Merge pull request from BrianBland/go-yaml-dep

Remove dependency on BrianBland/yaml fork
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Day 2015-01-16 13:55:55 -08:00
commit 81ea264dea
26 changed files with 103 additions and 10811 deletions

Godeps/Godeps.json generated
View file

@ -79,17 +79,13 @@
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "b21fdbd4370f3717f3bbd2bf41c223bc273068e6"
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "3e92d6a11b92fa4612d66712704844bdc0c48aed"
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "64131543e7896d5bcc6bd5a76287eb75ea96c673"
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "d466437aa4adc35830964cffc5b5f262c63ddcb4"
"Rev": "71e7ede9d48a2e096f6d5d0516c763513a471bd1"

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@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2011-2014 - Canonical Inc.
This software is licensed under the LGPLv3, included below.
As a special exception to the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
("LGPL3"), the copyright holders of this Library give you permission to
convey to a third party a Combined Work that links statically or dynamically
to this Library without providing any Minimal Corresponding Source or
Minimal Application Code as set out in 4d or providing the installation
information set out in section 4e, provided that you comply with the other
provisions of LGPL3 and provided that you meet, for the Application the
terms and conditions of the license(s) which apply to the Application.
Except as stated in this special exception, the provisions of LGPL3 will
continue to comply in full to this Library. If you modify this Library, you
may apply this exception to your version of this Library, but you are not
obliged to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
statement from your version. This exception does not (and cannot) modify any
license terms which apply to the Application, with which you must still
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
0. Additional Definitions.
As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
General Public License.
"The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
of using an interface provided by the Library.
A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
2. Conveying Modified Versions.
If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
this License applicable to that copy.
3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
4. Combined Works.
You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
d) Do one of the following:
0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
Corresponding Source.
1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
for conveying Corresponding Source.)
5. Combined Libraries.
You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
Library side by side in a single library together with other library
facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
choice, if you do both of the following:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
conveyed under the terms of this License.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that published version or of any later version
published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
The following files were ported to Go from C files of libyaml, and thus
are still covered by their original copyright and license:
Copyright (c) 2006 Kirill Simonov
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View file

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# YAML support for the Go language
The yaml package enables Go programs to comfortably encode and decode YAML
values. It was developed within [Canonical]( as
part of the [juju]( project, and is based on a
pure Go port of the well-known [libyaml](
C library to parse and generate YAML data quickly and reliably.
The yaml package supports most of YAML 1.1 and 1.2, including support for
anchors, tags, map merging, etc. Multi-document unmarshalling is not yet
implemented, and base-60 floats from YAML 1.1 are purposefully not
supported since they're a poor design and are gone in YAML 1.2.
Installation and usage
The import path for the package is **.
To install it, run:
go get
API documentation
If opened in a browser, the import path itself leads to the API documentation:
* [](
API stability
The package API for yaml v2 will remain stable as described in [](
The yaml package is licensed under the LGPL with an exception that allows it to be linked statically. Please see the LICENSE file for details.
package main
import (
var data = `
a: Easy!
c: 2
d: [3, 4]
type T struct {
A string
B struct{C int; D []int ",flow"}
func main() {
t := T{}
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &t)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("--- t:\n%v\n\n", t)
d, err := yaml.Marshal(&t)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("--- t dump:\n%s\n\n", string(d))
m := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &m)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("--- m:\n%v\n\n", m)
d, err = yaml.Marshal(&m)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("--- m dump:\n%s\n\n", string(d))
This example will generate the following output:
--- t:
{Easy! {2 [3 4]}}
--- t dump:
a: Easy!
c: 2
d: [3, 4]
--- m:
map[a:Easy! b:map[c:2 d:[3 4]]]
--- m dump:
a: Easy!
c: 2
- 3
- 4

View file

@ -1,742 +0,0 @@
package yaml
import (
func yaml_insert_token(parser *yaml_parser_t, pos int, token *yaml_token_t) {
//fmt.Println("yaml_insert_token", "pos:", pos, "typ:", token.typ, "head:", parser.tokens_head, "len:", len(parser.tokens))
// Check if we can move the queue at the beginning of the buffer.
if parser.tokens_head > 0 && len(parser.tokens) == cap(parser.tokens) {
if parser.tokens_head != len(parser.tokens) {
copy(parser.tokens, parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head:])
parser.tokens = parser.tokens[:len(parser.tokens)-parser.tokens_head]
parser.tokens_head = 0
parser.tokens = append(parser.tokens, *token)
if pos < 0 {
copy(parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head+pos+1:], parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head+pos:])
parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head+pos] = *token
// Create a new parser object.
func yaml_parser_initialize(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
*parser = yaml_parser_t{
raw_buffer: make([]byte, 0, input_raw_buffer_size),
buffer: make([]byte, 0, input_buffer_size),
return true
// Destroy a parser object.
func yaml_parser_delete(parser *yaml_parser_t) {
*parser = yaml_parser_t{}
// String read handler.
func yaml_string_read_handler(parser *yaml_parser_t, buffer []byte) (n int, err error) {
if parser.input_pos == len(parser.input) {
return 0, io.EOF
n = copy(buffer, parser.input[parser.input_pos:])
parser.input_pos += n
return n, nil
// File read handler.
func yaml_file_read_handler(parser *yaml_parser_t, buffer []byte) (n int, err error) {
return parser.input_file.Read(buffer)
// Set a string input.
func yaml_parser_set_input_string(parser *yaml_parser_t, input []byte) {
if parser.read_handler != nil {
panic("must set the input source only once")
parser.read_handler = yaml_string_read_handler
parser.input = input
parser.input_pos = 0
// Set a file input.
func yaml_parser_set_input_file(parser *yaml_parser_t, file *os.File) {
if parser.read_handler != nil {
panic("must set the input source only once")
parser.read_handler = yaml_file_read_handler
parser.input_file = file
// Set the source encoding.
func yaml_parser_set_encoding(parser *yaml_parser_t, encoding yaml_encoding_t) {
if parser.encoding != yaml_ANY_ENCODING {
panic("must set the encoding only once")
parser.encoding = encoding
// Create a new emitter object.
func yaml_emitter_initialize(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
*emitter = yaml_emitter_t{
buffer: make([]byte, output_buffer_size),
raw_buffer: make([]byte, 0, output_raw_buffer_size),
states: make([]yaml_emitter_state_t, 0, initial_stack_size),
events: make([]yaml_event_t, 0, initial_queue_size),
return true
// Destroy an emitter object.
func yaml_emitter_delete(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) {
*emitter = yaml_emitter_t{}
// String write handler.
func yaml_string_write_handler(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, buffer []byte) error {
*emitter.output_buffer = append(*emitter.output_buffer, buffer...)
return nil
// File write handler.
func yaml_file_write_handler(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, buffer []byte) error {
_, err := emitter.output_file.Write(buffer)
return err
// Set a string output.
func yaml_emitter_set_output_string(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, output_buffer *[]byte) {
if emitter.write_handler != nil {
panic("must set the output target only once")
emitter.write_handler = yaml_string_write_handler
emitter.output_buffer = output_buffer
// Set a file output.
func yaml_emitter_set_output_file(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, file io.Writer) {
if emitter.write_handler != nil {
panic("must set the output target only once")
emitter.write_handler = yaml_file_write_handler
emitter.output_file = file
// Set the output encoding.
func yaml_emitter_set_encoding(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, encoding yaml_encoding_t) {
if emitter.encoding != yaml_ANY_ENCODING {
panic("must set the output encoding only once")
emitter.encoding = encoding
// Set the canonical output style.
func yaml_emitter_set_canonical(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, canonical bool) {
emitter.canonical = canonical
//// Set the indentation increment.
func yaml_emitter_set_indent(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, indent int) {
if indent < 2 || indent > 9 {
indent = 2
emitter.best_indent = indent
// Set the preferred line width.
func yaml_emitter_set_width(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, width int) {
if width < 0 {
width = -1
emitter.best_width = width
// Set if unescaped non-ASCII characters are allowed.
func yaml_emitter_set_unicode(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, unicode bool) {
emitter.unicode = unicode
// Set the preferred line break character.
func yaml_emitter_set_break(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, line_break yaml_break_t) {
emitter.line_break = line_break
// * Destroy a token object.
// */
//yaml_token_delete(yaml_token_t *token)
// assert(token); // Non-NULL token object expected.
// switch (token.type)
// {
// yaml_free(;
// yaml_free(;
// break;
// yaml_free(;
// break;
// yaml_free(;
// break;
// yaml_free(;
// yaml_free(;
// break;
// yaml_free(;
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// memset(token, 0, sizeof(yaml_token_t));
// * Check if a string is a valid UTF-8 sequence.
// *
// * Check 'reader.c' for more details on UTF-8 encoding.
// */
//static int
//yaml_check_utf8(yaml_char_t *start, size_t length)
// yaml_char_t *end = start+length;
// yaml_char_t *pointer = start;
// while (pointer < end) {
// unsigned char octet;
// unsigned int width;
// unsigned int value;
// size_t k;
// octet = pointer[0];
// width = (octet & 0x80) == 0x00 ? 1 :
// (octet & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ? 2 :
// (octet & 0xF0) == 0xE0 ? 3 :
// (octet & 0xF8) == 0xF0 ? 4 : 0;
// value = (octet & 0x80) == 0x00 ? octet & 0x7F :
// (octet & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ? octet & 0x1F :
// (octet & 0xF0) == 0xE0 ? octet & 0x0F :
// (octet & 0xF8) == 0xF0 ? octet & 0x07 : 0;
// if (!width) return 0;
// if (pointer+width > end) return 0;
// for (k = 1; k < width; k ++) {
// octet = pointer[k];
// if ((octet & 0xC0) != 0x80) return 0;
// value = (value << 6) + (octet & 0x3F);
// }
// if (!((width == 1) ||
// (width == 2 && value >= 0x80) ||
// (width == 3 && value >= 0x800) ||
// (width == 4 && value >= 0x10000))) return 0;
// pointer += width;
// }
// return 1;
func yaml_stream_start_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, encoding yaml_encoding_t) bool {
*event = yaml_event_t{
encoding: encoding,
return true
// Create STREAM-END.
func yaml_stream_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t) bool {
*event = yaml_event_t{
return true
func yaml_document_start_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t,
tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t, implicit bool) bool {
*event = yaml_event_t{
version_directive: version_directive,
tag_directives: tag_directives,
implicit: implicit,
return true
func yaml_document_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, implicit bool) bool {
*event = yaml_event_t{
implicit: implicit,
return true
// * Create ALIAS.
// */
//yaml_alias_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor *yaml_char_t)
// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 }
// anchor_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL
// assert(event) // Non-NULL event object is expected.
// assert(anchor) // Non-NULL anchor is expected.
// if (!yaml_check_utf8(anchor, strlen((char *)anchor))) return 0
// anchor_copy = yaml_strdup(anchor)
// if (!anchor_copy)
// return 0
// ALIAS_EVENT_INIT(*event, anchor_copy, mark, mark)
// return 1
// Create SCALAR.
func yaml_scalar_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor, tag, value []byte, plain_implicit, quoted_implicit bool, style yaml_scalar_style_t) bool {
*event = yaml_event_t{
typ: yaml_SCALAR_EVENT,
anchor: anchor,
tag: tag,
value: value,
implicit: plain_implicit,
quoted_implicit: quoted_implicit,
style: yaml_style_t(style),
return true
func yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor, tag []byte, implicit bool, style yaml_sequence_style_t) bool {
*event = yaml_event_t{
anchor: anchor,
tag: tag,
implicit: implicit,
style: yaml_style_t(style),
return true
func yaml_sequence_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t) bool {
*event = yaml_event_t{
return true
func yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor, tag []byte, implicit bool, style yaml_mapping_style_t) bool {
*event = yaml_event_t{
anchor: anchor,
tag: tag,
implicit: implicit,
style: yaml_style_t(style),
return true
// Create MAPPING-END.
func yaml_mapping_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t) bool {
*event = yaml_event_t{
return true
// Destroy an event object.
func yaml_event_delete(event *yaml_event_t) {
*event = yaml_event_t{}
// * Create a document object.
// */
//yaml_document_initialize(document *yaml_document_t,
// version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t,
// tag_directives_start *yaml_tag_directive_t,
// tag_directives_end *yaml_tag_directive_t,
// start_implicit int, end_implicit int)
// struct {
// error yaml_error_type_t
// } context
// struct {
// start *yaml_node_t
// end *yaml_node_t
// top *yaml_node_t
// } nodes = { NULL, NULL, NULL }
// version_directive_copy *yaml_version_directive_t = NULL
// struct {
// start *yaml_tag_directive_t
// end *yaml_tag_directive_t
// top *yaml_tag_directive_t
// } tag_directives_copy = { NULL, NULL, NULL }
// value yaml_tag_directive_t = { NULL, NULL }
// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 }
// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
// assert((tag_directives_start && tag_directives_end) ||
// (tag_directives_start == tag_directives_end))
// // Valid tag directives are expected.
// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, nodes, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE)) goto error
// if (version_directive) {
// version_directive_copy = yaml_malloc(sizeof(yaml_version_directive_t))
// if (!version_directive_copy) goto error
// version_directive_copy.major = version_directive.major
// version_directive_copy.minor = version_directive.minor
// }
// if (tag_directives_start != tag_directives_end) {
// tag_directive *yaml_tag_directive_t
// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, tag_directives_copy, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE))
// goto error
// for (tag_directive = tag_directives_start
// tag_directive != tag_directives_end; tag_directive ++) {
// assert(tag_directive.handle)
// assert(tag_directive.prefix)
// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag_directive.handle,
// strlen((char *)tag_directive.handle)))
// goto error
// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag_directive.prefix,
// strlen((char *)tag_directive.prefix)))
// goto error
// value.handle = yaml_strdup(tag_directive.handle)
// value.prefix = yaml_strdup(tag_directive.prefix)
// if (!value.handle || !value.prefix) goto error
// if (!PUSH(&context, tag_directives_copy, value))
// goto error
// value.handle = NULL
// value.prefix = NULL
// }
// }
// DOCUMENT_INIT(*document, nodes.start, nodes.end, version_directive_copy,
// tag_directives_copy.start,,
// start_implicit, end_implicit, mark, mark)
// return 1
// STACK_DEL(&context, nodes)
// yaml_free(version_directive_copy)
// while (!STACK_EMPTY(&context, tag_directives_copy)) {
// value yaml_tag_directive_t = POP(&context, tag_directives_copy)
// yaml_free(value.handle)
// yaml_free(value.prefix)
// }
// STACK_DEL(&context, tag_directives_copy)
// yaml_free(value.handle)
// yaml_free(value.prefix)
// return 0
// * Destroy a document object.
// */
//yaml_document_delete(document *yaml_document_t)
// struct {
// error yaml_error_type_t
// } context
// tag_directive *yaml_tag_directive_t
// context.error = YAML_NO_ERROR // Eliminate a compliler warning.
// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
// while (!STACK_EMPTY(&context, document.nodes)) {
// node yaml_node_t = POP(&context, document.nodes)
// yaml_free(node.tag)
// switch (node.type) {
// yaml_free(
// break
// STACK_DEL(&context,
// break
// STACK_DEL(&context,
// break
// default:
// assert(0) // Should not happen.
// }
// }
// STACK_DEL(&context, document.nodes)
// yaml_free(document.version_directive)
// for (tag_directive = document.tag_directives.start
// tag_directive != document.tag_directives.end
// tag_directive++) {
// yaml_free(tag_directive.handle)
// yaml_free(tag_directive.prefix)
// }
// yaml_free(document.tag_directives.start)
// memset(document, 0, sizeof(yaml_document_t))
// * Get a document node.
// */
//YAML_DECLARE(yaml_node_t *)
//yaml_document_get_node(document *yaml_document_t, index int)
// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
// if (index > 0 && document.nodes.start + index <= {
// return document.nodes.start + index - 1
// }
// return NULL
// * Get the root object.
// */
//YAML_DECLARE(yaml_node_t *)
//yaml_document_get_root_node(document *yaml_document_t)
// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
// if ( != document.nodes.start) {
// return document.nodes.start
// }
// return NULL
// * Add a scalar node to a document.
// */
//yaml_document_add_scalar(document *yaml_document_t,
// tag *yaml_char_t, value *yaml_char_t, length int,
// style yaml_scalar_style_t)
// struct {
// error yaml_error_type_t
// } context
// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 }
// tag_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL
// value_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL
// node yaml_node_t
// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
// assert(value) // Non-NULL value is expected.
// if (!tag) {
// tag = (yaml_char_t *)YAML_DEFAULT_SCALAR_TAG
// }
// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag, strlen((char *)tag))) goto error
// tag_copy = yaml_strdup(tag)
// if (!tag_copy) goto error
// if (length < 0) {
// length = strlen((char *)value)
// }
// if (!yaml_check_utf8(value, length)) goto error
// value_copy = yaml_malloc(length+1)
// if (!value_copy) goto error
// memcpy(value_copy, value, length)
// value_copy[length] = '\0'
// SCALAR_NODE_INIT(node, tag_copy, value_copy, length, style, mark, mark)
// if (!PUSH(&context, document.nodes, node)) goto error
// return - document.nodes.start
// yaml_free(tag_copy)
// yaml_free(value_copy)
// return 0
// * Add a sequence node to a document.
// */
//yaml_document_add_sequence(document *yaml_document_t,
// tag *yaml_char_t, style yaml_sequence_style_t)
// struct {
// error yaml_error_type_t
// } context
// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 }
// tag_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL
// struct {
// start *yaml_node_item_t
// end *yaml_node_item_t
// top *yaml_node_item_t
// } items = { NULL, NULL, NULL }
// node yaml_node_t
// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
// if (!tag) {
// tag = (yaml_char_t *)YAML_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_TAG
// }
// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag, strlen((char *)tag))) goto error
// tag_copy = yaml_strdup(tag)
// if (!tag_copy) goto error
// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, items, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE)) goto error
// SEQUENCE_NODE_INIT(node, tag_copy, items.start, items.end,
// style, mark, mark)
// if (!PUSH(&context, document.nodes, node)) goto error
// return - document.nodes.start
// STACK_DEL(&context, items)
// yaml_free(tag_copy)
// return 0
// * Add a mapping node to a document.
// */
//yaml_document_add_mapping(document *yaml_document_t,
// tag *yaml_char_t, style yaml_mapping_style_t)
// struct {
// error yaml_error_type_t
// } context
// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 }
// tag_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL
// struct {
// start *yaml_node_pair_t
// end *yaml_node_pair_t
// top *yaml_node_pair_t
// } pairs = { NULL, NULL, NULL }
// node yaml_node_t
// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
// if (!tag) {
// tag = (yaml_char_t *)YAML_DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG
// }
// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag, strlen((char *)tag))) goto error
// tag_copy = yaml_strdup(tag)
// if (!tag_copy) goto error
// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, pairs, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE)) goto error
// MAPPING_NODE_INIT(node, tag_copy, pairs.start, pairs.end,
// style, mark, mark)
// if (!PUSH(&context, document.nodes, node)) goto error
// return - document.nodes.start
// STACK_DEL(&context, pairs)
// yaml_free(tag_copy)
// return 0
// * Append an item to a sequence node.
// */
//yaml_document_append_sequence_item(document *yaml_document_t,
// sequence int, item int)
// struct {
// error yaml_error_type_t
// } context
// assert(document) // Non-NULL document is required.
// assert(sequence > 0
// && document.nodes.start + sequence <=
// // Valid sequence id is required.
// assert(document.nodes.start[sequence-1].type == YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE)
// // A sequence node is required.
// assert(item > 0 && document.nodes.start + item <=
// // Valid item id is required.
// if (!PUSH(&context,
// document.nodes.start[sequence-1].data.sequence.items, item))
// return 0
// return 1
// * Append a pair of a key and a value to a mapping node.
// */
//yaml_document_append_mapping_pair(document *yaml_document_t,
// mapping int, key int, value int)
// struct {
// error yaml_error_type_t
// } context
// pair yaml_node_pair_t
// assert(document) // Non-NULL document is required.
// assert(mapping > 0
// && document.nodes.start + mapping <=
// // Valid mapping id is required.
// assert(document.nodes.start[mapping-1].type == YAML_MAPPING_NODE)
// // A mapping node is required.
// assert(key > 0 && document.nodes.start + key <=
// // Valid key id is required.
// assert(value > 0 && document.nodes.start + value <=
// // Valid value id is required.
// pair.key = key
// pair.value = value
// if (!PUSH(&context,
// document.nodes.start[mapping-1].data.mapping.pairs, pair))
// return 0
// return 1

