From 8dd63c451c6543d1a4d049c13a0db30e40c9cd60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 18:19:34 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] [#57] container: Remove deprecated methods

Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
 container/service.proto | 119 ----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 119 deletions(-)

diff --git a/container/service.proto b/container/service.proto
index f572ba5..66542aa 100644
--- a/container/service.proto
+++ b/container/service.proto
@@ -63,18 +63,6 @@ service ContainerService {
   //   container list access denied.
   rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse);
-  // Invokes 'SetEACL' method of 'Container` smart contract and returns response
-  // immediately. After one more block in sidechain, changes in an Extended ACL
-  // are added into smart contract storage.
-  //
-  // Statuses:
-  // - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS): \
-  //   request to save container eACL has been sent to the sidechain;
-  // - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON);
-  //   set container eACL access denied.
-  rpc SetExtendedACL(SetExtendedACLRequest) returns (SetExtendedACLResponse);
   // Returns Extended ACL table and signature from `Container` smart contract
   // storage.
@@ -89,15 +77,6 @@ service ContainerService {
   //   access to container eACL is denied.
   rpc GetExtendedACL(GetExtendedACLRequest) returns (GetExtendedACLResponse);
-  // Announces the space values used by the container for P2P synchronization.
-  //
-  // Statuses:
-  // - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS): \
-  //   estimation of used space has been successfully announced;
-  // - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON).
-  rpc AnnounceUsedSpace(AnnounceUsedSpaceRequest)
-      returns (AnnounceUsedSpaceResponse);
 // New NeoFS Container creation request
@@ -283,50 +262,6 @@ message ListResponse {
   neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
-// Set Extended ACL
-message SetExtendedACLRequest {
-  // Set Extended ACL request body does not have separate `ContainerID`
-  // reference. It will be taken from `EACLTable.container_id` field.
-  message Body {
-    // Extended ACL table to set for the container
-    neo.fs.v2.acl.EACLTable eacl = 1;
-    // Signature of stable-marshalled Extended ACL table according to RFC-6979.
-    neo.fs.v2.refs.SignatureRFC6979 signature = 2;
-  }
-  // Body of set extended acl request message.
-  Body body = 1;
-  // Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
-  // message transport and does not affect request execution.
-  neo.fs.v2.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
-  // Carries request verification information. This header is used to
-  // authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
-  // transmission.
-  neo.fs.v2.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
-// Set Extended ACL
-message SetExtendedACLResponse {
-  // `SetExtendedACLResponse` has an empty body because the operation is
-  // asynchronous and the update should be reflected in `Container` smart
-  // contract's storage after next block is issued in sidechain.
-  message Body {}
-  // Body of set extended acl response message.
-  Body body = 1;
-  // Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
-  // message transport and does not affect request execution.
-  neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
-  // Carries response verification information. This header is used to
-  // authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
-  // transmission.
-  neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
 // Get Extended ACL
 message GetExtendedACLRequest {
   // Get Extended ACL request body
@@ -375,57 +310,3 @@ message GetExtendedACLResponse {
   // transmission.
   neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
-// Announce container used space
-message AnnounceUsedSpaceRequest {
-  // Container used space announcement body.
-  message Body {
-    // Announcement contains used space information for a single container.
-    message Announcement {
-      // Epoch number for which the container size estimation was produced.
-      uint64 epoch = 1;
-      // Identifier of the container.
-      neo.fs.v2.refs.ContainerID container_id = 2;
-      // Used space is a sum of object payload sizes of a specified
-      // container, stored in the node. It must not include inhumed objects.
-      uint64 used_space = 3;
-    }
-    // List of announcements. If nodes share several containers,
-    // announcements are transferred in a batch.
-    repeated Announcement announcements = 1;
-  }
-  // Body of announce used space request message.
-  Body body = 1;
-  // Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
-  // message transport and does not affect request execution.
-  neo.fs.v2.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
-  // Carries request verification information. This header is used to
-  // authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
-  // transmission.
-  neo.fs.v2.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
-// Announce container used space
-message AnnounceUsedSpaceResponse {
-  // `AnnounceUsedSpaceResponse` has an empty body because announcements are
-  // one way communication.
-  message Body {}
-  // Body of announce used space response message.
-  Body body = 1;
-  // Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
-  // message transport and does not affect request execution.
-  neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
-  // Carries response verification information. This header is used to
-  // authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
-  // transmission.
-  neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;