package cloudflare

import (


// ZoneCustomSSL represents custom SSL certificate metadata.
type ZoneCustomSSL struct {
	ID            string     `json:"id"`
	Hosts         []string   `json:"hosts"`
	Issuer        string     `json:"issuer"`
	Signature     string     `json:"signature"`
	Status        string     `json:"status"`
	BundleMethod  string     `json:"bundle_method"`
	ZoneID        string     `json:"zone_id"`
	UploadedOn    time.Time  `json:"uploaded_on"`
	ModifiedOn    time.Time  `json:"modified_on"`
	ExpiresOn     time.Time  `json:"expires_on"`
	Priority      int        `json:"priority"`
	KeylessServer KeylessSSL `json:"keyless_server"`

// zoneCustomSSLResponse represents the response from the zone SSL details endpoint.
type zoneCustomSSLResponse struct {
	Result ZoneCustomSSL `json:"result"`

// zoneCustomSSLsResponse represents the response from the zone SSL list endpoint.
type zoneCustomSSLsResponse struct {
	Result []ZoneCustomSSL `json:"result"`

// ZoneCustomSSLOptions represents the parameters to create or update an existing
// custom SSL configuration.
type ZoneCustomSSLOptions struct {
	Certificate  string `json:"certificate"`
	PrivateKey   string `json:"private_key"`
	BundleMethod string `json:"bundle_method,omitempty"`

// ZoneCustomSSLPriority represents a certificate's ID and priority. It is a
// subset of ZoneCustomSSL used for patch requests.
type ZoneCustomSSLPriority struct {
	ID       string `json:"ID"`
	Priority int    `json:"priority"`

// CreateSSL allows you to add a custom SSL certificate to the given zone.
// API reference:
func (api *API) CreateSSL(zoneID string, options ZoneCustomSSLOptions) (ZoneCustomSSL, error) {
	uri := "/zones/" + zoneID + "/custom_certificates"
	res, err := api.makeRequest("POST", uri, options)
	if err != nil {
		return ZoneCustomSSL{}, errors.Wrap(err, errMakeRequestError)
	var r zoneCustomSSLResponse
	if err := json.Unmarshal(res, &r); err != nil {
		return ZoneCustomSSL{}, errors.Wrap(err, errUnmarshalError)
	return r.Result, nil

// ListSSL lists the custom certificates for the given zone.
// API reference:
func (api *API) ListSSL(zoneID string) ([]ZoneCustomSSL, error) {
	uri := "/zones/" + zoneID + "/custom_certificates"
	res, err := api.makeRequest("GET", uri, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, errMakeRequestError)
	var r zoneCustomSSLsResponse
	if err := json.Unmarshal(res, &r); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, errUnmarshalError)
	return r.Result, nil

// SSLDetails returns the configuration details for a custom SSL certificate.
// API reference:
func (api *API) SSLDetails(zoneID, certificateID string) (ZoneCustomSSL, error) {
	uri := "/zones/" + zoneID + "/custom_certificates/" + certificateID
	res, err := api.makeRequest("GET", uri, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return ZoneCustomSSL{}, errors.Wrap(err, errMakeRequestError)
	var r zoneCustomSSLResponse
	if err := json.Unmarshal(res, &r); err != nil {
		return ZoneCustomSSL{}, errors.Wrap(err, errUnmarshalError)
	return r.Result, nil

// UpdateSSL updates (replaces) a custom SSL certificate.
// API reference:
func (api *API) UpdateSSL(zoneID, certificateID string, options ZoneCustomSSLOptions) (ZoneCustomSSL, error) {
	uri := "/zones/" + zoneID + "/custom_certificates/" + certificateID
	res, err := api.makeRequest("PATCH", uri, options)
	if err != nil {
		return ZoneCustomSSL{}, errors.Wrap(err, errMakeRequestError)
	var r zoneCustomSSLResponse
	if err := json.Unmarshal(res, &r); err != nil {
		return ZoneCustomSSL{}, errors.Wrap(err, errUnmarshalError)
	return r.Result, nil

// ReprioritizeSSL allows you to change the priority (which is served for a given
// request) of custom SSL certificates associated with the given zone.
// API reference:
func (api *API) ReprioritizeSSL(zoneID string, p []ZoneCustomSSLPriority) ([]ZoneCustomSSL, error) {
	uri := "/zones/" + zoneID + "/custom_certificates/prioritize"
	params := struct {
		Certificates []ZoneCustomSSLPriority `json:"certificates"`
		Certificates: p,
	res, err := api.makeRequest("PUT", uri, params)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, errMakeRequestError)
	var r zoneCustomSSLsResponse
	if err := json.Unmarshal(res, &r); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, errUnmarshalError)
	return r.Result, nil

// DeleteSSL deletes a custom SSL certificate from the given zone.
// API reference:
func (api *API) DeleteSSL(zoneID, certificateID string) error {
	uri := "/zones/" + zoneID + "/custom_certificates/" + certificateID
	if _, err := api.makeRequest("DELETE", uri, nil); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, errMakeRequestError)
	return nil