package neofsapiclient

import (

	apistatus ""
	cid ""

// Client represents NeoFS API client cut down to the needs of a purely IR application.
type Client struct {
	key *ecdsa.PrivateKey

	c client.Client

// WrapBasicClient wraps client.Client instance to use it for NeoFS API RPC.
func (x *Client) WrapBasicClient(c client.Client) {
	x.c = c

// SetPrivateKey sets private key to sign RPC requests.
func (x *Client) SetPrivateKey(key *ecdsa.PrivateKey) {
	x.key = key

// SearchSGPrm groups parameters of SearchSG operation.
type SearchSGPrm struct {

	cnrID *cid.ID

// SetContainerID sets ID of the container to search for storage groups.
func (x *SearchSGPrm) SetContainerID(id *cid.ID) {
	x.cnrID = id

// SearchSGRes groups resulting values of SearchSG operation.
type SearchSGRes struct {
	cliRes *client.ObjectSearchRes

// IDList returns list of IDs of storage groups in container.
func (x SearchSGRes) IDList() []*object.ID {
	return x.cliRes.IDList()

var sgFilter = storagegroup.SearchQuery()

// SearchSG lists objects of storage group type in the container.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func (x Client) SearchSG(prm SearchSGPrm) (res SearchSGRes, err error) {
	var cliPrm client.SearchObjectParams


	res.cliRes, err = x.c.SearchObjects(prm.ctx, &cliPrm,
	if err == nil {
		// pull out an error from status
		err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(res.cliRes.Status())


// GetObjectPrm groups parameters of GetObject operation.
type GetObjectPrm struct {

// GetObjectRes groups resulting values of GetObject operation.
type GetObjectRes struct {
	cliRes *client.ObjectGetRes

// Object returns received object.
func (x GetObjectRes) Object() *object.Object {
	return x.cliRes.Object()

// GetObject reads the object by address.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func (x Client) GetObject(prm GetObjectPrm) (res GetObjectRes, err error) {
	var cliPrm client.GetObjectParams


	res.cliRes, err = x.c.GetObject(prm.ctx, &cliPrm,
	if err == nil {
		// pull out an error from status
		err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(res.cliRes.Status())


// HeadObjectPrm groups parameters of HeadObject operation.
type HeadObjectPrm struct {

	raw bool

	ttl uint32

// SetRawFlag sets flag of raw request.
func (x *HeadObjectPrm) SetRawFlag() {
	x.raw = true

// SetTTL sets request TTL value.
func (x *HeadObjectPrm) SetTTL(ttl uint32) {
	x.ttl = ttl

// HeadObjectRes groups resulting values of HeadObject operation.
type HeadObjectRes struct {
	cliRes *client.ObjectHeadRes

// Header returns received object header.
func (x HeadObjectRes) Header() *object.Object {
	return x.cliRes.Object()

// HeadObject reads short object header by address.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
// For raw requests, returns *object.SplitInfoError error if requested object is virtual.
func (x Client) HeadObject(prm HeadObjectPrm) (res HeadObjectRes, err error) {
	var cliPrm client.ObjectHeaderParams


	res.cliRes, err = x.c.HeadObject(prm.ctx, &cliPrm,
	if err == nil {
		// pull out an error from status
		err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(res.cliRes.Status())


// GetObjectPayload reads object by address from NeoFS via Client and returns its payload.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func GetObjectPayload(ctx context.Context, c Client, addr *object.Address) ([]byte, error) {
	var prm GetObjectPrm


	obj, err := c.GetObject(prm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return obj.Object().Payload(), nil

func headObject(ctx context.Context, c Client, addr *object.Address, raw bool, ttl uint32) (*object.Object, error) {
	var prm HeadObjectPrm


	if raw {

	obj, err := c.HeadObject(prm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return obj.Header(), nil

// GetRawObjectHeaderLocally reads raw short object header from server's local storage by address via Client.
func GetRawObjectHeaderLocally(ctx context.Context, c Client, addr *object.Address) (*object.Object, error) {
	return headObject(ctx, c, addr, true, 1)

// GetObjectHeaderFromContainer reads short object header by address via Client with TTL = 10
// for deep traversal of the container.
func GetObjectHeaderFromContainer(ctx context.Context, c Client, addr *object.Address) (*object.Object, error) {
	return headObject(ctx, c, addr, false, 10)

// HashPayloadRangePrm groups parameters of HashPayloadRange operation.
type HashPayloadRangePrm struct {

	rng *object.Range

// SetRange sets payload range to calculate the hash.
func (x *HashPayloadRangePrm) SetRange(rng *object.Range) {
	x.rng = rng

// HashPayloadRangeRes groups resulting values of HashPayloadRange operation.
type HashPayloadRangeRes struct {
	h []byte

// Hash returns hash of the object payload range.
func (x HashPayloadRangeRes) Hash() []byte {
	return x.h

// HashObjectRange requests to calculate Tillich-Zemor hash of the payload range of the object
// from the remote server's local storage.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func (x Client) HashPayloadRange(prm HashPayloadRangePrm) (res HashPayloadRangeRes, err error) {
	var cliPrm client.RangeChecksumParams


	cliRes, err := x.c.HashObjectPayloadRanges(prm.ctx, &cliPrm,
	if err == nil {
		// pull out an error from status
		err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(cliRes.Status())
		if err != nil {

		hs := cliRes.Hashes()
		if ln := len(hs); ln != 1 {
			err = fmt.Errorf("wrong number of hashes %d", ln)
		} else {
			res.h = hs[0]


// HashObjectRange reads Tillich-Zemor hash of the object payload range by address
// from the remote server's local storage via Client.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func HashObjectRange(ctx context.Context, c Client, addr *object.Address, rng *object.Range) ([]byte, error) {
	var prm HashPayloadRangePrm


	res, err := c.HashPayloadRange(prm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return res.Hash(), nil