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+# Globally unique domain zone
+**Make sure you understand the [basic concepts](../nns/README.md) of `NNS`.**
+`Globally Unique Domains Zone` (`GUDZ`) is an extension of `NNS` that ensures unique names across multiple domain zones. When this option is enabled, all newly created domains will automatically receive a corresponding alias in the designated global zone. Deleting a domain will also remove its alias from the global zone.
+It's important to note that this feature is not retroactive: domains created before this option is enabled will not receive a global alias. Likewise, if the option is later disabled, domains that already have a `GUDZ` alias will retain their records. To fully disable `GUDZ`, all domains must be recreated with the option turned off.
+To enable `GUDZ`, add a `cnametgt=$(global domain)` `TXT` record that specifies the global zone.
+- `poland`
+- `sweden`
+- `animals.org`
+It is necessary to associate the domain zones `.poland` and `.sweden` into the global zone `.animals`.
+Create domains:
+frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="poland" --email="email@email.email"
+frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="sweden" --email="email@email.email"
+frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="org" --email="email@email.email"
+frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="animals.org" --email="email@email.email"
+Add the `cnametgt` records:
+frostfs-adm morph nns add-record --name="poland" --data="cnametgt=animals.org" --type="txt"
+frostfs-adm morph nns add-record --name="sweden" --data="cnametgt=animals.org" --type="txt"
+Create a domain with mapping to the global zone:
+frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="bober.poland" --email="email@email.email"
+Add any `TXT` record
+frostfs-adm morph nns add-record --name="bober.poland" --data="CID" --type="txt"
+Verify that the created domain has alias in the global zone
+frostfs-adm morph nns tokens -v
+bober.animals.org (CNAME: bober.poland)
+Create of a conflicting domain
+frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="bober.sweden" --email="email@email.email"
+unable to register domain: script failed (FAULT state) due to an error: at instruction 1263 (THROW): unhandled exception: "global domain is already taken: bober.animals.org. Domain: bober.poland
+**Disable GUDZ**
+Delete `cnametgt` records
+frostfs-adm morph nns delete-records --type=txt --name=poland
+Create `hamster.poland` and `hamster.sweden`
+frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="hamster.poland" --email="email@email.email"
+frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="hamster.sweden" --email="email@email.email"
+`hamster.poland` and `hamster.sweden` does not have alias
+frostfs-adm morph nns tokens -v
+bober.animals.org (CNAME: bober.poland)
+Delete global alias of `bober.poland`
+ frostfs-adm morph nns delete-records --name="bober.poland" --type="txt"
+frostfs-adm morph nns tokens -v
+Delete `bober.poland`
+ frostfs-adm morph nns delete --name="bober.poland"
+frostfs-adm morph nns tokens -v
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+# NNS
+NNS - Neo Name Service is a service that allows manage a domain name as a digital asset (NFT). It has an interface similar to `DNS` but has significant differences in its internal structure.
+## Entities:
+- Domain
+- Record
+- Owner
+- Committee
+### Domain
+Domain is string that satisfies the following requirements:
+- Length from 2 to 255 characters.
+- Root domain must start with a letter.
+- All other fragments must start and end with a letter or digit.
+Domain has owner, a registration period, and may optionally have records.
+A fee established by the committee is charged upon domain registration. After registration, the owner can manage this asset (add/delete records, transfer ownership to another owner) until the end of the domain registration period.
+### Record
+A record is a pair of values ``.
+Supported record types:
+| Type | Description |
+| A | Represents address record type |
+| AAA | Represents IPv6 address record type |
+| TXT | Represents text record type |
+| CNAME | Represents canonical name record type |
+| SOA | Represents start of authority record type |
+### Owner
+An owner is a wallet that has the right to manage this NFT (domain).
+### Committee
+The committee makes new tokens (domains), sets, and charges a fee for issuance.
+## Globally Unique Domain Zone
+For more information, see [here](../docs/globally-unique-domain-zone.md).