View file

@ -1,651 +0,0 @@
package yaml
import (
const (
documentNode = 1 << iota
type node struct {
kind int
line, column int
tag string
value string
implicit bool
children []*node
anchors map[string]*node
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parser, produces a node tree out of a libyaml event stream.
type parser struct {
parser yaml_parser_t
event yaml_event_t
doc *node
func newParser(b []byte) *parser {
p := parser{}
if !yaml_parser_initialize(&p.parser) {
panic("failed to initialize YAML emitter")
if len(b) == 0 {
b = []byte{'\n'}
yaml_parser_set_input_string(&p.parser, b)
if p.event.typ != yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT {
panic("expected stream start event, got " + strconv.Itoa(int(p.event.typ)))
return &p
func (p *parser) destroy() {
if p.event.typ != yaml_NO_EVENT {
func (p *parser) skip() {
if p.event.typ != yaml_NO_EVENT {
if p.event.typ == yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT {
failf("attempted to go past the end of stream; corrupted value?")
if !yaml_parser_parse(&p.parser, &p.event) {
func (p *parser) fail() {
var where string
var line int
if p.parser.problem_mark.line != 0 {
line = p.parser.problem_mark.line
} else if p.parser.context_mark.line != 0 {
line = p.parser.context_mark.line
if line != 0 {
where = "line " + strconv.Itoa(line) + ": "
var msg string
if len(p.parser.problem) > 0 {
msg = p.parser.problem
} else {
msg = "unknown problem parsing YAML content"
failf("%s%s", where, msg)
func (p *parser) anchor(n *node, anchor []byte) {
if anchor != nil {
p.doc.anchors[string(anchor)] = n
func (p *parser) parse() *node {
switch p.event.typ {
case yaml_SCALAR_EVENT:
return p.scalar()
case yaml_ALIAS_EVENT:
return p.alias()
return p.mapping()
return p.sequence()
return p.document()
// Happens when attempting to decode an empty buffer.
return nil
panic("attempted to parse unknown event: " + strconv.Itoa(int(p.event.typ)))
func (p *parser) node(kind int) *node {
return &node{
kind: kind,
line: p.event.start_mark.line,
column: p.event.start_mark.column,
func (p *parser) document() *node {
n := p.node(documentNode)
n.anchors = make(map[string]*node)
p.doc = n
n.children = append(n.children, p.parse())
if p.event.typ != yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT {
panic("expected end of document event but got " + strconv.Itoa(int(p.event.typ)))
return n
func (p *parser) alias() *node {
n := p.node(aliasNode)
n.value = string(p.event.anchor)
return n
func (p *parser) scalar() *node {
n := p.node(scalarNode)
n.value = string(p.event.value)
n.tag = string(p.event.tag)
n.implicit = p.event.implicit
p.anchor(n, p.event.anchor)
return n
func (p *parser) sequence() *node {
n := p.node(sequenceNode)
p.anchor(n, p.event.anchor)
for p.event.typ != yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT {
n.children = append(n.children, p.parse())
return n
func (p *parser) mapping() *node {
n := p.node(mappingNode)
p.anchor(n, p.event.anchor)
for p.event.typ != yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT {
n.children = append(n.children, p.parse(), p.parse())
return n
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decoder, unmarshals a node into a provided value.
type decoder struct {
doc *node
aliases map[string]bool
mapType reflect.Type
terrors []string
var (
mapItemType = reflect.TypeOf(MapItem{})
durationType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(0))
defaultMapType = reflect.TypeOf(map[interface{}]interface{}{})
ifaceType = defaultMapType.Elem()
func newDecoder() *decoder {
d := &decoder{mapType: defaultMapType}
d.aliases = make(map[string]bool)
return d
func (d *decoder) terror(n *node, tag string, out reflect.Value) {
if n.tag != "" {
tag = n.tag
value := n.value
if tag != yaml_SEQ_TAG && tag != yaml_MAP_TAG {
if len(value) > 10 {
value = " `" + value[:7] + "...`"
} else {
value = " `" + value + "`"
d.terrors = append(d.terrors, fmt.Sprintf("line %d: cannot unmarshal %s%s into %s", n.line+1, shortTag(tag), value, out.Type()))
func (d *decoder) callUnmarshaler(n *node, u Unmarshaler) (good bool) {
terrlen := len(d.terrors)
err := u.UnmarshalYAML(func(v interface{}) (err error) {
defer handleErr(&err)
d.unmarshal(n, reflect.ValueOf(v))
if len(d.terrors) > terrlen {
issues := d.terrors[terrlen:]
d.terrors = d.terrors[:terrlen]
return &TypeError{issues}
return nil
if e, ok := err.(*TypeError); ok {
d.terrors = append(d.terrors, e.Errors...)
return false
if err != nil {
return true
// d.prepare initializes and dereferences pointers and calls UnmarshalYAML
// if a value is found to implement it.
// It returns the initialized and dereferenced out value, whether
// unmarshalling was already done by UnmarshalYAML, and if so whether
// its types unmarshalled appropriately.
// If n holds a null value, prepare returns before doing anything.
func (d *decoder) prepare(n *node, out reflect.Value) (newout reflect.Value, unmarshaled, good bool) {
if n.tag == yaml_NULL_TAG || n.kind == scalarNode && n.tag == "" && (n.value == "null" || n.value == "") {
return out, false, false
again := true
for again {
again = false
if out.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if out.IsNil() {
out = out.Elem()
again = true
if out.CanAddr() {
if u, ok := out.Addr().Interface().(Unmarshaler); ok {
good = d.callUnmarshaler(n, u)
return out, true, good
return out, false, false
func (d *decoder) unmarshal(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
switch n.kind {
case documentNode:
return d.document(n, out)
case aliasNode:
return d.alias(n, out)
out, unmarshaled, good := d.prepare(n, out)
if unmarshaled {
return good
switch n.kind {
case scalarNode:
good = d.scalar(n, out)
case mappingNode:
good = d.mapping(n, out)
case sequenceNode:
good = d.sequence(n, out)
panic("internal error: unknown node kind: " + strconv.Itoa(n.kind))
return good
func (d *decoder) document(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
if len(n.children) == 1 {
d.doc = n
d.unmarshal(n.children[0], out)
return true
return false
func (d *decoder) alias(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
an, ok := d.doc.anchors[n.value]
if !ok {
failf("unknown anchor '%s' referenced", n.value)
if d.aliases[n.value] {
failf("anchor '%s' value contains itself", n.value)
d.aliases[n.value] = true
good = d.unmarshal(an, out)
delete(d.aliases, n.value)
return good
var zeroValue reflect.Value
func resetMap(out reflect.Value) {
for _, k := range out.MapKeys() {
out.SetMapIndex(k, zeroValue)
func (d *decoder) scalar(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
var tag string
var resolved interface{}
if n.tag == "" && !n.implicit {
tag = yaml_STR_TAG
resolved = n.value
} else {
tag, resolved = resolve(n.tag, n.value)
if tag == yaml_BINARY_TAG {
data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(resolved.(string))
if err != nil {
failf("!!binary value contains invalid base64 data")
resolved = string(data)
if resolved == nil {
if out.Kind() == reflect.Map && !out.CanAddr() {
} else {
return true
if s, ok := resolved.(string); ok && out.CanAddr() {
if u, ok := out.Addr().Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok {
err := u.UnmarshalText([]byte(s))
if err != nil {
return true
switch out.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
if tag == yaml_BINARY_TAG {
good = true
} else if resolved != nil {
good = true
case reflect.Interface:
if resolved == nil {
} else {
good = true
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
switch resolved := resolved.(type) {
case int:
if !out.OverflowInt(int64(resolved)) {
good = true
case int64:
if !out.OverflowInt(resolved) {
good = true
case float64:
if resolved < 1<<63-1 && !out.OverflowInt(int64(resolved)) {
good = true
case string:
if out.Type() == durationType {
d, err := time.ParseDuration(resolved)
if err == nil {
good = true
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
switch resolved := resolved.(type) {
case int:
if resolved >= 0 {
good = true
case int64:
if resolved >= 0 {
good = true
case float64:
if resolved < 1<<64-1 && !out.OverflowUint(uint64(resolved)) {
good = true
case reflect.Bool:
switch resolved := resolved.(type) {
case bool:
good = true
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
switch resolved := resolved.(type) {
case int:
good = true
case int64:
good = true
case float64:
good = true
case reflect.Ptr:
if out.Type().Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(resolved) {
// TODO DOes this make sense? When is out a Ptr except when decoding a nil value?
elem := reflect.New(out.Type().Elem())
good = true
if !good {
d.terror(n, tag, out)
return good
func settableValueOf(i interface{}) reflect.Value {
v := reflect.ValueOf(i)
sv := reflect.New(v.Type()).Elem()
return sv
func (d *decoder) sequence(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
var iface reflect.Value
switch out.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
// okay
case reflect.Interface:
// No type hints. Will have to use a generic sequence.
iface = out
out = settableValueOf(make([]interface{}, 0))
d.terror(n, yaml_SEQ_TAG, out)
return false
et := out.Type().Elem()
l := len(n.children)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
e := reflect.New(et).Elem()
if ok := d.unmarshal(n.children[i], e); ok {
out.Set(reflect.Append(out, e))
if iface.IsValid() {
return true
func (d *decoder) mapping(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
switch out.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
return d.mappingStruct(n, out)
case reflect.Slice:
return d.mappingSlice(n, out)
case reflect.Map:
// okay
case reflect.Interface:
if d.mapType.Kind() == reflect.Map {
iface := out
out = reflect.MakeMap(d.mapType)
} else {
slicev := reflect.New(d.mapType).Elem()
if !d.mappingSlice(n, slicev) {
return false
return true
d.terror(n, yaml_MAP_TAG, out)
return false
outt := out.Type()
kt := outt.Key()
et := outt.Elem()
mapType := d.mapType
if outt.Key() == ifaceType && outt.Elem() == ifaceType {
d.mapType = outt
if out.IsNil() {
l := len(n.children)
for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 {
if isMerge(n.children[i]) {
d.merge(n.children[i+1], out)
k := reflect.New(kt).Elem()
if d.unmarshal(n.children[i], k) {
kkind := k.Kind()
if kkind == reflect.Interface {
kkind = k.Elem().Kind()
if kkind == reflect.Map || kkind == reflect.Slice {
failf("invalid map key: %#v", k.Interface())
e := reflect.New(et).Elem()
if d.unmarshal(n.children[i+1], e) {
out.SetMapIndex(k, e)
d.mapType = mapType
return true
func (d *decoder) mappingSlice(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
outt := out.Type()
if outt.Elem() != mapItemType {
d.terror(n, yaml_MAP_TAG, out)
return false
mapType := d.mapType
d.mapType = outt
var slice []MapItem
var l = len(n.children)
for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 {
if isMerge(n.children[i]) {
d.merge(n.children[i+1], out)
item := MapItem{}
k := reflect.ValueOf(&item.Key).Elem()
if d.unmarshal(n.children[i], k) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(&item.Value).Elem()
if d.unmarshal(n.children[i+1], v) {
slice = append(slice, item)
d.mapType = mapType
return true
func (d *decoder) mappingStruct(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
sinfo, err := getStructInfo(out.Type())
if err != nil {
name := settableValueOf("")
l := len(n.children)
for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 {
ni := n.children[i]
if isMerge(ni) {
d.merge(n.children[i+1], out)
if !d.unmarshal(ni, name) {
if info, ok := sinfo.FieldsMap[name.String()]; ok {
var field reflect.Value
if info.Inline == nil {
field = out.Field(info.Num)
} else {
field = out.FieldByIndex(info.Inline)
d.unmarshal(n.children[i+1], field)
return true
func failWantMap() {
failf("map merge requires map or sequence of maps as the value")
func (d *decoder) merge(n *node, out reflect.Value) {
switch n.kind {
case mappingNode:
d.unmarshal(n, out)
case aliasNode:
an, ok := d.doc.anchors[n.value]
if ok && an.kind != mappingNode {
d.unmarshal(n, out)
case sequenceNode:
// Step backwards as earlier nodes take precedence.
for i := len(n.children) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
ni := n.children[i]
if ni.kind == aliasNode {
an, ok := d.doc.anchors[ni.value]
if ok && an.kind != mappingNode {
} else if ni.kind != mappingNode {
d.unmarshal(ni, out)
func isMerge(n *node) bool {
return n.kind == scalarNode && n.value == "<<" && (n.implicit == true || n.tag == yaml_MERGE_TAG)

