forked from TrueCloudLab/frostfs-api
Remove unnecessary language options. Update linters. Signed-off-by: Ori Bruk <>
923 lines
35 KiB
Protocol Buffer
923 lines
35 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package frost.fs.object;
import "object/types.proto";
import "refs/types.proto";
import "session/types.proto";
// `ObjectService` provides API for manipulating objects. Object operations do
// not affect the sidechain and are only served by nodes in p2p style.
service ObjectService {
// Receive full object structure, including Headers and payload. Response uses
// gRPC stream. First response message carries the object with the requested
// address. Chunk messages are parts of the object's payload if it is needed.
// All messages, except the first one, carry payload chunks. The requested
// object can be restored by concatenation of object message payload and all
// chunks keeping the receiving order.
// Extended headers can change `Get` behaviour:
// Will use the requsted version of Network Map for object placement
// calculation.
// Will try older versions (starting from `__SYSTEM__NETMAP_EPOCH`
// if specified or the latest one otherwise) of Network Map
// to find an object until the depth limit is reached.
// Please refer to detailed `XHeader` description.
// Statuses:
// - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS): \
// object has been successfully read;
// - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON);
// read access to the object is denied;
// object not found in container;
// the requested object has been marked as deleted;
// object container not found;
// access to container is denied;
// provided session token has expired.
rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (stream GetResponse);
// Put the object into container. Request uses gRPC stream. First message
// SHOULD be of PutHeader type. `ContainerID` and `OwnerID` of an object
// SHOULD be set. Session token SHOULD be obtained before `PUT` operation (see
// session package). Chunk messages are considered by server as a part of an
// object payload. All messages, except first one, SHOULD be payload chunks.
// Chunk messages SHOULD be sent in the direct order of fragmentation.
// Extended headers can change `Put` behaviour:
// Will use the requsted version of Network Map for object placement
// calculation.
// Please refer to detailed `XHeader` description.
// Statuses:
// - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS): \
// object has been successfully saved in the container;
// - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON);
// write access to the container is denied;
// - **LOCKED** (2050, SECTION_OBJECT): \
// placement of an object of type TOMBSTONE that includes at least one
// locked object is prohibited;
// placement of an object of type LOCK that includes at least one object of
// type other than REGULAR is prohibited;
// object storage container not found;
// access to container is denied;
// (for trusted object preparation) session private key does not exist or
// has
// been deleted;
// provided session token has expired.
rpc Put(stream PutRequest) returns (PutResponse);
// Delete the object from a container. There is no immediate removal
// guarantee. Object will be marked for removal and deleted eventually.
// Extended headers can change `Delete` behaviour:
// Will use the requested version of Network Map for object placement
// calculation.
// Please refer to detailed `XHeader` description.
// Statuses:
// - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS): \
// object has been successfully marked to be removed from the container;
// - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON);
// delete access to the object is denied;
// the object could not be deleted because it has not been \
// found within the container;
// - **LOCKED** (2050, SECTION_OBJECT): \
// deleting a locked object is prohibited;
// object container not found;
// access to container is denied;
// provided session token has expired.
rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (DeleteResponse);
// Returns the object Headers without data payload. By default full header is
// returned. If `main_only` request field is set, the short header with only
// the very minimal information will be returned instead.
// Extended headers can change `Head` behaviour:
// Will use the requested version of Network Map for object placement
// calculation.
// Please refer to detailed `XHeader` description.
// Statuses:
// - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS): \
// object header has been successfully read;
// - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON);
// access to operation HEAD of the object is denied;
// object not found in container;
// the requested object has been marked as deleted;
// object container not found;
// access to container is denied;
// provided session token has expired.
rpc Head(HeadRequest) returns (HeadResponse);
// Search objects in container. Search query allows to match by Object
// Header's filed values. Please see the corresponding FrostFS Technical
// Specification section for more details.
// Extended headers can change `Search` behaviour:
// Will use the requested version of Network Map for object placement
// calculation.
// Please refer to detailed `XHeader` description.
// Statuses:
// - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS): \
// objects have been successfully selected;
// - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON);
// access to operation SEARCH of the object is denied;
// search container not found;
// access to container is denied;
// provided session token has expired.
rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (stream SearchResponse);
// Get byte range of data payload. Range is set as an (offset, length) tuple.
// Like in `Get` method, the response uses gRPC stream. Requested range can be
// restored by concatenation of all received payload chunks keeping the
// receiving order.
// Extended headers can change `GetRange` behaviour:
// Will use the requested version of Network Map for object placement
// calculation.
// Will try older versions of Network Map to find an object until the depth
// limit is reached.
// Please refer to detailed `XHeader` description.
// Statuses:
// - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS): \
// data range of the object payload has been successfully read;
// - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON);
// access to operation RANGE of the object is denied;
// object not found in container;
// the requested object has been marked as deleted.
