuntimeNotify(args []any) {
const (
RoomStatusWaiting = "waiting" // Waiting for the game to start, players are joining
RoomStatusGaming = "gaming" // In this phase, players are ready, but the question hasn't been asked yet
RoomStatusRoundIsStarted = "round_is_started" // Phase when the round has started and the question has been asked, players can submit answers
RoomStatusVoting = "voting" // Voting phase, where players select the best answer from the options.
RoomStatusFinished = "finished" // Game is finished, and results have been determined.
RoomStatusWaiting = "waiting" // Waiting for the game to start, players are joining
RoomStatusGaming = "gaming" // In this phase, players are ready, but the question hasn't been asked yet
RoomStatusAnswering = "answering" // Phase when the round has started and the question has been asked, players can submit answers
RoomStatusVoting = "voting" // Voting phase, where players select the best answer from the options
RoomStatusFinished = "finished" // Game is finished, and results have been determined
type Room struct {
@ -35,22 +35,20 @@ type Room struct {
Host interop.Hash160
Status string
PrizePool int
CountWinners int // ???
CountWinners int
Players []Player
Rounds []Round
type Round struct {
number int // Sequence number of round
question string
answers []Answer
type Answer struct {
wallet interop.Hash160
content string
votes []interop.Hash160 // Wallets who voted for answer
answerIdx int // Index of sent content to user
wallet interop.Hash160
content string
votes []interop.Hash160 // Wallets who voted for answer
type Player struct {
@ -215,39 +213,19 @@ func AskQuestion(roomId string, question string) bool {
return false // Only host can ask question, room status must be game is started
newRound := Round{
number: len(room.Rounds) + 1,
var round = Round{
question: question,
answers: []Answer{},
room.Rounds = append(room.Rounds, newRound)
room.Rounds = append(room.Rounds, round)
room.Status = RoomStatusAnswering
// todo: Списание средств за создание вопроса ? Надо ли делать вообще или можно оставить бесплатным
// todo: Можно наверное склеить с StartQuestion, потому что после его создания можно сразу же начать раунд
// грубо говоря вынести ask в приватный как createQuestion и использовать его в StartQuestion, переименовав
// его в ask
setRoom(ctx, &room)
return true
func StartQuestion(roomId string) bool {
var ctx = storage.GetContext()
var room = getRoom(ctx, roomId)
if !room.Host.Equals(getSender()) || room.Status != RoomStatusGaming {
return false // Only host can start question, room status must be game is started
room.Status = RoomStatusRoundIsStarted
var question = room.Rounds[len(room.Rounds)-1].question
for _, player := range room.Players {
sendMessageToPlayer(question, player)
// todo: Не забыть про ннс
// todo: Добавить списание токенов за создание вопроса
setRoom(ctx, &room)
return true
@ -256,22 +234,27 @@ func StartQuestion(roomId string) bool {
func SendAnswer(roomId string, text string) bool {
var ctx = storage.GetContext()
var room = getRoom(ctx, roomId)
var wallet = getSender()
if !roomContainsPlayer(room.Players, getSender()) || room.Status != RoomStatusRoundIsStarted {
if !roomContainsPlayer(room.Players, getSender()) || room.Status != RoomStatusAnswering {
return false // Only player can send content, room status must be round is started
// todo: Добавить списание токенов за добавление ответа
var round = room.Rounds[len(room.Rounds)-1]
answer := Answer{
wallet: getSender(),
content: text,
votes: []interop.Hash160{},
answerIdx: len(round.answers),
for _, answer := range round.answers {
if answer.wallet.Equals(wallet) {
return false // Player cannot send answer twice
// todo: Проверка отправки ответа (от каждого участника если отправлен ответ, то макс один)
answer := Answer{
wallet: wallet,
content: text,
votes: []interop.Hash160{},
round.answers = append(round.answers, answer)
@ -284,8 +267,8 @@ func EndQuestion(roomId string) bool {
var ctx = storage.GetContext()
var room = getRoom(ctx, roomId)
if !room.Host.Equals(getSender()) || room.Status != RoomStatusRoundIsStarted {
return false // Only host can end question, room status must be round is started
if !room.Host.Equals(getSender()) || room.Status != RoomStatusAnswering {
return false // Only host can end question, room status must be answering
room.Status = RoomStatusVoting
@ -329,8 +312,7 @@ func VoteAnswer(roomId string, answerIdx int) bool {
return true
// todo (-): Можно прям сюда подсовывать ссылку на другой контракт кастомный и дефолт реализацию оставить в методе, а кастомную условием
// todo: Нам сказали, что ссылку на другой контракт нельзя чисто, используем nns
// GetWinner todo: Нам сказали, что ссылку на другой контракт нельзя чисто, используем nns
func GetWinner(roomId string) bool {
var ctx = storage.GetContext()
var room = getRoom(ctx, roomId)