View file

@ -1,825 +0,0 @@
package yaml_test
import (
. ""
var unmarshalIntTest = 123
var unmarshalTests = []struct {
data string
value interface{}
}, {
"{}", &struct{}{},
}, {
"v: hi",
map[string]string{"v": "hi"},
}, {
"v: hi", map[string]interface{}{"v": "hi"},
}, {
"v: true",
map[string]string{"v": "true"},
}, {
"v: true",
map[string]interface{}{"v": true},
}, {
"v: 10",
map[string]interface{}{"v": 10},
}, {
"v: 0b10",
map[string]interface{}{"v": 2},
}, {
"v: 0xA",
map[string]interface{}{"v": 10},
}, {
"v: 4294967296",
map[string]int64{"v": 4294967296},
}, {
"v: 0.1",
map[string]interface{}{"v": 0.1},
}, {
"v: .1",
map[string]interface{}{"v": 0.1},
}, {
"v: .Inf",
map[string]interface{}{"v": math.Inf(+1)},
}, {
"v: -.Inf",
map[string]interface{}{"v": math.Inf(-1)},
}, {
"v: -10",
map[string]interface{}{"v": -10},
}, {
"v: -.1",
map[string]interface{}{"v": -0.1},
// Simple values.
// Floats from spec
"canonical: 6.8523e+5",
map[string]interface{}{"canonical": 6.8523e+5},
}, {
"expo: 685.230_15e+03",
map[string]interface{}{"expo": 685.23015e+03},
}, {
"fixed: 685_230.15",
map[string]interface{}{"fixed": 685230.15},
}, {
"neginf: -.inf",
map[string]interface{}{"neginf": math.Inf(-1)},
}, {
"fixed: 685_230.15",
map[string]float64{"fixed": 685230.15},
//{"sexa: 190:20:30.15", map[string]interface{}{"sexa": 0}}, // Unsupported
//{"notanum: .NaN", map[string]interface{}{"notanum": math.NaN()}}, // Equality of NaN fails.
// Bools from spec
"canonical: y",
map[string]interface{}{"canonical": true},
}, {
"answer: NO",
map[string]interface{}{"answer": false},
}, {
"logical: True",
map[string]interface{}{"logical": true},
}, {
"option: on",
map[string]interface{}{"option": true},
}, {
"option: on",
map[string]bool{"option": true},
// Ints from spec
"canonical: 685230",
map[string]interface{}{"canonical": 685230},
}, {
"decimal: +685_230",
map[string]interface{}{"decimal": 685230},
}, {
"octal: 02472256",
map[string]interface{}{"octal": 685230},
}, {
"hexa: 0x_0A_74_AE",
map[string]interface{}{"hexa": 685230},
}, {
"bin: 0b1010_0111_0100_1010_1110",
map[string]interface{}{"bin": 685230},
}, {
"bin: -0b101010",
map[string]interface{}{"bin": -42},
}, {
"decimal: +685_230",
map[string]int{"decimal": 685230},
//{"sexa: 190:20:30", map[string]interface{}{"sexa": 0}}, // Unsupported
// Nulls from spec
map[string]interface{}{"empty": nil},
}, {
"canonical: ~",
map[string]interface{}{"canonical": nil},
}, {
"english: null",
map[string]interface{}{"english": nil},
}, {
"~: null key",
map[interface{}]string{nil: "null key"},
}, {
map[string]*bool{"empty": nil},
// Flow sequence
"seq: [A,B]",
map[string]interface{}{"seq": []interface{}{"A", "B"}},
}, {
"seq: [A,B,C,]",
map[string][]string{"seq": []string{"A", "B", "C"}},
}, {
"seq: [A,1,C]",
map[string][]string{"seq": []string{"A", "1", "C"}},
}, {
"seq: [A,1,C]",
map[string][]int{"seq": []int{1}},
}, {
"seq: [A,1,C]",
map[string]interface{}{"seq": []interface{}{"A", 1, "C"}},
// Block sequence
"seq:\n - A\n - B",
map[string]interface{}{"seq": []interface{}{"A", "B"}},
}, {
"seq:\n - A\n - B\n - C",
map[string][]string{"seq": []string{"A", "B", "C"}},
}, {
"seq:\n - A\n - 1\n - C",
map[string][]string{"seq": []string{"A", "1", "C"}},
}, {
"seq:\n - A\n - 1\n - C",
map[string][]int{"seq": []int{1}},
}, {
"seq:\n - A\n - 1\n - C",
map[string]interface{}{"seq": []interface{}{"A", 1, "C"}},
// Literal block scalar
"scalar: | # Comment\n\n literal\n\n \ttext\n\n",
map[string]string{"scalar": "\nliteral\n\n\ttext\n"},
// Folded block scalar
"scalar: > # Comment\n\n folded\n line\n \n next\n line\n * one\n * two\n\n last\n line\n\n",
map[string]string{"scalar": "\nfolded line\nnext line\n * one\n * two\n\nlast line\n"},
// Map inside interface with no type hints.
"a: {b: c}",
map[interface{}]interface{}{"a": map[interface{}]interface{}{"b": "c"}},
// Structs and type conversions.
"hello: world",
&struct{ Hello string }{"world"},
}, {
"a: {b: c}",
&struct{ A struct{ B string } }{struct{ B string }{"c"}},
}, {
"a: {b: c}",
&struct{ A *struct{ B string } }{&struct{ B string }{"c"}},
}, {
"a: {b: c}",
&struct{ A map[string]string }{map[string]string{"b": "c"}},
}, {
"a: {b: c}",
&struct{ A *map[string]string }{&map[string]string{"b": "c"}},
}, {
&struct{ A map[string]string }{},
}, {
"a: 1",
&struct{ A int }{1},
}, {
"a: 1",
&struct{ A float64 }{1},
}, {
"a: 1.0",
&struct{ A int }{1},
}, {
"a: 1.0",
&struct{ A uint }{1},
}, {
"a: [1, 2]",
&struct{ A []int }{[]int{1, 2}},
}, {
"a: 1",
&struct{ B int }{0},
}, {
"a: 1",
&struct {
B int "a"
}, {
"a: y",
&struct{ A bool }{true},
// Some cross type conversions
"v: 42",
map[string]uint{"v": 42},
}, {
"v: -42",
}, {
"v: 4294967296",
map[string]uint64{"v": 4294967296},
}, {
"v: -4294967296",
// Overflow cases.
"v: 4294967297",
}, {
"v: 128",
// Quoted values.
"'1': '\"2\"'",
map[interface{}]interface{}{"1": "\"2\""},
}, {
"v:\n- A\n- 'B\n\n C'\n",
map[string][]string{"v": []string{"A", "B\nC"}},
// Explicit tags.
"v: !!float '1.1'",
map[string]interface{}{"v": 1.1},
}, {
"v: !!null ''",
map[string]interface{}{"v": nil},
}, {
"%TAG !y!,2002:\n---\nv: !y!int '1'",
map[string]interface{}{"v": 1},
// Anchors and aliases.
"a: &x 1\nb: &y 2\nc: *x\nd: *y\n",
&struct{ A, B, C, D int }{1, 2, 1, 2},
}, {
"a: &a {c: 1}\nb: *a",
&struct {
A, B struct {
C int
}{struct{ C int }{1}, struct{ C int }{1}},
}, {
"a: &a [1, 2]\nb: *a",
&struct{ B []int }{[]int{1, 2}},
// Bug #1133337
"foo: ''",
map[string]*string{"foo": new(string)},
}, {
"foo: null",
map[string]string{"foo": ""},
}, {
"foo: null",
map[string]interface{}{"foo": nil},
// Ignored field
"a: 1\nb: 2\n",
&struct {
A int
B int "-"
}{1, 0},
// Bug #1191981
"" +
"%YAML 1.1\n" +
"--- !!str\n" +
`"Generic line break (no glyph)\n\` + "\n" +
` Generic line break (glyphed)\n\` + "\n" +
` Line separator\u2028\` + "\n" +
` Paragraph separator\u2029"` + "\n",
"" +
"Generic line break (no glyph)\n" +
"Generic line break (glyphed)\n" +
"Line separator\u2028Paragraph separator\u2029",
// Struct inlining
"a: 1\nb: 2\nc: 3\n",
&struct {
A int
C inlineB `yaml:",inline"`
}{1, inlineB{2, inlineC{3}}},
// bug 1243827
"a: -b_c",
map[string]interface{}{"a": "-b_c"},
"a: +b_c",
map[string]interface{}{"a": "+b_c"},
"a: 50cent_of_dollar",
map[string]interface{}{"a": "50cent_of_dollar"},
// Duration
"a: 3s",
map[string]time.Duration{"a": 3 * time.Second},
// Issue #24.
"a: <foo>",
map[string]string{"a": "<foo>"},
// Base 60 floats are obsolete and unsupported.
"a: 1:1\n",
map[string]string{"a": "1:1"},
// Binary data.
"a: !!binary gIGC\n",
map[string]string{"a": "\x80\x81\x82"},
}, {
"a: !!binary |\n " + strings.Repeat("kJCQ", 17) + "kJ\n CQ\n",
map[string]string{"a": strings.Repeat("\x90", 54)},
}, {
"a: !!binary |\n " + strings.Repeat("A", 70) + "\n ==\n",
map[string]string{"a": strings.Repeat("\x00", 52)},
// Ordered maps.
"{b: 2, a: 1, d: 4, c: 3, sub: {e: 5}}",
&yaml.MapSlice{{"b", 2}, {"a", 1}, {"d", 4}, {"c", 3}, {"sub", yaml.MapSlice{{"e", 5}}}},
// Issue #39.
"a:\n b:\n c: d\n",
map[string]struct{ B interface{} }{"a": {map[interface{}]interface{}{"c": "d"}}},
// Custom map type.
"a: {b: c}",
M{"a": M{"b": "c"}},
// Support encoding.TextUnmarshaler.
map[string]net.IP{"a": net.IPv4(1, 2, 3, 4)},
type M map[interface{}]interface{}
type inlineB struct {
B int
inlineC `yaml:",inline"`
type inlineC struct {
C int
func (s *S) TestUnmarshal(c *C) {
for _, item := range unmarshalTests {
t := reflect.ValueOf(item.value).Type()
var value interface{}
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
value = reflect.MakeMap(t).Interface()
case reflect.String:
value = reflect.New(t).Interface()
case reflect.Ptr:
value = reflect.New(t.Elem()).Interface()
c.Fatalf("missing case for %s", t)
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(, value)
if _, ok := err.(*yaml.TypeError); !ok {
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
if t.Kind() == reflect.String {
c.Assert(*value.(*string), Equals, item.value)
} else {
c.Assert(value, DeepEquals, item.value)
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalNaN(c *C) {
value := map[string]interface{}{}
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("notanum: .NaN"), &value)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(math.IsNaN(value["notanum"].(float64)), Equals, true)
var unmarshalErrorTests = []struct {
data, error string
{"v: !!float 'error'", "yaml: cannot decode !!str `error` as a !!float"},
{"v: [A,", "yaml: line 1: did not find expected node content"},
{"v:\n- [A,", "yaml: line 2: did not find expected node content"},
{"a: *b\n", "yaml: unknown anchor 'b' referenced"},
{"a: &a\n b: *a\n", "yaml: anchor 'a' value contains itself"},
{"value: -", "yaml: block sequence entries are not allowed in this context"},
{"a: !!binary ==", "yaml: !!binary value contains invalid base64 data"},
{"{[.]}", `yaml: invalid map key: \[\]interface \{\}\{"\."\}`},
{"{{.}}", `yaml: invalid map key: map\[interface\ \{\}\]interface \{\}\{".":interface \{\}\(nil\)\}`},
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalErrors(c *C) {
for _, item := range unmarshalErrorTests {
var value interface{}
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(, &value)
c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, item.error, Commentf("Partial unmarshal: %#v", value))
var unmarshalerTests = []struct {
data, tag string
value interface{}
{"_: {hi: there}", "!!map", map[interface{}]interface{}{"hi": "there"}},
{"_: [1,A]", "!!seq", []interface{}{1, "A"}},
{"_: 10", "!!int", 10},
{"_: null", "!!null", nil},
{`_: BAR!`, "!!str", "BAR!"},
{`_: "BAR!"`, "!!str", "BAR!"},
{"_: !!foo 'BAR!'", "!!foo", "BAR!"},
var unmarshalerResult = map[int]error{}
type unmarshalerType struct {
value interface{}
func (o *unmarshalerType) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(v interface{}) error) error {
if err := unmarshal(&o.value); err != nil {
return err
if i, ok := o.value.(int); ok {
if result, ok := unmarshalerResult[i]; ok {
return result
return nil
type unmarshalerPointer struct {
Field *unmarshalerType "_"
type unmarshalerValue struct {
Field unmarshalerType "_"
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalerPointerField(c *C) {
for _, item := range unmarshalerTests {
obj := &unmarshalerPointer{}
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(, obj)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
if item.value == nil {
c.Assert(obj.Field, IsNil)
} else {
c.Assert(obj.Field, NotNil, Commentf("Pointer not initialized (%#v)", item.value))
c.Assert(obj.Field.value, DeepEquals, item.value)
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalerValueField(c *C) {
for _, item := range unmarshalerTests {
obj := &unmarshalerValue{}
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(, obj)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(obj.Field, NotNil, Commentf("Pointer not initialized (%#v)", item.value))
c.Assert(obj.Field.value, DeepEquals, item.value)
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalerWholeDocument(c *C) {
obj := &unmarshalerType{}
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(unmarshalerTests[0].data), obj)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
value, ok := obj.value.(map[interface{}]interface{})
c.Assert(ok, Equals, true, Commentf("value: %#v", obj.value))
c.Assert(value["_"], DeepEquals, unmarshalerTests[0].value)
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalerTypeError(c *C) {
unmarshalerResult[2] = &yaml.TypeError{[]string{"foo"}}
unmarshalerResult[4] = &yaml.TypeError{[]string{"bar"}}
defer func() {
delete(unmarshalerResult, 2)
delete(unmarshalerResult, 4)
type T struct {
Before int
After int
M map[string]*unmarshalerType
var v T
data := `{before: A, m: {abc: 1, def: 2, ghi: 3, jkl: 4}, after: B}`