// - **OUT_OF_RANGE** (2053, SECTION_OBJECT): \
// the requested range is out of bounds;
// object container not found;
// access to container is denied;
// provided session token has expired.
rpc GetRange(GetRangeRequest) returns (stream GetRangeResponse);
// Returns homomorphic or regular hash of object's payload range after
// applying XOR operation with the provided `salt`. Ranges are set of (offset,
// length) tuples. Hashes order in response corresponds to the ranges order in
// the request. Note that hash is calculated for XORed data.
// Extended headers can change `GetRangeHash` behaviour:
// Will use the requested version of Network Map for object placement
// calculation.
// Will try older versions of Network Map to find an object until the depth
// limit is reached.
// Please refer to detailed `XHeader` description.
// Statuses:
// - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS): \
// data range of the object payload has been successfully hashed;
// - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON);
// access to operation RANGEHASH of the object is denied;
// object not found in container;
// - **OUT_OF_RANGE** (2053, SECTION_OBJECT): \
// the requested range is out of bounds;
// object container not found;
// access to container is denied;
// provided session token has expired.
rpc GetRangeHash(GetRangeHashRequest) returns (GetRangeHashResponse);
// Put the prepared object into container.
// `ContainerID`, `ObjectID`, `OwnerID`, `PayloadHash` and `PayloadLength` of
// an object MUST be set.
// Extended headers can change `Put` behaviour:
// Will use the requested version of Network Map for object placement
// calculation.
// Please refer to detailed `XHeader` description.
// Statuses:
// - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS): \
// object has been successfully saved in the container;
// - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON);
// write access to the container is denied;
// - **LOCKED** (2050, SECTION_OBJECT): \
// placement of an object of type TOMBSTONE that includes at least one
// locked object is prohibited;
// placement of an object of type LOCK that includes at least one object of
// type other than REGULAR is prohibited;
// object storage container not found;
// access to container is denied;
// (for trusted object preparation) session private key does not exist or
// has
// been deleted;
// provided session token has expired.
rpc PutSingle(PutSingleRequest) returns (PutSingleResponse);
// Patch the object. Request uses gRPC stream. First message must set
// the address of the object that is going to get patched. If the object's
// attributes are patched, then these attrubutes must be set only within the
// first stream message.
// If the patch request is performed by NOT the object's owner but if the
// actor has the permission to perform the patch, then `OwnerID` of the object
// is changed. In this case the object's owner loses the object's ownership
// after the patch request is successfully done.
// As objects are content-addressable the patching causes new object ID
// generation for the patched object. This object id is set witihn
// `PatchResponse`. But the object id may remain unchanged in such cases:
// 1. The chunk of the applying patch contains the same value as the object's
// payload within the same range;
// 2. The patch that reverts the changes applied by preceding patch;
// 3. The application of the same patches for the object a few times.
// Extended headers can change `Patch` behaviour:
// Will use the requsted version of Network Map for object placement
// calculation.
// Please refer to detailed `XHeader` description.
// Statuses:
// - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS): \
// object has been successfully patched and saved in the container;
// - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON);
// write access to the container is denied;
// object not found in container;
// the requested object has been marked as deleted.
// - **OUT_OF_RANGE** (2053, SECTION_OBJECT): \
// the requested range is out of bounds;
// object storage container not found;
// access to container is denied;
// (for trusted object preparation) session private key does not exist or
// has been deleted;
// provided session token has expired.
rpc Patch(stream PatchRequest) returns (PatchResponse);
// GET object request
message GetRequest {
// GET Object request body
message Body {
// Address of the requested object
frost.fs.refs.Address address = 1;
// If `raw` flag is set, request will work only with objects that are
// physically stored on the peer node
bool raw = 2;
// Body of get object request message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries request verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// GET object response
message GetResponse {
// GET Object Response body
message Body {
// Initial part of the `Object` structure stream. Technically it's a
// set of all `Object` structure's fields except `payload`.
message Init {
// Object's unique identifier.
frost.fs.refs.ObjectID object_id = 1;
// Signed `ObjectID`
frost.fs.refs.Signature signature = 2;
// Object metadata headers
Header header = 3;
// Single message in the response stream.
oneof object_part {
// Initial part of the object stream
Init init = 1;
// Chunked object payload
bytes chunk = 2;
// Meta information of split hierarchy for object assembly.
SplitInfo split_info = 3;
// Meta information for EC object assembly.
