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package container
import (
v2netmap ""
cid ""
frostfscrypto ""
frostfsecdsa ""
subnetid ""
// Container represents descriptor of the NeoFS container. Container logically
// stores NeoFS objects. Container is one of the basic and at the same time
// necessary data storage units in the NeoFS. Container includes data about the
// owner, rules for placing objects and other information necessary for the
// system functioning.
// Container type instances can represent different container states in the
// system, depending on the context. To create new container in NeoFS zero
// instance SHOULD be declared, initialized using Init method and filled using
// dedicated methods. Once container is saved in the NeoFS network, it can't be
// changed: containers stored in the system are immutable, and NeoFS is a CAS
// of containers that are identified by a fixed length value (see cid.ID type).
// Instances for existing containers can be initialized using decoding methods
// (e.g Unmarshal).
// Container is mutually compatible with
// message. See ReadFromV2 / WriteToV2 methods.
type Container struct {
v2 container.Container
const (
attributeName = "Name"
attributeTimestamp = "Timestamp"
// reads Container from the container.Container message. If checkFieldPresence is set,
// returns an error on absence of any protocol-required field.
func (x *Container) readFromV2(m container.Container, checkFieldPresence bool) error {
var err error
ownerV2 := m.GetOwnerID()
if ownerV2 != nil {
var owner user.ID
err = owner.ReadFromV2(*ownerV2)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid owner: %w", err)
} else if checkFieldPresence {
return errors.New("missing owner")
binNonce := m.GetNonce()
if len(binNonce) > 0 {
var nonce uuid.UUID
err = nonce.UnmarshalBinary(binNonce)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid nonce: %w", err)
} else if ver := nonce.Version(); ver != 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid nonce UUID version %d", ver)
} else if checkFieldPresence {
return errors.New("missing nonce")
ver := m.GetVersion()
if checkFieldPresence && ver == nil {
return errors.New("missing version")
policyV2 := m.GetPlacementPolicy()
if policyV2 != nil {
var policy netmap.PlacementPolicy
err = policy.ReadFromV2(*policyV2)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid placement policy: %w", err)
} else if checkFieldPresence {
return errors.New("missing placement policy")
attrs := m.GetAttributes()
mAttr := make(map[string]struct{}, len(attrs))
var key, val string
var was bool
for i := range attrs {
key = attrs[i].GetKey()
if key == "" {
return errors.New("empty attribute key")
_, was = mAttr[key]
if was {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicated attribute %s", key)
val = attrs[i].GetValue()
if val == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("empty attribute value %s", key)
switch key {
case container.SysAttributeSubnet:
err = new(subnetid.ID).DecodeString(val)
case attributeTimestamp:
_, err = strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid attribute value %s: %s (%w)", key, val, err)
mAttr[key] = struct{}{}
x.v2 = m
return nil
// ReadFromV2 reads Container from the container.Container message. Checks if the
// message conforms to NeoFS API V2 protocol.
// See also WriteToV2.
func (x *Container) ReadFromV2(m container.Container) error {
return x.readFromV2(m, true)
// WriteToV2 writes Container into the container.Container message.
// The message MUST NOT be nil.
// See also ReadFromV2.
func (x Container) WriteToV2(m *container.Container) {
*m = x.v2
// Marshal encodes Container into a binary format of the NeoFS API protocol
// (Protocol Buffers with direct field order).
// See also Unmarshal.
func (x Container) Marshal() []byte {
return x.v2.StableMarshal(nil)
// Unmarshal decodes NeoFS API protocol binary format into the Container
// (Protocol Buffers with direct field order). Returns an error describing
// a format violation.
// See also Marshal.
func (x *Container) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
var m container.Container
err := m.Unmarshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return x.readFromV2(m, false)
// MarshalJSON encodes Container into a JSON format of the NeoFS API protocol
// (Protocol Buffers JSON).
// See also UnmarshalJSON.
func (x Container) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return x.v2.MarshalJSON()
// UnmarshalJSON decodes NeoFS API protocol JSON format into the Container
// (Protocol Buffers JSON). Returns an error describing a format violation.