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &v)
c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ""+
"yaml: unmarshal errors:\n"+
" line 1: cannot unmarshal !!str `A` into int\n"+
" foo\n"+
" bar\n"+
" line 1: cannot unmarshal !!str `B` into int")
c.Assert(v.M["abc"], NotNil)
c.Assert(v.M["def"], IsNil)
c.Assert(v.M["ghi"], NotNil)
c.Assert(v.M["jkl"], IsNil)
c.Assert(v.M["abc"].value, Equals, 1)
c.Assert(v.M["ghi"].value, Equals, 3)
type proxyTypeError struct{}
func (v *proxyTypeError) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var s string
var a int32
var b int64
if err := unmarshal(&s); err != nil {
if s == "a" {
if err := unmarshal(&b); err == nil {
panic("should have failed")
return unmarshal(&a)
if err := unmarshal(&a); err == nil {
panic("should have failed")
return unmarshal(&b)
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalerTypeErrorProxying(c *C) {
type T struct {
Before int
After int
M map[string]*proxyTypeError
var v T
data := `{before: A, m: {abc: a, def: b}, after: B}`
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &v)
c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ""+
"yaml: unmarshal errors:\n"+
" line 1: cannot unmarshal !!str `A` into int\n"+
" line 1: cannot unmarshal !!str `a` into int32\n"+
" line 1: cannot unmarshal !!str `b` into int64\n"+
" line 1: cannot unmarshal !!str `B` into int")
type failingUnmarshaler struct{}
var failingErr = errors.New("failingErr")
func (ft *failingUnmarshaler) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
return failingErr
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalerError(c *C) {
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("a: b"), &failingUnmarshaler{})
c.Assert(err, Equals, failingErr)
type sliceUnmarshaler []int
func (su *sliceUnmarshaler) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var slice []int
err := unmarshal(&slice)
if err == nil {
*su = slice
return nil
var intVal int
err = unmarshal(&intVal)
if err == nil {
*su = []int{intVal}
return nil
return err
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalerRetry(c *C) {
var su sliceUnmarshaler
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("[1, 2, 3]"), &su)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(su, DeepEquals, sliceUnmarshaler([]int{1, 2, 3}))
err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("1"), &su)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(su, DeepEquals, sliceUnmarshaler([]int{1}))
// From
var mergeTests = `
- &CENTER { "x": 1, "y": 2 }
- &LEFT { "x": 0, "y": 2 }
- &BIG { "r": 10 }
- &SMALL { "r": 1 }
# All the following maps are equal:
# Explicit keys
"x": 1
"y": 2
"r": 10
label: center/big
# Merge one map
<< : *CENTER
"r": 10
label: center/big
# Merge multiple maps
<< : [ *CENTER, *BIG ]
label: center/big
# Override
<< : [ *BIG, *LEFT, *SMALL ]
"x": 1
label: center/big
# Explicit short merge tag
!!merge "<<" : [ *CENTER, *BIG ]
label: center/big
# Explicit merge long tag
!<,2002:merge> "<<" : [ *CENTER, *BIG ]
label: center/big
# Inlined map
<< : {"x": 1, "y": 2, "r": 10}
label: center/big
# Inlined map in sequence
<< : [ *CENTER, {"r": 10} ]
label: center/big
func (s *S) TestMerge(c *C) {
var want = map[interface{}]interface{}{
"x": 1,
"y": 2,
"r": 10,
"label": "center/big",
var m map[interface{}]interface{}
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(mergeTests), &m)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for name, test := range m {
if name == "anchors" {
c.Assert(test, DeepEquals, want, Commentf("test %q failed", name))
func (s *S) TestMergeStruct(c *C) {
type Data struct {
X, Y, R int
Label string
want := Data{1, 2, 10, "center/big"}
var m map[string]Data
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(mergeTests), &m)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for name, test := range m {
if name == "anchors" {
c.Assert(test, Equals, want, Commentf("test %q failed", name))
var unmarshalNullTests = []func() interface{}{
func() interface{} { var v interface{}; v = "v"; return &v },
func() interface{} { var s = "s"; return &s },
func() interface{} { var s = "s"; sptr := &s; return &sptr },
func() interface{} { var i = 1; return &i },
func() interface{} { var i = 1; iptr := &i; return &iptr },
func() interface{} { m := map[string]int{"s": 1}; return &m },
func() interface{} { m := map[string]int{"s": 1}; return m },
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalNull(c *C) {
for _, test := range unmarshalNullTests {
item := test()
zero := reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(item).Elem()).Interface()
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("null"), item)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
if reflect.TypeOf(item).Kind() == reflect.Map {
c.Assert(reflect.ValueOf(item).Interface(), DeepEquals, reflect.MakeMap(reflect.TypeOf(item)).Interface())
} else {
c.Assert(reflect.ValueOf(item).Elem().Interface(), DeepEquals, zero)
//var data []byte
//func init() {
// var err error
// data, err = ioutil.ReadFile("/tmp/file.yaml")
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
//func (s *S) BenchmarkUnmarshal(c *C) {
// var err error
// for i := 0; i < c.N; i++ {
// var v map[string]interface{}
// err = yaml.Unmarshal(data, &v)
// }
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
//func (s *S) BenchmarkMarshal(c *C) {
// var v map[string]interface{}
// yaml.Unmarshal(data, &v)
// c.ResetTimer()
// for i := 0; i < c.N; i++ {
// yaml.Marshal(&v)
// }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
package yaml
import (
type encoder struct {
emitter yaml_emitter_t
event yaml_event_t
out []byte
flow bool
func newEncoder() (e *encoder) {
e = &encoder{}
yaml_emitter_set_output_string(&e.emitter, &e.out)
yaml_emitter_set_unicode(&e.emitter, true)
e.must(yaml_stream_start_event_initialize(&e.event, yaml_UTF8_ENCODING))
e.must(yaml_document_start_event_initialize(&e.event, nil, nil, true))
return e
func (e *encoder) finish() {
e.must(yaml_document_end_event_initialize(&e.event, true))
e.emitter.open_ended = false
func (e *encoder) destroy() {
func (e *encoder) emit() {
// This will internally delete the e.event value.
if !yaml_emitter_emit(&e.emitter, &e.event) && e.event.typ != yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT && e.event.typ != yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT {
func (e *encoder) must(ok bool) {
if !ok {
msg := e.emitter.problem
if msg == "" {
msg = "unknown problem generating YAML content"
failf("%s", msg)
func (e *encoder) marshal(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
if !in.IsValid() {
iface := in.Interface()
if m, ok := iface.(Marshaler); ok {
v, err := m.MarshalYAML()
if err != nil {
if v == nil {
in = reflect.ValueOf(v)
if m, ok := iface.(encoding.TextMarshaler); ok {
text, err := m.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
in = reflect.ValueOf(string(text))
switch in.Kind() {
case reflect.Interface:
if in.IsNil() {
} else {
e.marshal(tag, in.Elem())
case reflect.Map:
e.mapv(tag, in)
case reflect.Ptr:
if in.IsNil() {
} else {
e.marshal(tag, in.Elem())
case reflect.Struct:
e.structv(tag, in)
case reflect.Slice:
if in.Type().Elem() == mapItemType {
e.itemsv(tag, in)
} else {
e.slicev(tag, in)
case reflect.String:
e.stringv(tag, in)
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if in.Type() == durationType {
e.stringv(tag, reflect.ValueOf(iface.(time.Duration).String()))
} else {
e.intv(tag, in)
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
e.uintv(tag, in)
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
e.floatv(tag, in)
case reflect.Bool:
e.boolv(tag, in)
panic("cannot marshal type: " + in.Type().String())
func (e *encoder) mapv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
e.mappingv(tag, func() {
keys := keyList(in.MapKeys())
for _, k := range keys {
e.marshal("", k)
e.marshal("", in.MapIndex(k))
func (e *encoder) itemsv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
e.mappingv(tag, func() {
slice := in.Convert(reflect.TypeOf([]MapItem{})).Interface().([]MapItem)
for _, item := range slice {
e.marshal("", reflect.ValueOf(item.Key))
e.marshal("", reflect.ValueOf(item.Value))
func (e *encoder) structv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
sinfo, err := getStructInfo(in.Type())
if err != nil {
e.mappingv(tag, func() {
for _, info := range sinfo.FieldsList {
var value reflect.Value
if info.Inline == nil {
value = in.Field(info.Num)
} else {
value = in.FieldByIndex(info.Inline)
if info.OmitEmpty && isZero(value) {
e.marshal("", reflect.ValueOf(info.Key))
e.flow = info.Flow
e.marshal("", value)
func (e *encoder) mappingv(tag string, f func()) {
implicit := tag == ""
if e.flow {
e.flow = false
e.must(yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(&e.event, nil, []byte(tag), implicit, style))
func (e *encoder) slicev(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
implicit := tag == ""
if e.flow {
e.flow = false
e.must(yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(&e.event, nil, []byte(tag), implicit, style))
n := in.Len()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
e.marshal("", in.Index(i))
// isBase60 returns whether s is in base 60 notation as defined in YAML 1.1.
// The base 60 float notation in YAML 1.1 is a terrible idea and is unsupported
// in YAML 1.2 and by this package, but these should be marshalled quoted for
// the time being for compatibility with other parsers.
func isBase60Float(s string) (result bool) {
// Fast path.
if s == "" {
return false
c := s[0]
if !(c == '+' || c == '-' || c >= '0' && c <= '9') || strings.IndexByte(s, ':') < 0 {
return false
// Do the full match.
return base60float.MatchString(s)
// From, except the regular expression there
// is bogus. In practice parsers do not enforce the "\.[0-9_]*" suffix.
var base60float = regexp.MustCompile(`^[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+(?:\.[0-9_]*)?$`)
func (e *encoder) stringv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
var style yaml_scalar_style_t
s := in.String()
rtag, rs := resolve("", s)
if rtag == yaml_BINARY_TAG {
if tag == "" || tag == yaml_STR_TAG {
tag = rtag
s = rs.(string)
} else if tag == yaml_BINARY_TAG {
failf("explicitly tagged !!binary data must be base64-encoded")
} else {
failf("cannot marshal invalid UTF-8 data as %s", shortTag(tag))
if tag == "" && (rtag != yaml_STR_TAG || isBase60Float(s)) {
} else if strings.Contains(s, "\n") {
} else {
e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, style)
func (e *encoder) boolv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
var s string
if in.Bool() {
s = "true"
} else {
s = "false"
e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE)
func (e *encoder) intv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
s := strconv.FormatInt(in.Int(), 10)
e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE)
func (e *encoder) uintv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
s := strconv.FormatUint(in.Uint(), 10)
e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE)
func (e *encoder) floatv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
// FIXME: Handle 64 bits here.
s := strconv.FormatFloat(float64(in.Float()), 'g', -1, 32)
switch s {
case "+Inf":
s = ".inf"
case "-Inf":
s = "-.inf"
case "NaN":
s = ".nan"
e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE)
func (e *encoder) nilv() {
e.emitScalar("null", "", "", yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE)
func (e *encoder) emitScalar(value, anchor, tag string, style yaml_scalar_style_t) {
implicit := tag == ""
e.must(yaml_scalar_event_initialize(&e.event, []byte(anchor), []byte(tag), []byte(value), implicit, implicit, style))

