From 72edea28db209d6baf62c24414bff0abb450c77c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Leonard Lyubich <>
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2020 19:48:15 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] [#26] object: Change field order in Header

This commit changes field order in ExtendedHeader message.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
 object/types.proto   | 24 ++++++++++++------------
 proto-docs/ |  6 +++---
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/object/types.proto b/object/types.proto
index dc349ce..33f8147 100644
--- a/object/types.proto
+++ b/object/types.proto
@@ -17,20 +17,20 @@ message Attribute {
 message ExtendedHeader {
-    // Attributes carries list of the object attributes in a string key-value format.
-    repeated Attribute Attributes = 3;
-    // Split carries the position of the object in the split hierarchy.
-    SplitHeader SplitHeader = 4;
-    // Tombstone header that set up in deleted objects
-    Tombstone Tombstone = 5;
-    // HomoHash is a homomorphic hash of original object payload
-    bytes HomoHash = 7;
     // Integrity header with checksum of all above headers in the object
-    IntegrityHeader Integrity = 9;
-    // StorageGroup contains meta information for the data audit
-    storagegroup.StorageGroup StorageGroup = 10;
+    IntegrityHeader Integrity = 1;
+    // Attributes carries list of the object attributes in a string key-value format.
+    repeated Attribute Attributes = 2;
     // CreationEpoch carries number of NeoFS epoch on which the object was created.
-    uint64 CreationEpoch = 11;
+    uint64 CreationEpoch = 3;
+    // Tombstone header that set up in deleted objects
+    Tombstone Tombstone = 4;
+    // HomoHash is a homomorphic hash of original object payload
+    bytes HomoHash = 5;
+    // StorageGroup contains meta information for the data audit
+    storagegroup.StorageGroup StorageGroup = 6;
+    // Split carries the position of the object in the split hierarchy.
+    SplitHeader SplitHeader = 7;
 message Tombstone {}
diff --git a/proto-docs/ b/proto-docs/
index bd9da34..4708165 100644
--- a/proto-docs/
+++ b/proto-docs/
@@ -379,13 +379,13 @@ Attribute groups the parameters of the object attributes.
 | Field | Type | Label | Description |
 | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
+| Integrity | [IntegrityHeader](#object.IntegrityHeader) |  | Integrity header with checksum of all above headers in the object |
 | Attributes | [Attribute](#object.Attribute) | repeated | Attributes carries list of the object attributes in a string key-value format. |
-| SplitHeader | [SplitHeader](#object.SplitHeader) |  | Split carries the position of the object in the split hierarchy. |
+| CreationEpoch | [uint64](#uint64) |  | CreationEpoch carries number of NeoFS epoch on which the object was created. |
 | Tombstone | [Tombstone](#object.Tombstone) |  | Tombstone header that set up in deleted objects |
 | HomoHash | [bytes](#bytes) |  | HomoHash is a homomorphic hash of original object payload |
-| Integrity | [IntegrityHeader](#object.IntegrityHeader) |  | Integrity header with checksum of all above headers in the object |
 | StorageGroup | [storagegroup.StorageGroup](#storagegroup.StorageGroup) |  | StorageGroup contains meta information for the data audit |
-| CreationEpoch | [uint64](#uint64) |  | CreationEpoch carries number of NeoFS epoch on which the object was created. |
+| SplitHeader | [SplitHeader](#object.SplitHeader) |  | Split carries the position of the object in the split hierarchy. |
 <a name="object.Header"></a>