// See also MarshalJSON.
func (x *Container) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
return x.v2.UnmarshalJSON(data)
// Init initializes all internal data of the Container required by NeoFS API
// protocol. Init MUST be called when creating a new container. Init SHOULD NOT
// be called multiple times. Init SHOULD NOT be called if the Container instance
// is used for decoding only.
func (x *Container) Init() {
var ver refs.Version
nonce, err := uuid.New().MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error from UUID.MarshalBinary: %v", err))
// SetOwner specifies the owner of the Container. Each Container has exactly
// one owner, so SetOwner MUST be called for instances to be saved in the
// NeoFS.
// See also Owner.
func (x *Container) SetOwner(owner user.ID) {
var m refs.OwnerID
// Owner returns owner of the Container set using SetOwner.
// Zero Container has no owner which is incorrect according to NeoFS API
// protocol.
func (x Container) Owner() (res user.ID) {
m := x.v2.GetOwnerID()
if m != nil {
err := res.ReadFromV2(*m)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error from user.ID.ReadFromV2: %v", err))
// SetBasicACL specifies basic part of the Container ACL. Basic ACL is used
// to control access inside container storage.
// See also BasicACL.
func (x *Container) SetBasicACL(basicACL acl.Basic) {
// BasicACL returns basic ACL set using SetBasicACL.
// Zero Container has zero basic ACL which structurally correct but doesn't
// make sense since it denies any access to any party.
func (x Container) BasicACL() (res acl.Basic) {
// SetPlacementPolicy sets placement policy for the objects within the Container.
// NeoFS storage layer strives to follow the specified policy.
// See also PlacementPolicy.
func (x *Container) SetPlacementPolicy(policy netmap.PlacementPolicy) {
var m v2netmap.PlacementPolicy
// PlacementPolicy returns placement policy set using SetPlacementPolicy.
// Zero Container has no placement policy which is incorrect according to
// NeoFS API protocol.
func (x Container) PlacementPolicy() (res netmap.PlacementPolicy) {
m := x.v2.GetPlacementPolicy()
if m != nil {
err := res.ReadFromV2(*m)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error from PlacementPolicy.ReadFromV2: %v", err))
// SetAttribute sets Container attribute value by key. Both key and value
// MUST NOT be empty. Attributes set by the creator (owner) are most commonly
// ignored by the NeoFS system and used for application layer. Some attributes
// are so-called system or well-known attributes: they are reserved for system
// needs. System attributes SHOULD NOT be modified using SetAttribute, use
// corresponding methods/functions. List of the reserved keys is documented
// in the particular protocol version.
// SetAttribute overwrites existing attribute value.
// See also Attribute, IterateAttributes.
func (x *Container) SetAttribute(key, value string) {
if key == "" {
panic("empty attribute key")
} else if value == "" {
panic("empty attribute value")
attrs := x.v2.GetAttributes()
ln := len(attrs)
for i := 0; i < ln; i++ {
if attrs[i].GetKey() == key {
attrs = append(attrs, container.Attribute{})
// Attribute reads value of the Container attribute by key. Empty result means
// attribute absence.
// See also SetAttribute, IterateAttributes.
func (x Container) Attribute(key string) string {
attrs := x.v2.GetAttributes()
for i := range attrs {
if attrs[i].GetKey() == key {
return attrs[i].GetValue()
return ""
// IterateAttributes iterates over all Container attributes and passes them
// into f. The handler MUST NOT be nil.
// See also SetAttribute, Attribute.
func (x Container) IterateAttributes(f func(key, val string)) {
attrs := x.v2.GetAttributes()
for i := range attrs {
f(attrs[i].GetKey(), attrs[i].GetValue())
// SetName sets human-readable name of the Container. Name MUST NOT be empty.
// See also Name.
func SetName(cnr *Container, name string) {
cnr.SetAttribute(attributeName, name)
// Name returns container name set using SetName.
// Zero Container has no name.
func Name(cnr Container) string {
return cnr.Attribute(attributeName)
// SetCreationTime writes container's creation time in Unix Timestamp format.
// See also CreatedAt.
func SetCreationTime(cnr *Container, t time.Time) {
cnr.SetAttribute(attributeTimestamp, strconv.FormatInt(t.Unix(), 10))
// CreatedAt returns container's creation time set using SetCreationTime.