View file

@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
package yaml_test
import (
. ""
var marshalIntTest = 123
var marshalTests = []struct {
value interface{}
data string
}, {
}, {
map[string]string{"v": "hi"},
"v: hi\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": "hi"},
"v: hi\n",
}, {
map[string]string{"v": "true"},
"v: \"true\"\n",
}, {
map[string]string{"v": "false"},
"v: \"false\"\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": true},
"v: true\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": false},
"v: false\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": 10},
"v: 10\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": -10},
"v: -10\n",
}, {
map[string]uint{"v": 42},
"v: 42\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": int64(4294967296)},
"v: 4294967296\n",
}, {
map[string]int64{"v": int64(4294967296)},
"v: 4294967296\n",
}, {
map[string]uint64{"v": 4294967296},
"v: 4294967296\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": "10"},
"v: \"10\"\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": 0.1},
"v: 0.1\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": float64(0.1)},
"v: 0.1\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": -0.1},
"v: -0.1\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": math.Inf(+1)},
"v: .inf\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": math.Inf(-1)},
"v: -.inf\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": math.NaN()},
"v: .nan\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": nil},
"v: null\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"v": ""},
"v: \"\"\n",
}, {
map[string][]string{"v": []string{"A", "B"}},
"v:\n- A\n- B\n",
}, {
map[string][]string{"v": []string{"A", "B\nC"}},
"v:\n- A\n- |-\n B\n C\n",
}, {
map[string][]interface{}{"v": []interface{}{"A", 1, map[string][]int{"B": []int{2, 3}}}},
"v:\n- A\n- 1\n- B:\n - 2\n - 3\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"a": map[interface{}]interface{}{"b": "c"}},
"a:\n b: c\n",
}, {
map[string]interface{}{"a": "-"},
"a: '-'\n",
// Simple values.
// Structures
&struct{ Hello string }{"world"},
"hello: world\n",
}, {
&struct {
A struct {
B string
}{struct{ B string }{"c"}},
"a:\n b: c\n",
}, {
&struct {
A *struct {
B string
}{&struct{ B string }{"c"}},
"a:\n b: c\n",
}, {
&struct {
A *struct {
B string
"a: null\n",
}, {
&struct{ A int }{1},
"a: 1\n",
}, {
&struct{ A []int }{[]int{1, 2}},
"a:\n- 1\n- 2\n",
}, {
&struct {
B int "a"
"a: 1\n",
}, {
&struct{ A bool }{true},
"a: true\n",
// Conditional flag
&struct {
A int "a,omitempty"
B int "b,omitempty"
}{1, 0},
"a: 1\n",
}, {
&struct {
A int "a,omitempty"
B int "b,omitempty"
}{0, 0},
}, {
&struct {
A *struct{ X int } "a,omitempty"
B int "b,omitempty"
}{nil, 0},
// Flow flag
&struct {
A []int "a,flow"
}{[]int{1, 2}},
"a: [1, 2]\n",
}, {
&struct {
A map[string]string "a,flow"
}{map[string]string{"b": "c", "d": "e"}},
"a: {b: c, d: e}\n",
}, {
&struct {
A struct {
B, D string
} "a,flow"
}{struct{ B, D string }{"c", "e"}},
"a: {b: c, d: e}\n",
// Unexported field
&struct {
u int
A int
}{0, 1},
"a: 1\n",
// Ignored field
&struct {
A int
B int "-"
}{1, 2},
"a: 1\n",
// Struct inlining
&struct {
A int
C inlineB `yaml:",inline"`
}{1, inlineB{2, inlineC{3}}},
"a: 1\nb: 2\nc: 3\n",
// Duration
map[string]time.Duration{"a": 3 * time.Second},
"a: 3s\n",
// Issue #24: bug in map merging logic.
map[string]string{"a": "<foo>"},
"a: <foo>\n",
// Issue #34: marshal unsupported base 60 floats quoted for compatibility
// with old YAML 1.1 parsers.
map[string]string{"a": "1:1"},
"a: \"1:1\"\n",
// Binary data.
map[string]string{"a": "\x00"},
"a: \"\\0\"\n",
}, {
map[string]string{"a": "\x80\x81\x82"},
"a: !!binary gIGC\n",
}, {
map[string]string{"a": strings.Repeat("\x90", 54)},
"a: !!binary |\n " + strings.Repeat("kJCQ", 17) + "kJ\n CQ\n",
// Ordered maps.
&yaml.MapSlice{{"b", 2}, {"a", 1}, {"d", 4}, {"c", 3}, {"sub", yaml.MapSlice{{"e", 5}}}},
"b: 2\na: 1\nd: 4\nc: 3\nsub:\n e: 5\n",
// Encode unicode as utf-8 rather than in escaped form.
map[string]string{"a": "你好"},
"a: 你好\n",
// Support encoding.TextMarshaler.
map[string]net.IP{"a": net.IPv4(1, 2, 3, 4)},
func (s *S) TestMarshal(c *C) {
for _, item := range marshalTests {
data, err := yaml.Marshal(item.value)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(string(data), Equals,
var marshalErrorTests = []struct {
value interface{}
error string
panic string
value: &struct {
B int
inlineB ",inline"
}{1, inlineB{2, inlineC{3}}},
panic: `Duplicated key 'b' in struct struct \{ B int; .*`,
func (s *S) TestMarshalErrors(c *C) {
for _, item := range marshalErrorTests {
if item.panic != "" {
c.Assert(func() { yaml.Marshal(item.value) }, PanicMatches, item.panic)
} else {
_, err := yaml.Marshal(item.value)
c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, item.error)
func (s *S) TestMarshalTypeCache(c *C) {
var data []byte
var err error
func() {
type T struct{ A int }
data, err = yaml.Marshal(&T{})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func() {
type T struct{ B int }
data, err = yaml.Marshal(&T{})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(string(data), Equals, "b: 0\n")
var marshalerTests = []struct {
data string
value interface{}
{"_:\n hi: there\n", map[interface{}]interface{}{"hi": "there"}},
{"_:\n- 1\n- A\n", []interface{}{1, "A"}},
{"_: 10\n", 10},
{"_: null\n", nil},
{"_: BAR!\n", "BAR!"},
type marshalerType struct {
value interface{}
func (o marshalerType) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
return o.value, nil
type marshalerValue struct {
Field marshalerType "_"
func (s *S) TestMarshaler(c *C) {
for _, item := range marshalerTests {
obj := &marshalerValue{}
obj.Field.value = item.value
data, err := yaml.Marshal(obj)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(string(data), Equals, string(
func (s *S) TestMarshalerWholeDocument(c *C) {
obj := &marshalerType{}
obj.value = map[string]string{"hello": "world!"}
data, err := yaml.Marshal(obj)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(string(data), Equals, "hello: world!\n")
type failingMarshaler struct{}
func (ft *failingMarshaler) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
return nil, failingErr
func (s *S) TestMarshalerError(c *C) {
_, err := yaml.Marshal(&failingMarshaler{})
c.Assert(err, Equals, failingErr)
func (s *S) TestSortedOutput(c *C) {
order := []interface{}{
m := make(map[interface{}]int)
for _, k := range order {
m[k] = 1
data, err := yaml.Marshal(m)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
out := "\n" + string(data)
last := 0
for i, k := range order {
repr := fmt.Sprint(k)
if s, ok := k.(string); ok {
if _, err = strconv.ParseFloat(repr, 32); s == "" || err == nil {
repr = `"` + repr + `"`
index := strings.Index(out, "\n"+repr+":")
if index == -1 {
c.Fatalf("%#v is not in the output: %#v", k, out)
if index < last {
c.Fatalf("%#v was generated before %#v: %q", k, order[i-1], out)
last = index