ECInfo ec_info = 4;
// Body of get object response message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries response verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// PUT object request
message PutRequest {
// PUT request body
message Body {
// Newly created object structure parameters. If some optional parameters
// are not set, they will be calculated by a peer node.
message Init {
// ObjectID if available.
frost.fs.refs.ObjectID object_id = 1;
// Object signature if available
frost.fs.refs.Signature signature = 2;
// Object's Header
Header header = 3;
// Number of copies of the object to store within the RPC call. By
// default, object is processed according to the container's placement
// policy. Can be one of:
// 1. A single number; applied to the whole request and is treated as
// a minimal number of nodes that must store an object to complete the
// request successfully.
// 2. An ordered array; every number is treated as a minimal number of
// nodes in a corresponding placement vector that must store an object
// to complete the request successfully. The length MUST equal the
// placement vectors number, otherwise request is considered malformed.
repeated uint32 copies_number = 4;
// Single message in the request stream.
oneof object_part {
// Initial part of the object stream
Init init = 1;
// Chunked object payload
bytes chunk = 2;
// Body of put object request message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries request verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// PUT Object response
message PutResponse {
// PUT Object response body
message Body {
// Identifier of the saved object
frost.fs.refs.ObjectID object_id = 1;
// Body of put object response message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries response verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Object DELETE request
message DeleteRequest {
// Object DELETE request body
message Body {
// Address of the object to be deleted
frost.fs.refs.Address address = 1;
// Body of delete object request message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries request verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// DeleteResponse body is empty because we cannot guarantee permanent object
// removal in distributed system.
message DeleteResponse {
// Object DELETE Response has an empty body.
message Body {
// Address of the tombstone created for the deleted object
frost.fs.refs.Address tombstone = 1;
// Body of delete object response message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries response verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Object HEAD request
message HeadRequest {
// Object HEAD request body
message Body {
// Address of the object with the requested Header
frost.fs.refs.Address address = 1;
// Return only minimal header subset
bool main_only = 2;
// If `raw` flag is set, request will work only with objects that are
// physically stored on the peer node
bool raw = 3;
// Body of head object request message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries request verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Tuple of a full object header and signature of an `ObjectID`. \
// Signed `ObjectID` is present to verify full header's authenticity through the
// following steps:
// 1. Calculate `SHA-256` of the marshalled `Header` structure
// 2. Check if the resulting hash matches `ObjectID`
// 3. Check if `ObjectID` signature in `signature` field is correct
message HeaderWithSignature {
// Full object header
Header header = 1 [ json_name = "header" ];
// Signed `ObjectID` to verify full header's authenticity
frost.fs.refs.Signature signature = 2 [ json_name = "signature" ];
// Object HEAD response
message HeadResponse {
// Object HEAD response body
message Body {
// Requested object header, it's part or meta information about split
// object.
oneof head {
// Full object's `Header` with `ObjectID` signature
HeaderWithSignature header = 1;
// Short object header
ShortHeader short_header = 2;
// Meta information of split hierarchy.
SplitInfo split_info = 3;
// Meta information for EC object assembly.
ECInfo ec_info = 4;
// Body of head object response message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries response verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Object Search request
message SearchRequest {
// Object Search request body
message Body {
// Container identifier were to search
frost.fs.refs.ContainerID container_id = 1;
// Version of the Query Language used
uint32 version = 2;
// Filter structure checks if the object header field or the attribute
// content matches a value.
// If no filters are set, search request will return all objects of the
// container, including Regular object and Tombstone
// objects. Most human users expect to get only object they can directly
// work with. In that case, `$Object:ROOT` filter should be used.
// By default `key` field refers to the corresponding object's `Attribute`.
// Some Object's header fields can also be accessed by adding `$Object:`
// prefix to the name. Here is the list of fields available via this prefix:
// * $Object:version \
// version
// * $Object:objectID \
// object_id
// * $Object:containerID \
// container_id
// * $Object:ownerID \
// owner_id
// * $Object:creationEpoch \
// creation_epoch
// * $Object:payloadLength \
// payload_length
// * $Object:payloadHash \
// payload_hash
// * $Object:objectType \
// object_type
// * $Object:homomorphicHash \
// homomorphic_hash
// * $Object:split.parent \
// object_id of parent
// * $Object:split.splitID \
// 16 byte UUIDv4 used to identify the split object hierarchy parts
// * $Object:ec.parent \
// If the object is stored according to EC policy, then ec_parent
// attribute is set to return an id list of all related EC chunks.
// There are some well-known filter aliases to match objects by certain
// properties:
// * $Object:ROOT \
// Returns only `REGULAR` type objects that are not split or that are the
// top level root objects in a split hierarchy. This includes objects not
// present physically, like large objects split into smaller objects
// without a separate top-level root object. Objects of other types like
// Locks and Tombstones will not be shown. This filter may be
// useful for listing objects like `ls` command of some virtual file
// system. This filter is activated if the `key` exists, disregarding the
// value and matcher type.
