feature/compatibility2 #2

orikik wants to merge 7 commits from feature/compatibility2 into master
Showing only changes of commit bfd97a6ccc - Show all commits

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@ -24,13 +24,27 @@ fmt:
# Run version update check
@diff1=$$(git branch -a); \
echo $$diff1; \
diff=$$(git diff-index remotes/origin/master version.json); \
if [[ -z "$$diff" ]]; then \
echo "⇒ You need to update the api version in the version.json file"; \
exit 1;\
@version=$$(git show remotes/origin/master:version.json); \
if [ -z "$$version" ]; then \
exit; \
fi; \
masterMilestone=$$(jq -n --argjson data "$$version" '$$data.milestone'); \
masterPatch=$$(jq -n --argjson data "$$version" '$$data.patch'); \
milestone=$$(jq -r '.milestone' version.json); \
patch=$$(jq -r '.patch' version.json); \
if [ "$$masterMilestone" -eq "$$milestone" -a "$$masterPatch" -eq "$$patch" ]; then \
echo "⇒ You need to update the api version in the version.json file"; \
exit 1; \
elif [ "$$masterMilestone" -gt "$$milestone" ]; then \
echo "⇒ The milestone cannot be decrement in the version.json file"; \
exit 1; \
elif [ "$$masterMilestone" -eq "$$milestone" -a "$$masterPatch" -gt "$$patch" ]; then \
echo "⇒ The patch cannot be decrement without milestone increment in the version.json file"; \
exit 1; \
elif [ "$$masterMilestone" -lt "$$milestone" -a "$$patch" -ne 0 ]; then \
echo "⇒ The patch should be 0 after milestone increment in the version.json file"; \
exit 1; \
# Run compatibility information check