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
package yaml
import (
// Set the reader error and return 0.
func yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser *yaml_parser_t, problem string, offset int, value int) bool {
parser.error = yaml_READER_ERROR
parser.problem = problem
parser.problem_offset = offset
parser.problem_value = value
return false
// Byte order marks.
const (
bom_UTF8 = "\xef\xbb\xbf"
bom_UTF16LE = "\xff\xfe"
bom_UTF16BE = "\xfe\xff"
// Determine the input stream encoding by checking the BOM symbol. If no BOM is
// found, the UTF-8 encoding is assumed. Return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
func yaml_parser_determine_encoding(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
// Ensure that we had enough bytes in the raw buffer.
for !parser.eof && len(parser.raw_buffer)-parser.raw_buffer_pos < 3 {
if !yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser) {
return false
// Determine the encoding.
buf := parser.raw_buffer
pos := parser.raw_buffer_pos
avail := len(buf) - pos
if avail >= 2 && buf[pos] == bom_UTF16LE[0] && buf[pos+1] == bom_UTF16LE[1] {
parser.encoding = yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING
parser.raw_buffer_pos += 2
parser.offset += 2
} else if avail >= 2 && buf[pos] == bom_UTF16BE[0] && buf[pos+1] == bom_UTF16BE[1] {
parser.encoding = yaml_UTF16BE_ENCODING
parser.raw_buffer_pos += 2
parser.offset += 2
} else if avail >= 3 && buf[pos] == bom_UTF8[0] && buf[pos+1] == bom_UTF8[1] && buf[pos+2] == bom_UTF8[2] {
parser.encoding = yaml_UTF8_ENCODING
parser.raw_buffer_pos += 3
parser.offset += 3
} else {
parser.encoding = yaml_UTF8_ENCODING
return true
// Update the raw buffer.
func yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
size_read := 0
// Return if the raw buffer is full.
if parser.raw_buffer_pos == 0 && len(parser.raw_buffer) == cap(parser.raw_buffer) {
return true
// Return on EOF.
if parser.eof {
return true
// Move the remaining bytes in the raw buffer to the beginning.
if parser.raw_buffer_pos > 0 && parser.raw_buffer_pos < len(parser.raw_buffer) {
copy(parser.raw_buffer, parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos:])
parser.raw_buffer = parser.raw_buffer[:len(parser.raw_buffer)-parser.raw_buffer_pos]
parser.raw_buffer_pos = 0
// Call the read handler to fill the buffer.
size_read, err := parser.read_handler(parser, parser.raw_buffer[len(parser.raw_buffer):cap(parser.raw_buffer)])
parser.raw_buffer = parser.raw_buffer[:len(parser.raw_buffer)+size_read]
if err == io.EOF {
parser.eof = true
} else if err != nil {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, "input error: "+err.Error(), parser.offset, -1)
return true
// Ensure that the buffer contains at least `length` characters.
// Return true on success, false on failure.
// The length is supposed to be significantly less that the buffer size.
func yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser *yaml_parser_t, length int) bool {
if parser.read_handler == nil {
panic("read handler must be set")
// If the EOF flag is set and the raw buffer is empty, do nothing.
if parser.eof && parser.raw_buffer_pos == len(parser.raw_buffer) {
return true
// Return if the buffer contains enough characters.
if parser.unread >= length {
return true
// Determine the input encoding if it is not known yet.
if parser.encoding == yaml_ANY_ENCODING {
if !yaml_parser_determine_encoding(parser) {
return false
// Move the unread characters to the beginning of the buffer.
buffer_len := len(parser.buffer)
if parser.buffer_pos > 0 && parser.buffer_pos < buffer_len {
copy(parser.buffer, parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos:])
buffer_len -= parser.buffer_pos
parser.buffer_pos = 0
} else if parser.buffer_pos == buffer_len {
buffer_len = 0
parser.buffer_pos = 0
// Open the whole buffer for writing, and cut it before returning.
parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:cap(parser.buffer)]
// Fill the buffer until it has enough characters.
first := true
for parser.unread < length {
// Fill the raw buffer if necessary.
if !first || parser.raw_buffer_pos == len(parser.raw_buffer) {
if !yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser) {
parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:buffer_len]
return false
first = false
// Decode the raw buffer.
for parser.raw_buffer_pos != len(parser.raw_buffer) {
var value rune
var width int
raw_unread := len(parser.raw_buffer) - parser.raw_buffer_pos
// Decode the next character.
switch parser.encoding {
case yaml_UTF8_ENCODING:
// Decode a UTF-8 character. Check RFC 3629
// ( for more details.
// The following table (taken from the RFC) is used for
// decoding.
// Char. number range | UTF-8 octet sequence
// (hexadecimal) | (binary)
// --------------------+------------------------------------
// 0000 0000-0000 007F | 0xxxxxxx
// 0000 0080-0000 07FF | 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
// 0000 0800-0000 FFFF | 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
// 0001 0000-0010 FFFF | 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
// Additionally, the characters in the range 0xD800-0xDFFF
// are prohibited as they are reserved for use with UTF-16
// surrogate pairs.
// Determine the length of the UTF-8 sequence.
octet := parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos]
switch {
case octet&0x80 == 0x00:
width = 1
case octet&0xE0 == 0xC0:
width = 2
case octet&0xF0 == 0xE0:
width = 3
case octet&0xF8 == 0xF0:
width = 4
// The leading octet is invalid.
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"invalid leading UTF-8 octet",
parser.offset, int(octet))
// Check if the raw buffer contains an incomplete character.
if width > raw_unread {
if parser.eof {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"incomplete UTF-8 octet sequence",
parser.offset, -1)
break inner
// Decode the leading octet.
switch {
case octet&0x80 == 0x00:
value = rune(octet & 0x7F)
case octet&0xE0 == 0xC0:
value = rune(octet & 0x1F)
case octet&0xF0 == 0xE0:
value = rune(octet & 0x0F)
case octet&0xF8 == 0xF0:
value = rune(octet & 0x07)
value = 0
// Check and decode the trailing octets.
for k := 1; k < width; k++ {
octet = parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+k]
// Check if the octet is valid.
if (octet & 0xC0) != 0x80 {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"invalid trailing UTF-8 octet",
parser.offset+k, int(octet))
// Decode the octet.
value = (value << 6) + rune(octet&0x3F)
// Check the length of the sequence against the value.
switch {
case width == 1:
case width == 2 && value >= 0x80:
case width == 3 && value >= 0x800:
case width == 4 && value >= 0x10000:
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"invalid length of a UTF-8 sequence",
parser.offset, -1)
// Check the range of the value.
if value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDFFF || value > 0x10FFFF {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"invalid Unicode character",
parser.offset, int(value))
var low, high int
if parser.encoding == yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING {
low, high = 0, 1
} else {
high, low = 1, 0
// The UTF-16 encoding is not as simple as one might
// naively think. Check RFC 2781
// (
// Normally, two subsequent bytes describe a Unicode
// character. However a special technique (called a
// surrogate pair) is used for specifying character
// values larger than 0xFFFF.
// A surrogate pair consists of two pseudo-characters:
// high surrogate area (0xD800-0xDBFF)
// low surrogate area (0xDC00-0xDFFF)
// The following formulas are used for decoding
// and encoding characters using surrogate pairs:
// U = U' + 0x10000 (0x01 00 00 <= U <= 0x10 FF FF)
// U' = yyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx (0 <= U' <= 0x0F FF FF)
// W1 = 110110yyyyyyyyyy
// W2 = 110111xxxxxxxxxx
// where U is the character value, W1 is the high surrogate
// area, W2 is the low surrogate area.
// Check for incomplete UTF-16 character.
if raw_unread < 2 {
if parser.eof {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"incomplete UTF-16 character",
parser.offset, -1)
break inner
// Get the character.
value = rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+low]) +
(rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+high]) << 8)
// Check for unexpected low surrogate area.
if value&0xFC00 == 0xDC00 {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"unexpected low surrogate area",
parser.offset, int(value))
// Check for a high surrogate area.
if value&0xFC00 == 0xD800 {
width = 4
// Check for incomplete surrogate pair.
if raw_unread < 4 {
if parser.eof {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"incomplete UTF-16 surrogate pair",
parser.offset, -1)
break inner
// Get the next character.
value2 := rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+low+2]) +
(rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+high+2]) << 8)
// Check for a low surrogate area.
if value2&0xFC00 != 0xDC00 {
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"expected low surrogate area",
parser.offset+2, int(value2))
// Generate the value of the surrogate pair.
value = 0x10000 + ((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (value2 & 0x3FF)
} else {
width = 2
// Check if the character is in the allowed range:
// #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#x7E] (8 bit)
// | #x85 | [#xA0-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] (16 bit)
// | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] (32 bit)
switch {
case value == 0x09:
case value == 0x0A:
case value == 0x0D:
case value >= 0x20 && value <= 0x7E:
case value == 0x85:
case value >= 0xA0 && value <= 0xD7FF:
case value >= 0xE000 && value <= 0xFFFD:
case value >= 0x10000 && value <= 0x10FFFF:
return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
"control characters are not allowed",
parser.offset, int(value))
// Move the raw pointers.
parser.raw_buffer_pos += width
parser.offset += width
// Finally put the character into the buffer.
if value <= 0x7F {
// 0000 0000-0000 007F . 0xxxxxxx
parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(value)
} else if value <= 0x7FF {
// 0000 0080-0000 07FF . 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(0xC0 + (value >> 6))
parser.buffer[buffer_len+1] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F))
} else if value <= 0xFFFF {
// 0000 0800-0000 FFFF . 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(0xE0 + (value >> 12))
parser.buffer[buffer_len+1] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 6) & 0x3F))
parser.buffer[buffer_len+2] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F))
} else {
// 0001 0000-0010 FFFF . 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(0xF0 + (value >> 18))
parser.buffer[buffer_len+1] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 12) & 0x3F))
parser.buffer[buffer_len+2] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 6) & 0x3F))
parser.buffer[buffer_len+3] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F))
buffer_len += width
// On EOF, put NUL into the buffer and return.
if parser.eof {
parser.buffer[buffer_len] = 0
parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:buffer_len]
return true

View file

@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
package yaml
import (
type resolveMapItem struct {
value interface{}
tag string
var resolveTable = make([]byte, 256)
var resolveMap = make(map[string]resolveMapItem)
func init() {
t := resolveTable
t[int('+')] = 'S' // Sign
t[int('-')] = 'S'
for _, c := range "0123456789" {
t[int(c)] = 'D' // Digit
for _, c := range "yYnNtTfFoO~" {
t[int(c)] = 'M' // In map
t[int('.')] = '.' // Float (potentially in map)
var resolveMapList = []struct {
v interface{}
tag string
l []string
{true, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "YES"}},
{true, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"true", "True", "TRUE"}},
{true, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"on", "On", "ON"}},
{false, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"n", "N", "no", "No", "NO"}},
{false, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"false", "False", "FALSE"}},
{false, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"off", "Off", "OFF"}},
{nil, yaml_NULL_TAG, []string{"", "~", "null", "Null", "NULL"}},
{math.NaN(), yaml_FLOAT_TAG, []string{".nan", ".NaN", ".NAN"}},
{math.Inf(+1), yaml_FLOAT_TAG, []string{".inf", ".Inf", ".INF"}},
{math.Inf(+1), yaml_FLOAT_TAG, []string{"+.inf", "+.Inf", "+.INF"}},
{math.Inf(-1), yaml_FLOAT_TAG, []string{"-.inf", "-.Inf", "-.INF"}},
{"<<", yaml_MERGE_TAG, []string{"<<"}},
m := resolveMap
for _, item := range resolveMapList {
for _, s := range item.l {
m[s] = resolveMapItem{item.v, item.tag}
const longTagPrefix = ",2002:"
func shortTag(tag string) string {
// TODO This can easily be made faster and produce less garbage.
if strings.HasPrefix(tag, longTagPrefix) {
return "!!" + tag[len(longTagPrefix):]
return tag
func longTag(tag string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "!!") {
return longTagPrefix + tag[2:]
return tag
func resolvableTag(tag string) bool {
switch tag {
case "", yaml_STR_TAG, yaml_BOOL_TAG, yaml_INT_TAG, yaml_FLOAT_TAG, yaml_NULL_TAG:
return true
return false
func resolve(tag string, in string) (rtag string, out interface{}) {
if !resolvableTag(tag) {
return tag, in
defer func() {
switch tag {
case "", rtag, yaml_STR_TAG, yaml_BINARY_TAG:
failf("cannot decode %s `%s` as a %s", shortTag(rtag), in, shortTag(tag))
// Any data is accepted as a !!str or !!binary.
// Otherwise, the prefix is enough of a hint about what it might be.
hint := byte('N')
if in != "" {
hint = resolveTable[in[0]]
if hint != 0 && tag != yaml_STR_TAG && tag != yaml_BINARY_TAG {
// Handle things we can lookup in a map.
if item, ok := resolveMap[in]; ok {
return item.tag, item.value
// Base 60 floats are a bad idea, were dropped in YAML 1.2, and
// are purposefully unsupported here. They're still quoted on
// the way out for compatibility with other parser, though.
switch hint {
case 'M':
// We've already checked the map above.
case '.':
// Not in the map, so maybe a normal float.
floatv, err := strconv.ParseFloat(in, 64)
if err == nil {
return yaml_FLOAT_TAG, floatv
case 'D', 'S':
// Int, float, or timestamp.
plain := strings.Replace(in, "_", "", -1)
intv, err := strconv.ParseInt(plain, 0, 64)
if err == nil {
if intv == int64(int(intv)) {
return yaml_INT_TAG, int(intv)
} else {
return yaml_INT_TAG, intv
floatv, err := strconv.ParseFloat(plain, 64)
if err == nil {
return yaml_FLOAT_TAG, floatv
if strings.HasPrefix(plain, "0b") {
intv, err := strconv.ParseInt(plain[2:], 2, 64)
if err == nil {
return yaml_INT_TAG, int(intv)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(plain, "-0b") {
intv, err := strconv.ParseInt(plain[3:], 2, 64)
if err == nil {
return yaml_INT_TAG, -int(intv)
// XXX Handle timestamps here.
panic("resolveTable item not yet handled: " + string(rune(hint)) + " (with " + in + ")")
if tag == yaml_BINARY_TAG {
return yaml_BINARY_TAG, in
if utf8.ValidString(in) {
return yaml_STR_TAG, in
return yaml_BINARY_TAG, encodeBase64(in)
// encodeBase64 encodes s as base64 that is broken up into multiple lines
// as appropriate for the resulting length.
func encodeBase64(s string) string {
const lineLen = 70
encLen := base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(s))
lines := encLen/lineLen + 1
buf := make([]byte, encLen*2+lines)
in := buf[0:encLen]
out := buf[encLen:]
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(in, []byte(s))
k := 0
for i := 0; i < len(in); i += lineLen {
j := i + lineLen
if j > len(in) {
j = len(in)
k += copy(out[k:], in[i:j])
if lines > 1 {
out[k] = '\n'
return string(out[:k])

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
package yaml
import (
type keyList []reflect.Value
func (l keyList) Len() int { return len(l) }
func (l keyList) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
func (l keyList) Less(i, j int) bool {
a := l[i]
b := l[j]
ak := a.Kind()
bk := b.Kind()
for (ak == reflect.Interface || ak == reflect.Ptr) && !a.IsNil() {
a = a.Elem()
ak = a.Kind()
for (bk == reflect.Interface || bk == reflect.Ptr) && !b.IsNil() {
b = b.Elem()
bk = b.Kind()
af, aok := keyFloat(a)
bf, bok := keyFloat(b)
if aok && bok {
if af != bf {
return af < bf
if ak != bk {
return ak < bk
return numLess(a, b)
if ak != reflect.String || bk != reflect.String {
return ak < bk
ar, br := []rune(a.String()), []rune(b.String())
for i := 0; i < len(ar) && i < len(br); i++ {
if ar[i] == br[i] {
al := unicode.IsLetter(ar[i])
bl := unicode.IsLetter(br[i])
if al && bl {
return ar[i] < br[i]
if al || bl {
return bl
var ai, bi int
var an, bn int64
for ai = i; ai < len(ar) && unicode.IsDigit(ar[ai]); ai++ {
an = an*10 + int64(ar[ai]-'0')
for bi = i; bi < len(br) && unicode.IsDigit(br[bi]); bi++ {
bn = bn*10 + int64(br[bi]-'0')
if an != bn {
return an < bn
if ai != bi {
return ai < bi
return ar[i] < br[i]
return len(ar) < len(br)
// keyFloat returns a float value for v if it is a number/bool
// and whether it is a number/bool or not.
func keyFloat(v reflect.Value) (f float64, ok bool) {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return float64(v.Int()), true
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return v.Float(), true
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
return float64(v.Uint()), true
case reflect.Bool:
if v.Bool() {
return 1, true
return 0, true
return 0, false
// numLess returns whether a < b.
// a and b must necessarily have the same kind.
func numLess(a, b reflect.Value) bool {
switch a.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return a.Int() < b.Int()
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return a.Float() < b.Float()
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
return a.Uint() < b.Uint()
case reflect.Bool:
return !a.Bool() && b.Bool()
panic("not a number")