// * $Object:PHY \
// Returns only objects physically stored in the system. This filter is
// activated if the `key` exists, disregarding the value and matcher type.
// Note: using filters with a key with prefix `$Object:` and match type
// `NOT_PRESENT `is not recommended since this is not a cross-version
// approach. Behavior when processing this kind of filters is undefined.
message Filter {
// Match type to use
MatchType match_type = 1 [ json_name = "matchType" ];
// Attribute or Header fields to match
string key = 2 [ json_name = "key" ];
// Value to match
string value = 3 [ json_name = "value" ];
// List of search expressions
repeated Filter filters = 3;
// Body of search object request message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries request verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Search response
message SearchResponse {
// Object Search response body
message Body {
// List of `ObjectID`s that match the search query
repeated frost.fs.refs.ObjectID id_list = 1;
// Body of search object response message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries response verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Object payload range.Ranges of zero length SHOULD be considered as invalid.
message Range {
// Offset of the range from the object payload start
uint64 offset = 1;
// Length in bytes of the object payload range
uint64 length = 2;
// Request part of object's payload
message GetRangeRequest {
// Byte range of object's payload request body
message Body {
// Address of the object containing the requested payload range
frost.fs.refs.Address address = 1;
// Requested payload range
Range range = 2;
// If `raw` flag is set, request will work only with objects that are
// physically stored on the peer node.
bool raw = 3;
// Body of get range object request message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries request verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Get part of object's payload
message GetRangeResponse {
// Get Range response body uses streams to transfer the response. Because
// object payload considered a byte sequence, there is no need to have some
// initial preamble message. The requested byte range is sent as a series
// chunks.
message Body {
// Requested object range or meta information about split object.
oneof range_part {
// Chunked object payload's range.
bytes chunk = 1;
// Meta information of split hierarchy.
SplitInfo split_info = 2;
// Meta information for EC object assembly.
ECInfo ec_info = 3;
// Body of get range object response message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries response verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Get hash of object's payload part
message GetRangeHashRequest {
// Get hash of object's payload part request body.
message Body {
// Address of the object that containing the requested payload range
frost.fs.refs.Address address = 1;
// List of object's payload ranges to calculate homomorphic hash
repeated Range ranges = 2;
// Binary salt to XOR object's payload ranges before hash calculation
bytes salt = 3;
// Checksum algorithm type
frost.fs.refs.ChecksumType type = 4;
// Body of get range hash object request message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries request verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Get hash of object's payload part
message GetRangeHashResponse {
// Get hash of object's payload part response body.
message Body {
// Checksum algorithm type
frost.fs.refs.ChecksumType type = 1;
// List of range hashes in a binary format
repeated bytes hash_list = 2;
// Body of get range hash object response message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries response verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Object PUT Single request
message PutSingleRequest {
// PUT Single request body
message Body {
// Prepared object with payload.
Object object = 1;
// Number of copies of the object to store within the RPC call. By default,
// object is processed according to the container's placement policy.
// Every number is treated as a minimal number of
// nodes in a corresponding placement vector that must store an object
// to complete the request successfully. The length MUST equal the placement
// vectors number, otherwise request is considered malformed.
repeated uint32 copies_number = 2;
// Body of put single object request message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries request verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Object PUT Single response
message PutSingleResponse {
// PUT Single Object response body
message Body {}
// Body of put single object response message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries response verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Object PATCH request
message PatchRequest {
// PATCH request body
message Body {
// The address of the object that is requested to get patched.
frost.fs.refs.Address address = 1;
// New attributes for the object. See `replace_attributes` flag usage to
// define how new attributes should be set.
repeated frost.fs.object.Header.Attribute new_attributes = 2;
// If this flag is set, then the object's attributes will be entirely
// replaced by `new_attributes` list. The empty `new_attributes` list with
// `replace_attributes = true` just resets attributes list for the object.
// Default `false` value for this flag means the attributes will be just
// merged. If the incoming `new_attributes` list contains already existing
// key, then it just replaces it while merging the lists.
bool replace_attributes = 3;
// The patch for the object's payload.
message Patch {
// The range of the source object for which the payload is replaced by the
// patch's chunk. If the range's `length = 0`, then the patch's chunk is
// just appended to the original payload starting from the `offest`
// without any replace.
Range source_range = 1;
// The chunk that is being appended to or that replaces the original
// payload on the given range.
bytes chunk = 2;
// The patch that is applied for the object.
Patch patch = 4;
// Body for patch request message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries request verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Object PATCH response
message PatchResponse {
// PATCH response body
message Body {
// The object ID of the saved patched object.
frost.fs.refs.ObjectID object_id = 1;
// Body for patch response message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
frost.fs.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries response verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
// transmission.
frost.fs.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;