package client

import (

	v2object ""
	v2refs ""
	rpcapi ""
	v2session ""
	cid ""
	oid ""

// PrmObjectHash groups parameters of ObjectHash operation.
type PrmObjectHash struct {
	meta v2session.RequestMetaHeader

	body v2object.GetRangeHashRequestBody

	tillichZemor bool

	addr v2refs.Address

// MarkLocal tells the server to execute the operation locally.
func (x *PrmObjectHash) MarkLocal() {

// WithinSession specifies session within which object should be read.
// Creator of the session acquires the authorship of the request.
// This may affect the execution of an operation (e.g. access control).
// Must be signed.
func (x *PrmObjectHash) WithinSession(t session.Token) {

// WithBearerToken attaches bearer token to be used for the operation.
// If set, underlying eACL rules will be used in access control.
// Must be signed.
func (x *PrmObjectHash) WithBearerToken(t token.BearerToken) {

// FromContainer specifies NeoFS container of the object.
// Required parameter.
func (x *PrmObjectHash) FromContainer(id cid.ID) {

// ByID specifies identifier of the requested object.
// Required parameter.
func (x *PrmObjectHash) ByID(id oid.ID) {

// SetRangeList sets list of ranges in (offset, length) pair format.
// Required parameter.
// If passed as slice, then it must not be mutated before the operation completes.
func (x *PrmObjectHash) SetRangeList(r ...uint64) {
	ln := len(r)
	if ln%2 != 0 {
		panic("odd number of range parameters")

	rs := make([]v2object.Range, ln/2)

	for i := 0; i < ln/2; i++ {


// TillichZemorAlgo changes the hash function to Tillich-Zemor
// (
// By default, SHA256 hash function is used.
func (x *PrmObjectHash) TillichZemorAlgo() {
	x.tillichZemor = true

// UseSalt sets the salt to XOR the data range before hashing.
// Must not be mutated before the operation completes.
func (x *PrmObjectHash) UseSalt(salt []byte) {

// WithXHeaders specifies list of extended headers (string key-value pairs)
// to be attached to the request. Must have an even length.
// Slice must not be mutated until the operation completes.
func (x *PrmObjectHash) WithXHeaders(hs ...string) {
	if len(hs)%2 != 0 {
		panic("slice of X-Headers with odd length")

	prmCommonMeta{xHeaders: hs}.writeToMetaHeader(&x.meta)

// ResObjectHash groups resulting values of ObjectHash operation.
type ResObjectHash struct {

	checksums [][]byte

// Checksums returns a list of calculated checksums in range order.
func (x ResObjectHash) Checksums() [][]byte {
	return x.checksums

// ObjectHash requests checksum of the range list of the object payload using
// NeoFS API protocol.
// Returns a list of checksums in raw form: the format of hashes and their number
// is left for the caller to check. Client preserves the order of the server's response.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. By default, server status is returned in res structure.
// Any client's internal or transport errors are returned as `error`,
// If WithNeoFSErrorParsing option has been provided, unsuccessful
// NeoFS status codes are returned as `error`, otherwise, are included
// in the returned result structure.
// Immediately panics if parameters are set incorrectly (see PrmObjectHash docs).
// Context is required and must not be nil. It is used for network communication.
// Return statuses:
//   - global (see Client docs);
//   - *apistatus.ContainerNotFound;
//   - *apistatus.ObjectNotFound;
//   - *apistatus.ObjectAccessDenied;
//   - *apistatus.SessionTokenExpired.
func (c *Client) ObjectHash(ctx context.Context, prm PrmObjectHash) (*ResObjectHash, error) {
	switch {
	case ctx == nil:
	case prm.addr.GetContainerID() == nil:
	case prm.addr.GetObjectID() == nil:
		panic("missing object")
	case len(prm.body.GetRanges()) == 0:
		panic("missing ranges")

	// form request body
	// ranges and salt are already by prm setters

	if prm.tillichZemor {
	} else {

	// form request
	var req v2object.GetRangeHashRequest

	// init call context
	var (
		cc  contextCall
		res ResObjectHash

	cc.req = &req
	cc.statusRes = &res = func() (responseV2, error) {
		return rpcapi.HashObjectRange(&c.c, &req, client.WithContext(ctx))
	cc.result = func(r responseV2) {
		res.checksums = r.(*v2object.GetRangeHashResponse).GetBody().GetHashList()

	// process call
	if !cc.processCall() {
		return nil, cc.err

	return &res, nil