package netmap

import (


// context of a placement build process.
type context struct {
	// network map to operate on
	netMap NetMap

	// cache of processed filters
	processedFilters map[string]*netmap.Filter

	// cache of processed selectors
	processedSelectors map[string]*netmap.Selector

	// stores results of selector processing
	selections map[string][]nodes

	// cache of parsed numeric values
	numCache map[string]uint64

	hrwSeed []byte

	// hrw.Hash of hrwSeed
	hrwSeedHash uint64

	// weightFunc is a weighting function for determining node priority
	// which combines low price and high performance
	weightFunc weightFunc

	// container backup factor
	cbf uint32

	// nodes already used in previous selections, which is needed when the placement
	// policy uses the UNIQUE flag. Nodes marked as used are not used in subsequent
	// base selections.
	usedNodes map[uint64]bool

	// If true, returns an error when netmap does not contain enough nodes for selection.
	// By default best effort is taken.
	strict bool

// Various validation errors.
var (
	errInvalidFilterName = errors.New("filter name is invalid")
	errInvalidNumber     = errors.New("invalid number")
	errInvalidFilterOp   = errors.New("invalid filter operation")
	errFilterNotFound    = errors.New("filter not found")
	errNonEmptyFilters   = errors.New("simple filter contains sub-filters")
	errNotEnoughNodes    = errors.New("not enough nodes to SELECT from")
	errUnnamedTopFilter  = errors.New("unnamed top-level filter")

// newContext returns initialized context.
func newContext(nm NetMap) *context {
	return &context{
		netMap:             nm,
		processedFilters:   make(map[string]*netmap.Filter),
		processedSelectors: make(map[string]*netmap.Selector),
		selections:         make(map[string][]nodes),

		numCache:   make(map[string]uint64),
		weightFunc: defaultWeightFunc(nm.nodes),
		usedNodes:  make(map[uint64]bool),

func (c *context) setPivot(pivot []byte) {
	if len(pivot) != 0 {
		c.hrwSeed = pivot
		c.hrwSeedHash = hrw.Hash(pivot)

func (c *context) setCBF(cbf uint32) {
	if cbf == 0 {
		c.cbf = 3
	} else {
		c.cbf = cbf

func (c *context) addUsedNodes(ns ...NodeInfo) {
	for _, n := range ns {
		c.usedNodes[n.hash] = true

func defaultWeightFunc(ns nodes) weightFunc {
	mean := newMeanAgg()
	minV := newMinAgg()

	for i := range ns {

	return newWeightFunc(