package session

import (

type mapTokenStore struct {

	tokens map[PrivateTokenKey]PrivateToken

// NewMapTokenStore creates new PrivateTokenStore instance.
// The elements of the instance are stored in the map.
func NewMapTokenStore() PrivateTokenStore {
	return &mapTokenStore{
		RWMutex: new(sync.RWMutex),
		tokens:  make(map[PrivateTokenKey]PrivateToken),

// Store adds passed token to the map.
// Resulting error is always nil.
func (s *mapTokenStore) Store(key PrivateTokenKey, token PrivateToken) error {
	s.tokens[key] = token

	return nil

// Fetch returns the map element corresponding to the given key.
// Returns ErrPrivateTokenNotFound is there is no element in map.
func (s *mapTokenStore) Fetch(key PrivateTokenKey) (PrivateToken, error) {
	defer s.RUnlock()

	t, ok := s.tokens[key]
	if !ok {
		return nil, ErrPrivateTokenNotFound

	return t, nil

// RemoveExpired removes all the map elements that are expired in the passed epoch.
// Resulting error is always nil.
func (s *mapTokenStore) RemoveExpired(epoch uint64) error {

	for key, token := range s.tokens {
		if token.Expired(epoch) {
			delete(s.tokens, key)


	return nil