package reputation

import (

	frostfscrypto ""

// Trust represents quantitative assessment of the trust of a participant in the
// FrostFS reputation system.
// Trust is mutually compatible with
// message. See ReadFromV2 / WriteToV2 methods.
// Instances can be created using built-in var declaration.
type Trust struct {
	m reputation.Trust

// ReadFromV2 reads Trust from the reputation.Trust message. Returns an
// error if the message is malformed according to the FrostFS API V2 protocol.
// See also WriteToV2.
func (x *Trust) ReadFromV2(m reputation.Trust) error {
	if val := m.GetValue(); val < 0 || val > 1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid trust value %v", val)

	peerV2 := m.GetPeer()
	if peerV2 == nil {
		return errors.New("missing peer field")

	var peer PeerID

	err := peer.ReadFromV2(*peerV2)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid peer field: %w", err)

	x.m = m

	return nil

// WriteToV2 writes Trust to the reputation.Trust message.
// The message must not be nil.
// See also ReadFromV2.
func (x Trust) WriteToV2(m *reputation.Trust) {
	*m = x.m

// SetPeer specifies identifier of the participant of the FrostFS reputation system
// to which the Trust relates.
// See also Peer.
func (x *Trust) SetPeer(id PeerID) {
	var m reputation.PeerID


// Peer returns peer identifier set using SetPeer.
// Zero Trust returns zero PeerID which is incorrect according to the FrostFS API
// protocol.
func (x Trust) Peer() (res PeerID) {
	m := x.m.GetPeer()
	if m != nil {
		err := res.ReadFromV2(*m)
		if err != nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error from ReadFromV2: %v", err))


// SetValue sets the Trust value. Value MUST be in range [0;1].
// See also Value.
func (x *Trust) SetValue(val float64) {
	if val < 0 || val > 1 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("trust value is out-of-range %v", val))


// Value returns value set using SetValue.
// Zero Trust has zero value.
func (x Trust) Value() float64 {
	return x.m.GetValue()

// PeerToPeerTrust represents trust of one participant of the FrostFS reputation
// system to another one.
// Trust is mutually compatible with
// message. See ReadFromV2 / WriteToV2 methods.
// Instances can be created using built-in var declaration.
type PeerToPeerTrust struct {
	m reputation.PeerToPeerTrust

// ReadFromV2 reads PeerToPeerTrust from the reputation.PeerToPeerTrust message.
// Returns an error if the message is malformed according to the FrostFS API V2
// protocol.
// See also WriteToV2.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) ReadFromV2(m reputation.PeerToPeerTrust) error {
	trustingV2 := m.GetTrustingPeer()
	if trustingV2 == nil {
		return errors.New("missing trusting peer")

	var trusting PeerID

	err := trusting.ReadFromV2(*trustingV2)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid trusting peer: %w", err)

	trustV2 := m.GetTrust()
	if trustV2 == nil {
		return errors.New("missing trust")

	var trust Trust

	err = trust.ReadFromV2(*trustV2)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid trust: %w", err)

	x.m = m

	return nil

// WriteToV2 writes PeerToPeerTrust to the reputation.PeerToPeerTrust message.
// The message must not be nil.
// See also ReadFromV2.
func (x PeerToPeerTrust) WriteToV2(m *reputation.PeerToPeerTrust) {
	*m = x.m

// SetTrustingPeer specifies the peer from which trust comes in terms of the
// FrostFS reputation system.
// See also TrustingPeer.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) SetTrustingPeer(id PeerID) {
	var m reputation.PeerID


// TrustingPeer returns peer set using SetTrustingPeer.
// Zero PeerToPeerTrust has no trusting peer which is incorrect according
// to the FrostFS API protocol.
func (x PeerToPeerTrust) TrustingPeer() (res PeerID) {
	m := x.m.GetTrustingPeer()
	if m != nil {
		err := res.ReadFromV2(*m)
		if err != nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error from PeerID.ReadFromV2: %v", err))


// SetTrust sets trust value of the trusting peer to another participant
// of the FrostFS reputation system.
// See also Trust.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) SetTrust(t Trust) {
	var tV2 reputation.Trust


// Trust returns trust set using SetTrust.
// Zero PeerToPeerTrust returns zero Trust which is incorrect according to the
// FrostFS API protocol.
func (x PeerToPeerTrust) Trust() (res Trust) {
	m := x.m.GetTrust()
	if m != nil {
		err := res.ReadFromV2(*m)
		if err != nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error from Trust.ReadFromV2: %v", err))