// Zero Container has zero timestamp (in seconds).
func CreatedAt(cnr Container) time.Time {
var sec int64
attr := cnr.Attribute(attributeTimestamp)
if attr != "" {
var err error
sec, err = strconv.ParseInt(cnr.Attribute(attributeTimestamp), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("parse container timestamp: %v", err))
return time.Unix(sec, 0)
// SetSubnet places the Container on the specified NeoFS subnet. If called,
// container nodes will only be selected from the given subnet, otherwise from
// the entire network.
func SetSubnet(cnr *Container, subNet subnetid.ID) {
cnr.SetAttribute(container.SysAttributeSubnet, subNet.EncodeToString())
// Subnet return container subnet set using SetSubnet.
// Zero Container is bound to zero subnet.
func Subnet(cnr Container) (res subnetid.ID) {
val := cnr.Attribute(container.SysAttributeSubnet)
if val != "" {
err := res.DecodeString(val)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid subnet attribute: %s (%v)", val, err))
const attributeHomoHashEnabled = "true"
// DisableHomomorphicHashing sets flag to disable homomorphic hashing of the
// Container data.
// See also IsHomomorphicHashingDisabled.
func DisableHomomorphicHashing(cnr *Container) {
cnr.SetAttribute(container.SysAttributeHomomorphicHashing, attributeHomoHashEnabled)
// IsHomomorphicHashingDisabled checks if DisableHomomorphicHashing was called.
// Zero Container has enabled hashing.
func IsHomomorphicHashingDisabled(cnr Container) bool {
return cnr.Attribute(container.SysAttributeHomomorphicHashing) == attributeHomoHashEnabled
// Domain represents information about container domain registered in the NNS
// contract deployed in the NeoFS network.
type Domain struct {
name, zone string
// SetName sets human-friendly container domain name.
func (x *Domain) SetName(name string) { = name
// Name returns name set using SetName.
// Zero Domain has zero name.
func (x Domain) Name() string {
// SetZone sets zone which is used as a TLD of a domain name in NNS contract.
func (x *Domain) SetZone(zone string) { = zone
// Zone returns domain zone set using SetZone.
// Zero Domain has "container" zone.
func (x Domain) Zone() string {
if != "" {
return "container"
// WriteDomain writes Domain into the Container. Name MUST NOT be empty.
func WriteDomain(cnr *Container, domain Domain) {
cnr.SetAttribute(container.SysAttributeName, domain.Name())
cnr.SetAttribute(container.SysAttributeZone, domain.Zone())
// ReadDomain reads Domain from the Container. Returns value with empty name
// if domain is not specified.
func ReadDomain(cnr Container) (res Domain) {
name := cnr.Attribute(container.SysAttributeName)
if name != "" {
// CalculateSignature calculates signature of the Container using provided signer
// and writes it into dst. Signature instance MUST NOT be nil. CalculateSignature
// is expected to be called after all the Container data is filled and before
// saving the Container in the NeoFS network. Note that мany subsequent change
// will most likely break the signature.
// See also VerifySignature.
func CalculateSignature(dst *frostfscrypto.Signature, cnr Container, signer ecdsa.PrivateKey) error {
return dst.Calculate(frostfsecdsa.SignerRFC6979(signer), cnr.Marshal())
// VerifySignature verifies Container signature calculated using CalculateSignature.
// Result means signature correctness.
func VerifySignature(sig frostfscrypto.Signature, cnr Container) bool {
return sig.Verify(cnr.Marshal())
// CalculateIDFromBinary calculates identifier of the binary-encoded container
// in CAS of the NeoFS containers and writes it into dst. ID instance MUST NOT
// be nil.
// See also CalculateID, AssertID.
func CalculateIDFromBinary(dst *cid.ID, cnr []byte) {
// CalculateID encodes the given Container and passes the result into
// CalculateIDFromBinary.
// See also Container.Marshal, AssertID.
func CalculateID(dst *cid.ID, cnr Container) {
CalculateIDFromBinary(dst, cnr.Marshal())
// AssertID checks if the given Container matches its identifier in CAS of the
// NeoFS containers.
// See also CalculateID.
func AssertID(id cid.ID, cnr Container) bool {
var id2 cid.ID
CalculateID(&id2, cnr)
return id2.Equals(id)