Evgenii Stratonikov 3edaf9ecb6 netmap: sort buckets by HRW value
If weights for some buckets are equal, result depends on the
initial positions of buckets in slice. Thus we sort buckets by value
using hash of the first node as a have for the whole bucket.
This is ok, because buckets are already sorted by HRW.

Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
2021-12-28 15:59:35 +03:00

420 lines
10 KiB

package netmap
import (
type (
// Node is a wrapper over NodeInfo.
Node struct {
ID uint64
Index int
Capacity uint64
Price uint64
AttrMap map[string]string
// Nodes represents slice of graph leafs.
Nodes []*Node
// NodeState is an enumeration of various states of the NeoFS node.
type NodeState uint32
// NodeAttribute represents v2 compatible attribute of the NeoFS Storage Node.
type NodeAttribute netmap.Attribute
// NodeInfo represents v2 compatible descriptor of the NeoFS node.
type NodeInfo netmap.NodeInfo
const (
_ NodeState = iota
// NodeStateOffline is network unavailable state.
// NodeStateOnline is an active state in the network.
// Enumeration of well-known attributes.
const (
// AttrPrice is a key to the node attribute that indicates the
// price in GAS tokens for storing one GB of data during one Epoch.
AttrPrice = "Price"
// AttrCapacity is a key to the node attribute that indicates the
// total available disk space in Gigabytes.
AttrCapacity = "Capacity"
// AttrSubnet is a key to the node attribute that indicates the
// string ID of node's storage subnet.
AttrSubnet = "Subnet"
// AttrUNLOCODE is a key to the node attribute that indicates the
// node's geographic location in UN/LOCODE format.
// AttrCountryCode is a key to the node attribute that indicates the
// Country code in ISO 3166-1_alpha-2 format.
AttrCountryCode = "CountryCode"
// AttrCountry is a key to the node attribute that indicates the
// country short name in English, as defined in ISO-3166.
AttrCountry = "Country"
// AttrLocation is a key to the node attribute that indicates the
// place name of the node location.
AttrLocation = "Location"
// AttrSubDivCode is a key to the node attribute that indicates the
// country's administrative subdivision where node is located
// in ISO 3166-2 format.
AttrSubDivCode = "SubDivCode"
// AttrSubDiv is a key to the node attribute that indicates the
// country's administrative subdivision name, as defined in
// ISO 3166-2.
AttrSubDiv = "SubDiv"
// AttrContinent is a key to the node attribute that indicates the
// node's continent name according to the Seven-Continent model.
AttrContinent = "Continent"
var _ hrw.Hasher = (*Node)(nil)
// Hash is a function from hrw.Hasher interface. It is implemented
// to support weighted hrw therefore sort function sorts nodes
// based on their `N` value.
func (n Node) Hash() uint64 {
return n.ID
// Hash is a function from hrw.Hasher interface. It is implemented
// to support weighted hrw sorting of buckets. Each bucket is already sorted by hrw,
// thus giving us needed "randomness".
func (n Nodes) Hash() uint64 {
if len(n) > 0 {
return n[0].Hash()
return 0
// NodesFromInfo converts slice of NodeInfo to a generic node slice.
func NodesFromInfo(infos []NodeInfo) Nodes {
nodes := make(Nodes, len(infos))
for i := range infos {
nodes[i] = newNodeV2(i, &infos[i])
return nodes
func newNodeV2(index int, ni *NodeInfo) *Node {
n := &Node{
ID: hrw.Hash(ni.PublicKey()),
Index: index,
AttrMap: make(map[string]string, len(ni.Attributes())),
NodeInfo: ni,
for _, attr := range ni.Attributes() {
switch attr.Key() {
case AttrCapacity:
n.Capacity, _ = strconv.ParseUint(attr.Value(), 10, 64)
case AttrPrice:
n.Price, _ = strconv.ParseUint(attr.Value(), 10, 64)
n.AttrMap[attr.Key()] = attr.Value()
return n
// Weights returns slice of nodes weights W.
func (n Nodes) Weights(wf weightFunc) []float64 {
w := make([]float64, 0, len(n))
for i := range n {
w = append(w, wf(n[i]))
return w
// Attribute returns value of attribute k.
func (n *Node) Attribute(k string) string {
return n.AttrMap[k]
// GetBucketWeight computes weight for a Bucket.
func GetBucketWeight(ns Nodes, a aggregator, wf weightFunc) float64 {
for i := range ns {
return a.Compute()
// NodeStateFromV2 converts v2 NodeState to NodeState.
func NodeStateFromV2(s netmap.NodeState) NodeState {
switch s {
return 0
case netmap.Online:
return NodeStateOnline
case netmap.Offline:
return NodeStateOffline
// ToV2 converts NodeState to v2 NodeState.
func (s NodeState) ToV2() netmap.NodeState {
switch s {
return netmap.UnspecifiedState
case NodeStateOffline:
return netmap.Offline
case NodeStateOnline:
return netmap.Online
// String returns string representation of NodeState.
// String mapping:
// * NodeStateOnline: ONLINE;
// * NodeStateOffline: OFFLINE;
// * default: UNSPECIFIED.
func (s NodeState) String() string {
return s.ToV2().String()
// FromString parses NodeState from a string representation.
// It is a reverse action to String().
// Returns true if s was parsed successfully.