// GlobalTrust represents the final assessment of trust in the participant of
// the FrostFS reputation system obtained taking into account all other participants.
// GlobalTrust is mutually compatible with
// message. See ReadFromV2 / WriteToV2 methods.
// To submit GlobalTrust value in FrostFS zero instance SHOULD be declared,
// initialized using Init method and filled using dedicated methods.
type GlobalTrust struct {
	m reputation.GlobalTrust

// ReadFromV2 reads GlobalTrust from the reputation.GlobalTrust message.
// Returns an error if the message is malformed according to the FrostFS API V2
// protocol.
// See also WriteToV2.
func (x *GlobalTrust) ReadFromV2(m reputation.GlobalTrust) error {
	if m.GetVersion() == nil {
		return errors.New("missing version")

	if m.GetSignature() == nil {
		return errors.New("missing signature")

	body := m.GetBody()
	if body == nil {
		return errors.New("missing body")

	managerV2 := body.GetManager()
	if managerV2 == nil {
		return errors.New("missing manager")

	var manager PeerID

	err := manager.ReadFromV2(*managerV2)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid manager: %w", err)

	trustV2 := body.GetTrust()
	if trustV2 == nil {
		return errors.New("missing trust")

	var trust Trust

	err = trust.ReadFromV2(*trustV2)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid trust: %w", err)

	x.m = m

	return nil

// WriteToV2 writes GlobalTrust to the reputation.GlobalTrust message.
// The message must not be nil.
// See also ReadFromV2.
func (x GlobalTrust) WriteToV2(m *reputation.GlobalTrust) {
	*m = x.m

// Init initializes all internal data of the GlobalTrust required by FrostFS API
// protocol. Init MUST be called when creating a new global trust instance.
// Init SHOULD NOT be called multiple times. Init SHOULD NOT be called if
// the GlobalTrust instance is used for decoding only.
func (x *GlobalTrust) Init() {
	var ver refs.Version


func (x *GlobalTrust) setBodyField(setter func(*reputation.GlobalTrustBody)) {
	if x != nil {
		body := x.m.GetBody()
		if body == nil {
			body = new(reputation.GlobalTrustBody)


// SetManager sets identifier of the FrostFS reputation system's participant which
// performed trust estimation.
// See also Manager.
func (x *GlobalTrust) SetManager(id PeerID) {
	var m reputation.PeerID

	x.setBodyField(func(body *reputation.GlobalTrustBody) {

// Manager returns peer set using SetManager.
// Zero GlobalTrust has zero manager which is incorrect according to the
// FrostFS API protocol.
func (x GlobalTrust) Manager() (res PeerID) {
	m := x.m.GetBody().GetManager()
	if m != nil {
		err := res.ReadFromV2(*m)
		if err != nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error from ReadFromV2: %v", err))


// SetTrust sets the global trust score of the network to a specific network
// member.
// See also Trust.
func (x *GlobalTrust) SetTrust(trust Trust) {
	var m reputation.Trust

	x.setBodyField(func(body *reputation.GlobalTrustBody) {

// Trust returns trust set using SetTrust.
// Zero GlobalTrust return zero Trust which is incorrect according to the
// FrostFS API protocol.
func (x GlobalTrust) Trust() (res Trust) {
	m := x.m.GetBody().GetTrust()
	if m != nil {
		err := res.ReadFromV2(*m)
		if err != nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error from ReadFromV2: %v", err))


// Sign calculates and writes signature of the GlobalTrust data. Returns
// signature calculation errors.
// Zero GlobalTrust is unsigned.
// Note that any GlobalTrust mutation is likely to break the signature, so it is
// expected to be calculated as a final stage of GlobalTrust formation.
// See also VerifySignature.
func (x *GlobalTrust) Sign(signer frostfscrypto.Signer) error {
	var sig frostfscrypto.Signature

	err := sig.Calculate(signer, x.m.GetBody().StableMarshal(nil))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("calculate signature: %w", err)

	var sigv2 refs.Signature


	return nil

// VerifySignature checks if GlobalTrust signature is presented and valid.
// Zero GlobalTrust fails the check.
// See also Sign.
func (x GlobalTrust) VerifySignature() bool {
	sigV2 := x.m.GetSignature()
	if sigV2 == nil {
		return false

	var sig frostfscrypto.Signature

	return sig.ReadFromV2(*sigV2) == nil && sig.Verify(x.m.GetBody().StableMarshal(nil))

// Marshal encodes GlobalTrust into a binary format of the FrostFS API protocol
// (Protocol Buffers with direct field order).
// See also Unmarshal.
func (x GlobalTrust) Marshal() []byte {
	return x.m.StableMarshal(nil)

// Unmarshal decodes FrostFS API protocol binary format into the GlobalTrust
// (Protocol Buffers with direct field order). Returns an error describing
// a format violation.
// See also Marshal.
func (x *GlobalTrust) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
	return x.m.Unmarshal(data)