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
package yaml_test
import (
. ""
func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
type S struct{}
var _ = Suite(&S{})

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@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
package yaml
// Set the writer error and return false.
func yaml_emitter_set_writer_error(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, problem string) bool {
emitter.error = yaml_WRITER_ERROR
emitter.problem = problem
return false
// Flush the output buffer.
func yaml_emitter_flush(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
if emitter.write_handler == nil {
panic("write handler not set")
// Check if the buffer is empty.
if emitter.buffer_pos == 0 {
return true
// If the output encoding is UTF-8, we don't need to recode the buffer.
if emitter.encoding == yaml_UTF8_ENCODING {
if err := emitter.write_handler(emitter, emitter.buffer[:emitter.buffer_pos]); err != nil {
return yaml_emitter_set_writer_error(emitter, "write error: "+err.Error())
emitter.buffer_pos = 0
return true
// Recode the buffer into the raw buffer.
var low, high int
if emitter.encoding == yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING {
low, high = 0, 1
} else {
high, low = 1, 0
pos := 0
for pos < emitter.buffer_pos {
// See the "reader.c" code for more details on UTF-8 encoding. Note
// that we assume that the buffer contains a valid UTF-8 sequence.
// Read the next UTF-8 character.
octet := emitter.buffer[pos]
var w int
var value rune
switch {
case octet&0x80 == 0x00:
w, value = 1, rune(octet&0x7F)
case octet&0xE0 == 0xC0:
w, value = 2, rune(octet&0x1F)
case octet&0xF0 == 0xE0:
w, value = 3, rune(octet&0x0F)
case octet&0xF8 == 0xF0:
w, value = 4, rune(octet&0x07)
for k := 1; k < w; k++ {
octet = emitter.buffer[pos+k]
value = (value << 6) + (rune(octet) & 0x3F)
pos += w
// Write the character.
if value < 0x10000 {
var b [2]byte
b[high] = byte(value >> 8)
b[low] = byte(value & 0xFF)
emitter.raw_buffer = append(emitter.raw_buffer, b[0], b[1])
} else {
// Write the character using a surrogate pair (check "reader.c").
var b [4]byte
value -= 0x10000
b[high] = byte(0xD8 + (value >> 18))
b[low] = byte((value >> 10) & 0xFF)
b[high+2] = byte(0xDC + ((value >> 8) & 0xFF))
b[low+2] = byte(value & 0xFF)
emitter.raw_buffer = append(emitter.raw_buffer, b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3])
// Write the raw buffer.
if err := emitter.write_handler(emitter, emitter.raw_buffer); err != nil {
return yaml_emitter_set_writer_error(emitter, "write error: "+err.Error())
emitter.buffer_pos = 0
emitter.raw_buffer = emitter.raw_buffer[:0]
return true

View file

@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
// Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language.
// Source code and other details for the project are available at GitHub:
package yaml
import (
// MapSlice encodes and decodes as a YAML map.
// The order of keys is preserved when encoding and decoding.
type MapSlice []MapItem
// MapItem is an item in a MapSlice.
type MapItem struct {
Key, Value interface{}
// The Unmarshaler interface may be implemented by types to customize their
// behavior when being unmarshaled from a YAML document. The UnmarshalYAML
// method receives a function that may be called to unmarshal the original
// YAML value into a field or variable. It is safe to call the unmarshal
// function parameter more than once if necessary.
type Unmarshaler interface {
UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error
// The Marshaler interface may be implemented by types to customize their
// behavior when being marshaled into a YAML document. The returned value
// is marshaled in place of the original value implementing Marshaler.
// If an error is returned by MarshalYAML, the marshaling procedure stops
// and returns with the provided error.
type Marshaler interface {
MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
// Unmarshal decodes the first document found within the in byte slice
// and assigns decoded values into the out value.
// Maps and pointers (to a struct, string, int, etc) are accepted as out
// values. If an internal pointer within a struct is not initialized,
// the yaml package will initialize it if necessary for unmarshalling
// the provided data. The out parameter must not be nil.
// The type of the decoded values should be compatible with the respective
// values in out. If one or more values cannot be decoded due to a type
// mismatches, decoding continues partially until the end of the YAML
// content, and a *yaml.TypeError is returned with details for all
// missed values.
// Struct fields are only unmarshalled if they are exported (have an
// upper case first letter), and are unmarshalled using the field name
// lowercased as the default key. Custom keys may be defined via the
// "yaml" name in the field tag: the content preceding the first comma
// is used as the key, and the following comma-separated options are
// used to tweak the marshalling process (see Marshal).
// Conflicting names result in a runtime error.
// For example:
// type T struct {
// F int `yaml:"a,omitempty"`
// B int
// }
// var t T
// yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("a: 1\nb: 2"), &t)
// See the documentation of Marshal for the format of tags and a list of
// supported tag options.
func Unmarshal(in []byte, out interface{}) (err error) {
defer handleErr(&err)
d := newDecoder()
p := newParser(in)
defer p.destroy()
node := p.parse()
if node != nil {
v := reflect.ValueOf(out)
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() {
v = v.Elem()
d.unmarshal(node, v)
if len(d.terrors) > 0 {
return &TypeError{d.terrors}
return nil
// Marshal serializes the value provided into a YAML document. The structure
// of the generated document will reflect the structure of the value itself.
// Maps and pointers (to struct, string, int, etc) are accepted as the in value.
// Struct fields are only unmarshalled if they are exported (have an upper case
// first letter), and are unmarshalled using the field name lowercased as the
// default key. Custom keys may be defined via the "yaml" name in the field
// tag: the content preceding the first comma is used as the key, and the
// following comma-separated options are used to tweak the marshalling process.
// Conflicting names result in a runtime error.
// The field tag format accepted is:
// `(...) yaml:"[<key>][,<flag1>[,<flag2>]]" (...)`
// The following flags are currently supported:
// omitempty Only include the field if it's not set to the zero
// value for the type or to empty slices or maps.
// Does not apply to zero valued structs.
// flow Marshal using a flow style (useful for structs,
// sequences and maps.
// inline Inline the struct it's applied to, so its fields
// are processed as if they were part of the outer
// struct.
// In addition, if the key is "-", the field is ignored.
// For example:
// type T struct {
// F int "a,omitempty"
// B int
// }
// yaml.Marshal(&T{B: 2}) // Returns "b: 2\n"
// yaml.Marshal(&T{F: 1}} // Returns "a: 1\nb: 0\n"
func Marshal(in interface{}) (out []byte, err error) {
defer handleErr(&err)
e := newEncoder()
defer e.destroy()
e.marshal("", reflect.ValueOf(in))
out = e.out
func handleErr(err *error) {
if v := recover(); v != nil {
if e, ok := v.(yamlError); ok {
*err = e.err
} else {
type yamlError struct {
err error
func fail(err error) {
func failf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
panic(yamlError{fmt.Errorf("yaml: " + format, args...)})
// A TypeError is returned by Unmarshal when one or more fields in
// the YAML document cannot be properly decoded into the requested
// types. When this error is returned, the value is still
// unmarshaled partially.
type TypeError struct {
Errors []string
func (e *TypeError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("yaml: unmarshal errors:\n %s", strings.Join(e.Errors, "\n "))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Maintain a mapping of keys to structure field indexes
// The code in this section was copied from mgo/bson.
// structInfo holds details for the serialization of fields of
// a given struct.
type structInfo struct {
FieldsMap map[string]fieldInfo
FieldsList []fieldInfo
// InlineMap is the number of the field in the struct that
// contains an ,inline map, or -1 if there's none.
InlineMap int
type fieldInfo struct {
Key string
Num int
OmitEmpty bool
Flow bool
// Inline holds the field index if the field is part of an inlined struct.
Inline []int
var structMap = make(map[reflect.Type]*structInfo)
var fieldMapMutex sync.RWMutex
func getStructInfo(st reflect.Type) (*structInfo, error) {
sinfo, found := structMap[st]
if found {
return sinfo, nil
n := st.NumField()
fieldsMap := make(map[string]fieldInfo)
fieldsList := make([]fieldInfo, 0, n)
inlineMap := -1
for i := 0; i != n; i++ {
field := st.Field(i)
if field.PkgPath != "" {
continue // Private field
info := fieldInfo{Num: i}
tag := field.Tag.Get("yaml")
if tag == "" && strings.Index(string(field.Tag), ":") < 0 {
tag = string(field.Tag)
if tag == "-" {
inline := false
fields := strings.Split(tag, ",")
if len(fields) > 1 {
for _, flag := range fields[1:] {
switch flag {
case "omitempty":
info.OmitEmpty = true
case "flow":
info.Flow = true
case "inline":
inline = true
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported flag %q in tag %q of type %s", flag, tag, st))
tag = fields[0]
if inline {
switch field.Type.Kind() {
// TODO: Implement support for inline maps.
//case reflect.Map:
// if inlineMap >= 0 {
// return nil, errors.New("Multiple ,inline maps in struct " + st.String())
// }
// if field.Type.Key() != reflect.TypeOf("") {
// return nil, errors.New("Option ,inline needs a map with string keys in struct " + st.String())
// }
// inlineMap = info.Num
case reflect.Struct:
sinfo, err := getStructInfo(field.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, finfo := range sinfo.FieldsList {
if _, found := fieldsMap[finfo.Key]; found {
msg := "Duplicated key '" + finfo.Key + "' in struct " + st.String()
return nil, errors.New(msg)
if finfo.Inline == nil {
finfo.Inline = []int{i, finfo.Num}
} else {
finfo.Inline = append([]int{i}, finfo.Inline...)
fieldsMap[finfo.Key] = finfo
fieldsList = append(fieldsList, finfo)
//return nil, errors.New("Option ,inline needs a struct value or map field")
return nil, errors.New("Option ,inline needs a struct value field")
if tag != "" {
info.Key = tag
} else {
info.Key = strings.ToLower(field.Name)
if _, found = fieldsMap[info.Key]; found {
msg := "Duplicated key '" + info.Key + "' in struct " + st.String()
return nil, errors.New(msg)
fieldsList = append(fieldsList, info)
fieldsMap[info.Key] = info
sinfo = &structInfo{fieldsMap, fieldsList, inlineMap}
structMap[st] = sinfo
return sinfo, nil
func isZero(v reflect.Value) bool {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return len(v.String()) == 0
case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
return v.IsNil()
case reflect.Slice:
return v.Len() == 0
case reflect.Map:
return v.Len() == 0
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return v.Int() == 0
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
return v.Uint() == 0
case reflect.Bool:
return !v.Bool()
return false