func (s *NodeState) FromString(str string) bool {
var g netmap.NodeState
ok := g.FromString(str)
if ok {
*s = NodeStateFromV2(g)
return ok
// NewNodeAttribute creates and returns new NodeAttribute instance.
// Defaults:
// - key: "";
// - value: "";
// - parents: nil.
func NewNodeAttribute() *NodeAttribute {
return NewNodeAttributeFromV2(new(netmap.Attribute))
// NodeAttributeFromV2 converts v2 node Attribute to NodeAttribute.
// Nil netmap.Attribute converts to nil.
func NewNodeAttributeFromV2(a *netmap.Attribute) *NodeAttribute {
return (*NodeAttribute)(a)
// ToV2 converts NodeAttribute to v2 node Attribute.
// Nil NodeAttribute converts to nil.
func (a *NodeAttribute) ToV2() *netmap.Attribute {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a)
// Key returns key to the node attribute.
func (a *NodeAttribute) Key() string {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).
// SetKey sets key to the node attribute.
func (a *NodeAttribute) SetKey(key string) {
// Value returns value of the node attribute.
func (a *NodeAttribute) Value() string {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).
// SetValue sets value of the node attribute.
func (a *NodeAttribute) SetValue(val string) {
// ParentKeys returns list of parent keys.
func (a *NodeAttribute) ParentKeys() []string {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).
// SetParentKeys sets list of parent keys.
func (a *NodeAttribute) SetParentKeys(keys ...string) {
// Marshal marshals NodeAttribute into a protobuf binary form.
func (a *NodeAttribute) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).StableMarshal(nil)
// Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of NodeAttribute.
func (a *NodeAttribute) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).Unmarshal(data)
// MarshalJSON encodes NodeAttribute to protobuf JSON format.
func (a *NodeAttribute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).MarshalJSON()
// UnmarshalJSON decodes NodeAttribute from protobuf JSON format.
func (a *NodeAttribute) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).UnmarshalJSON(data)
// NewNodeInfo creates and returns new NodeInfo instance.
// Defaults:
// - publicKey: nil;
// - address: "";
// - attributes nil;
// - state: 0.
func NewNodeInfo() *NodeInfo {
return NewNodeInfoFromV2(new(netmap.NodeInfo))
// NewNodeInfoFromV2 converts v2 NodeInfo to NodeInfo.
// Nil netmap.NodeInfo converts to nil.
func NewNodeInfoFromV2(i *netmap.NodeInfo) *NodeInfo {
return (*NodeInfo)(i)
// ToV2 converts NodeInfo to v2 NodeInfo.
// Nil NodeInfo converts to nil.
func (i *NodeInfo) ToV2() *netmap.NodeInfo {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i)
// PublicKey returns public key of the node in a binary format.
func (i *NodeInfo) PublicKey() []byte {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).GetPublicKey()
// SetPublicKey sets public key of the node in a binary format.
func (i *NodeInfo) SetPublicKey(key []byte) {
// NumberOfAddresses returns number of network addresses of the node.
func (i *NodeInfo) NumberOfAddresses() int {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).NumberOfAddresses()
// IterateAddresses iterates over network addresses of the node.
// Breaks iteration on f's true return.
// Handler should not be nil.
func (i *NodeInfo) IterateAddresses(f func(string) bool) {
// IterateAllAddresses is a helper function to unconditionally
// iterate over all node addresses.
func IterateAllAddresses(i *NodeInfo, f func(string)) {
i.IterateAddresses(func(addr string) bool {
return false
// SetAddresses sets list of network addresses of the node.
func (i *NodeInfo) SetAddresses(v ...string) {
// Attributes returns list of the node attributes.
func (i *NodeInfo) Attributes() []*NodeAttribute {
if i == nil {
return nil
as := (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).GetAttributes()
if as == nil {
return nil
res := make([]*NodeAttribute, 0, len(as))
for i := range as {
res = append(res, NewNodeAttributeFromV2(as[i]))
return res
// SetAttributes sets list of the node attributes.
func (i *NodeInfo) SetAttributes(as ...*NodeAttribute) {
asV2 := make([]*netmap.Attribute, 0, len(as))
for i := range as {
asV2 = append(asV2, as[i].ToV2())
// State returns node state.
func (i *NodeInfo) State() NodeState {
return NodeStateFromV2(
// SetState sets node state.
func (i *NodeInfo) SetState(s NodeState) {
// Marshal marshals NodeInfo into a protobuf binary form.
func (i *NodeInfo) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).StableMarshal(nil)
// Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of NodeInfo.
func (i *NodeInfo) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).Unmarshal(data)
// MarshalJSON encodes NodeInfo to protobuf JSON format.
func (i *NodeInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).MarshalJSON()
// UnmarshalJSON decodes NodeInfo from protobuf JSON format.
func (i *NodeInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).UnmarshalJSON(data)