Leonard Lyubich 4e31b4f231 [#299] client: Do not use pointers to required response fields
In previous implementation `client` package provided access to nested
response fields as pointers to them. This caused clients to handle nil
cases even when the field presence in the response is required.

Avoid returning pointers to required fields in response getters. This
also reduces reference counter load and allows fields to be decoded
directly without additional assignment.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2022-08-08 12:55:25 +03:00

260 lines
7.5 KiB

package client
import (
v2object ""
rpcapi ""
v2session ""
oid ""
// PrmObjectPutInit groups parameters of ObjectPutInit operation.
type PrmObjectPutInit struct {
copyNum uint32
// SetCopiesNumber sets number of object copies that is enough to consider put successful.
func (x *PrmObjectPutInit) SetCopiesNumber(copiesNumber uint32) {
x.copyNum = copiesNumber
// ResObjectPut groups the final result values of ObjectPutInit operation.
type ResObjectPut struct {
obj oid.ID
// StoredObjectID returns identifier of the saved object.
func (x ResObjectPut) StoredObjectID() oid.ID {
return x.obj
// ObjectWriter is designed to write one object to NeoFS system.
// Must be initialized using Client.ObjectPutInit, any other
// usage is unsafe.
type ObjectWriter struct {
cancelCtxStream context.CancelFunc
ctxCall contextCall
// initially bound tp contextCall
metaHdr v2session.RequestMetaHeader
// initially bound to contextCall
partInit v2object.PutObjectPartInit
chunkCalled bool
partChunk v2object.PutObjectPartChunk
// UseKey specifies private key to sign the requests.
// If key is not provided, then Client default key is used.
func (x *ObjectWriter) UseKey(key ecdsa.PrivateKey) {
x.ctxCall.key = key
// WithBearerToken attaches bearer token to be used for the operation.
// Should be called once before any writing steps.
func (x *ObjectWriter) WithBearerToken(t bearer.Token) {
var v2token acl.BearerToken
// WithinSession specifies session within which object should be stored.
// Should be called once before any writing steps.
func (x *ObjectWriter) WithinSession(t session.Object) {
var tv2 v2session.Token
// MarkLocal tells the server to execute the operation locally.
func (x *ObjectWriter) MarkLocal() {
// WithXHeaders specifies list of extended headers (string key-value pairs)
// to be attached to the request. Must have an even length.
// Slice must not be mutated until the operation completes.
func (x *ObjectWriter) WithXHeaders(hs ...string) {
if len(hs)%2 != 0 {
panic("slice of X-Headers with odd length")
prmCommonMeta{xHeaders: hs}.writeToMetaHeader(&x.metaHdr)
// WriteHeader writes header of the object. Result means success.
// Failure reason can be received via Close.
func (x *ObjectWriter) WriteHeader(hdr object.Object) bool {
v2Hdr := hdr.ToV2()
return x.ctxCall.writeRequest()
// WritePayloadChunk writes chunk of the object payload. Result means success.
// Failure reason can be received via Close.
func (x *ObjectWriter) WritePayloadChunk(chunk []byte) bool {
if !x.chunkCalled {
x.chunkCalled = true
for ln := len(chunk); ln > 0; ln = len(chunk) {
// maxChunkLen restricts maximum byte length of the chunk
// transmitted in a single stream message. It depends on
// server settings and other message fields, but for now
// we simply assume that 3MB is large enough to reduce the
// number of messages, and not to exceed the limit
// (4MB by default for gRPC servers).
const maxChunkLen = 3 << 20
if ln > maxChunkLen {
ln = maxChunkLen
// we deal with size limit overflow above, but there is another case:
// what if method is called with "small" chunk many times? We write
// a message to the stream on each call. Alternatively, we could use buffering.
// In most cases, the chunk length does not vary between calls. Given this
// assumption, as well as the length of the payload from the header, it is
// possible to buffer the data of intermediate chunks, and send a message when
// the allocated buffer is filled, or when the last chunk is received.
// It is mentally assumed that allocating and filling the buffer is better than
// synchronous sending, but this needs to be tested.
if !x.ctxCall.writeRequest() {
return false
chunk = chunk[ln:]
return true
// Close ends writing the object and returns the result of the operation
// along with the final results. Must be called after using the ObjectWriter.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. By default, server status is returned in res structure.
// Any client's internal or transport errors are returned as Go built-in error.
// If Client is tuned to resolve NeoFS API statuses, then NeoFS failures
// codes are returned as error.
// Return statuses:
// - global (see Client docs);
// - *apistatus.ContainerNotFound;
// - *apistatus.ObjectAccessDenied;
// - *apistatus.ObjectLocked;
// - *apistatus.LockNonRegularObject;
// - *apistatus.SessionTokenNotFound;
// - *apistatus.SessionTokenExpired.
func (x *ObjectWriter) Close() (*ResObjectPut, error) {
defer x.cancelCtxStream()
// Ignore io.EOF error, because it is expected error for client-side
// stream termination by the server. E.g. when stream contains invalid
// message. Server returns an error in response message (in status).
if x.ctxCall.err != nil && !errors.Is(x.ctxCall.err, io.EOF) {
return nil, x.ctxCall.err
if !x.ctxCall.close() {
return nil, x.ctxCall.err
if x.ctxCall.err != nil {
return nil, x.ctxCall.err
return x.ctxCall.statusRes.(*ResObjectPut), nil
// ObjectPutInit initiates writing an object through a remote server using NeoFS API protocol.
// The call only opens the transmission channel, explicit recording is done using the ObjectWriter.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. Resulting writer must be finally closed.
// Context is required and must not be nil. It is used for network communication.
func (c *Client) ObjectPutInit(ctx context.Context, prm PrmObjectPutInit) (*ObjectWriter, error) {
// check parameters
if ctx == nil {
// open stream
var (
res ResObjectPut
w ObjectWriter
resp v2object.PutResponse
ctx, w.cancelCtxStream = context.WithCancel(ctx)
stream, err := rpcapi.PutObject(&c.c, &resp, client.WithContext(ctx))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("open stream: %w", err)
// form request body
var body v2object.PutRequestBody
// form request
var req v2object.PutRequest
// init call context
w.ctxCall.req = &req
w.ctxCall.statusRes = &res
w.ctxCall.resp = &resp
w.ctxCall.wReq = func() error {
return stream.Write(&req)
w.ctxCall.closer = stream.Close
w.ctxCall.result = func(r responseV2) {
const fieldID = "ID"
idV2 := r.(*v2object.PutResponse).GetBody().GetObjectID()
if idV2 == nil {
w.ctxCall.err = newErrMissingResponseField(fieldID)
w.ctxCall.err = res.obj.ReadFromV2(*idV2)
if w.ctxCall.err != nil {
w.ctxCall.err = newErrInvalidResponseField(fieldID, w.ctxCall.err)
return &w, nil