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@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
package yaml
import (
// The version directive data.
type yaml_version_directive_t struct {
major int8 // The major version number.
minor int8 // The minor version number.
// The tag directive data.
type yaml_tag_directive_t struct {
handle []byte // The tag handle.
prefix []byte // The tag prefix.
type yaml_encoding_t int
// The stream encoding.
const (
// Let the parser choose the encoding.
yaml_ANY_ENCODING yaml_encoding_t = iota
yaml_UTF8_ENCODING // The default UTF-8 encoding.
yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING // The UTF-16-LE encoding with BOM.
yaml_UTF16BE_ENCODING // The UTF-16-BE encoding with BOM.
type yaml_break_t int
// Line break types.
const (
// Let the parser choose the break type.
yaml_ANY_BREAK yaml_break_t = iota
yaml_CR_BREAK // Use CR for line breaks (Mac style).
yaml_LN_BREAK // Use LN for line breaks (Unix style).
yaml_CRLN_BREAK // Use CR LN for line breaks (DOS style).
type yaml_error_type_t int
// Many bad things could happen with the parser and emitter.
const (
// No error is produced.
yaml_NO_ERROR yaml_error_type_t = iota
yaml_MEMORY_ERROR // Cannot allocate or reallocate a block of memory.
yaml_READER_ERROR // Cannot read or decode the input stream.
yaml_SCANNER_ERROR // Cannot scan the input stream.
yaml_PARSER_ERROR // Cannot parse the input stream.
yaml_COMPOSER_ERROR // Cannot compose a YAML document.
yaml_WRITER_ERROR // Cannot write to the output stream.
yaml_EMITTER_ERROR // Cannot emit a YAML stream.
// The pointer position.
type yaml_mark_t struct {
index int // The position index.
line int // The position line.
column int // The position column.
// Node Styles
type yaml_style_t int8
type yaml_scalar_style_t yaml_style_t
// Scalar styles.
const (
// Let the emitter choose the style.
yaml_ANY_SCALAR_STYLE yaml_scalar_style_t = iota
yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE // The plain scalar style.
yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE // The single-quoted scalar style.
yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE // The double-quoted scalar style.
yaml_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE // The literal scalar style.
yaml_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE // The folded scalar style.
type yaml_sequence_style_t yaml_style_t
// Sequence styles.
const (
// Let the emitter choose the style.
yaml_ANY_SEQUENCE_STYLE yaml_sequence_style_t = iota
yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_STYLE // The block sequence style.
yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE // The flow sequence style.
type yaml_mapping_style_t yaml_style_t
// Mapping styles.
const (
// Let the emitter choose the style.
yaml_ANY_MAPPING_STYLE yaml_mapping_style_t = iota
yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_STYLE // The block mapping style.
yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE // The flow mapping style.
// Tokens
type yaml_token_type_t int
// Token types.
const (
// An empty token.
yaml_NO_TOKEN yaml_token_type_t = iota
yaml_KEY_TOKEN // A KEY token.
yaml_VALUE_TOKEN // A VALUE token.
yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN // An ALIAS token.
yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN // An ANCHOR token.
yaml_TAG_TOKEN // A TAG token.
yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN // A SCALAR token.
func (tt yaml_token_type_t) String() string {
switch tt {
case yaml_NO_TOKEN:
return "yaml_NO_TOKEN"
return "yaml_STREAM_START_TOKEN"
return "yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN"
return "yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN"
case yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN:
return "yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN"
return "yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN"
return "yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN"
case yaml_KEY_TOKEN:
return "yaml_KEY_TOKEN"
case yaml_VALUE_TOKEN:
return "yaml_VALUE_TOKEN"
case yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN:
return "yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN"
case yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN:
return "yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN"
case yaml_TAG_TOKEN:
return "yaml_TAG_TOKEN"
case yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN:
return "yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN"
return "<unknown token>"
// The token structure.
type yaml_token_t struct {
// The token type.
typ yaml_token_type_t
// The start/end of the token.
start_mark, end_mark yaml_mark_t
// The stream encoding (for yaml_STREAM_START_TOKEN).
encoding yaml_encoding_t
// The alias/anchor/scalar value or tag/tag directive handle
value []byte
// The tag suffix (for yaml_TAG_TOKEN).
suffix []byte
// The tag directive prefix (for yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN).
prefix []byte
// The scalar style (for yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN).
style yaml_scalar_style_t
// The version directive major/minor (for yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN).
major, minor int8
// Events
type yaml_event_type_t int8
// Event types.
const (
// An empty event.
yaml_NO_EVENT yaml_event_type_t = iota
yaml_ALIAS_EVENT // An ALIAS event.
yaml_SCALAR_EVENT // A SCALAR event.
// The event structure.
type yaml_event_t struct {
// The event type.
typ yaml_event_type_t
// The start and end of the event.
start_mark, end_mark yaml_mark_t
// The document encoding (for yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT).
encoding yaml_encoding_t
// The version directive (for yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT).
version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t
// The list of tag directives (for yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT).
tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t
anchor []byte
tag []byte
// The scalar value (for yaml_SCALAR_EVENT).
value []byte
// Is the document start/end indicator implicit, or the tag optional?
implicit bool
// Is the tag optional for any non-plain style? (for yaml_SCALAR_EVENT).
quoted_implicit bool
style yaml_style_t
func (e *yaml_event_t) scalar_style() yaml_scalar_style_t { return yaml_scalar_style_t( }
func (e *yaml_event_t) sequence_style() yaml_sequence_style_t { return yaml_sequence_style_t( }
func (e *yaml_event_t) mapping_style() yaml_mapping_style_t { return yaml_mapping_style_t( }
// Nodes
const (
yaml_NULL_TAG = ",2002:null" // The tag !!null with the only possible value: null.
yaml_BOOL_TAG = ",2002:bool" // The tag !!bool with the values: true and false.
yaml_STR_TAG = ",2002:str" // The tag !!str for string values.
yaml_INT_TAG = ",2002:int" // The tag !!int for integer values.
yaml_FLOAT_TAG = ",2002:float" // The tag !!float for float values.
yaml_TIMESTAMP_TAG = ",2002:timestamp" // The tag !!timestamp for date and time values.
yaml_SEQ_TAG = ",2002:seq" // The tag !!seq is used to denote sequences.
yaml_MAP_TAG = ",2002:map" // The tag !!map is used to denote mapping.
// Not in original libyaml.
yaml_BINARY_TAG = ",2002:binary"
yaml_MERGE_TAG = ",2002:merge"
yaml_DEFAULT_SCALAR_TAG = yaml_STR_TAG // The default scalar tag is !!str.
yaml_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_TAG = yaml_SEQ_TAG // The default sequence tag is !!seq.
yaml_DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG = yaml_MAP_TAG // The default mapping tag is !!map.
type yaml_node_type_t int
// Node types.
const (
// An empty node.
yaml_NO_NODE yaml_node_type_t = iota
yaml_SCALAR_NODE // A scalar node.
yaml_SEQUENCE_NODE // A sequence node.
yaml_MAPPING_NODE // A mapping node.
// An element of a sequence node.
type yaml_node_item_t int
// An element of a mapping node.
type yaml_node_pair_t struct {
key int // The key of the element.
value int // The value of the element.
// The node structure.
type yaml_node_t struct {
typ yaml_node_type_t // The node type.
tag []byte // The node tag.
// The node data.
// The scalar parameters (for yaml_SCALAR_NODE).
scalar struct {
value []byte // The scalar value.
length int // The length of the scalar value.
style yaml_scalar_style_t // The scalar style.
// The sequence parameters (for YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE).
sequence struct {
items_data []yaml_node_item_t // The stack of sequence items.
style yaml_sequence_style_t // The sequence style.
// The mapping parameters (for yaml_MAPPING_NODE).
mapping struct {
pairs_data []yaml_node_pair_t // The stack of mapping pairs (key, value).
pairs_start *yaml_node_pair_t // The beginning of the stack.
pairs_end *yaml_node_pair_t // The end of the stack.
pairs_top *yaml_node_pair_t // The top of the stack.
style yaml_mapping_style_t // The mapping style.
start_mark yaml_mark_t // The beginning of the node.
end_mark yaml_mark_t // The end of the node.
// The document structure.
type yaml_document_t struct {
// The document nodes.
nodes []yaml_node_t
// The version directive.
version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t
// The list of tag directives.
tag_directives_data []yaml_tag_directive_t
tag_directives_start int // The beginning of the tag directives list.
tag_directives_end int // The end of the tag directives list.
start_implicit int // Is the document start indicator implicit?
end_implicit int // Is the document end indicator implicit?
// The start/end of the document.
start_mark, end_mark yaml_mark_t
// The prototype of a read handler.
// The read handler is called when the parser needs to read more bytes from the
// source. The handler should write not more than size bytes to the buffer.
// The number of written bytes should be set to the size_read variable.
// [in,out] data A pointer to an application data specified by
// yaml_parser_set_input().
// [out] buffer The buffer to write the data from the source.
// [in] size The size of the buffer.
// [out] size_read The actual number of bytes read from the source.
// On success, the handler should return 1. If the handler failed,
// the returned value should be 0. On EOF, the handler should set the
// size_read to 0 and return 1.
type yaml_read_handler_t func(parser *yaml_parser_t, buffer []byte) (n int, err error)
// This structure holds information about a potential simple key.
type yaml_simple_key_t struct {
possible bool // Is a simple key possible?
required bool // Is a simple key required?
token_number int // The number of the token.
mark yaml_mark_t // The position mark.
// The states of the parser.
type yaml_parser_state_t int
const (
yaml_PARSE_STREAM_START_STATE yaml_parser_state_t = iota
yaml_PARSE_IMPLICIT_DOCUMENT_START_STATE // Expect the beginning of an implicit document.
yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE // Expect the content of a document.
yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_STATE // Expect a block node.
yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_OR_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_STATE // Expect a block node or indentless sequence.
yaml_PARSE_FLOW_NODE_STATE // Expect a flow node.
yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE // Expect the first entry of a block sequence.
yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE // Expect an entry of a block sequence.
yaml_PARSE_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE // Expect an entry of an indentless sequence.
yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a block mapping.
yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a block mapping key.
yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a block mapping value.
yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE // Expect the first entry of a flow sequence.
yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE // Expect an entry of a flow sequence.
yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a key of an ordered mapping.
yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of an ordered mapping.
yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_END_STATE // Expect the and of an ordered mapping entry.
yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a flow mapping.
yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a key of a flow mapping.
yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of a flow mapping.
yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_EMPTY_VALUE_STATE // Expect an empty value of a flow mapping.
yaml_PARSE_END_STATE // Expect nothing.
func (ps yaml_parser_state_t) String() string {
switch ps {
case yaml_PARSE_END_STATE:
return "yaml_PARSE_END_STATE"
return "<unknown parser state>"
// This structure holds aliases data.
type yaml_alias_data_t struct {
anchor []byte // The anchor.
index int // The node id.
mark yaml_mark_t // The anchor mark.
// The parser structure.
// All members are internal. Manage the structure using the
// yaml_parser_ family of functions.
type yaml_parser_t struct {
// Error handling
error yaml_error_type_t // Error type.
problem string // Error description.
// The byte about which the problem occured.
problem_offset int
problem_value int
problem_mark yaml_mark_t
// The error context.
context string
context_mark yaml_mark_t
// Reader stuff
read_handler yaml_read_handler_t // Read handler.
input_file io.Reader // File input data.
input []byte // String input data.
input_pos int
eof bool // EOF flag
buffer []byte // The working buffer.
buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer.
unread int // The number of unread characters in the buffer.
raw_buffer []byte // The raw buffer.
raw_buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer.
encoding yaml_encoding_t // The input encoding.
offset int // The offset of the current position (in bytes).
mark yaml_mark_t // The mark of the current position.
// Scanner stuff
stream_start_produced bool // Have we started to scan the input stream?
stream_end_produced bool // Have we reached the end of the input stream?
flow_level int // The number of unclosed '[' and '{' indicators.
tokens []yaml_token_t // The tokens queue.
tokens_head int // The head of the tokens queue.
tokens_parsed int // The number of tokens fetched from the queue.
token_available bool // Does the tokens queue contain a token ready for dequeueing.
indent int // The current indentation level.
indents []int // The indentation levels stack.
simple_key_allowed bool // May a simple key occur at the current position?
simple_keys []yaml_simple_key_t // The stack of simple keys.
// Parser stuff
state yaml_parser_state_t // The current parser state.
states []yaml_parser_state_t // The parser states stack.
marks []yaml_mark_t // The stack of marks.
tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t // The list of TAG directives.
// Dumper stuff
aliases []yaml_alias_data_t // The alias data.
document *yaml_document_t // The currently parsed document.
// Emitter Definitions
// The prototype of a write handler.
// The write handler is called when the emitter needs to flush the accumulated
// characters to the output. The handler should write @a size bytes of the
// @a buffer to the output.
// @param[in,out] data A pointer to an application data specified by
// yaml_emitter_set_output().
// @param[in] buffer The buffer with bytes to be written.
// @param[in] size The size of the buffer.
// @returns On success, the handler should return @c 1. If the handler failed,
// the returned value should be @c 0.
type yaml_write_handler_t func(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, buffer []byte) error
type yaml_emitter_state_t int
// The emitter states.
const (
yaml_EMIT_STREAM_START_STATE yaml_emitter_state_t = iota
yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE // Expect the content of a document.
yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ITEM_STATE // Expect the first item of a flow sequence.
yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE // Expect an item of a flow sequence.
yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a flow mapping.
yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a key of a flow mapping.
yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value for a simple key of a flow mapping.
yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of a flow mapping.
yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ITEM_STATE // Expect the first item of a block sequence.
yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE // Expect an item of a block sequence.
yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a block mapping.
yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect the key of a block mapping.
yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value for a simple key of a block mapping.
yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of a block mapping.
yaml_EMIT_END_STATE // Expect nothing.
// The emitter structure.
// All members are internal. Manage the structure using the @c yaml_emitter_
// family of functions.
type yaml_emitter_t struct {
// Error handling
error yaml_error_type_t // Error type.
problem string // Error description.
// Writer stuff
write_handler yaml_write_handler_t // Write handler.
output_buffer *[]byte // String output data.
output_file io.Writer // File output data.
buffer []byte // The working buffer.
buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer.
raw_buffer []byte // The raw buffer.
raw_buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer.
encoding yaml_encoding_t // The stream encoding.
// Emitter stuff
canonical bool // If the output is in the canonical style?
best_indent int // The number of indentation spaces.
best_width int // The preferred width of the output lines.
unicode bool // Allow unescaped non-ASCII characters?
line_break yaml_break_t // The preferred line break.
state yaml_emitter_state_t // The current emitter state.
states []yaml_emitter_state_t // The stack of states.
events []yaml_event_t // The event queue.
events_head int // The head of the event queue.
indents []int // The stack of indentation levels.
tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t // The list of tag directives.
indent int // The current indentation level.
flow_level int // The current flow level.
root_context bool // Is it the document root context?
sequence_context bool // Is it a sequence context?
mapping_context bool // Is it a mapping context?
simple_key_context bool // Is it a simple mapping key context?
line int // The current line.
column int // The current column.
whitespace bool // If the last character was a whitespace?
indention bool // If the last character was an indentation character (' ', '-', '?', ':')?
open_ended bool // If an explicit document end is required?
// Anchor analysis.
anchor_data struct {
anchor []byte // The anchor value.
alias bool // Is it an alias?
// Tag analysis.
tag_data struct {
handle []byte // The tag handle.
suffix []byte // The tag suffix.
// Scalar analysis.
scalar_data struct {
value []byte // The scalar value.
multiline bool // Does the scalar contain line breaks?
flow_plain_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expessed in the flow plain style?
block_plain_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expressed in the block plain style?
single_quoted_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expressed in the single quoted style?
block_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expressed in the literal or folded styles?
style yaml_scalar_style_t // The output style.
// Dumper stuff
opened bool // If the stream was already opened?
closed bool // If the stream was already closed?
// The information associated with the document nodes.
anchors *struct {
references int // The number of references.
anchor int // The anchor id.
serialized bool // If the node has been emitted?
last_anchor_id int // The last assigned anchor id.
document *yaml_document_t // The currently emitted document.

View file

@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
package yaml
const (
// The size of the input raw buffer.
input_raw_buffer_size = 512
// The size of the input buffer.
// It should be possible to decode the whole raw buffer.
input_buffer_size = input_raw_buffer_size * 3
// The size of the output buffer.
output_buffer_size = 128
// The size of the output raw buffer.
// It should be possible to encode the whole output buffer.
output_raw_buffer_size = (output_buffer_size*2 + 2)
// The size of other stacks and queues.
initial_stack_size = 16
initial_queue_size = 16
initial_string_size = 16
// Check if the character at the specified position is an alphabetical
// character, a digit, '_', or '-'.
func is_alpha(b []byte, i int) bool {
return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9' || b[i] >= 'A' && b[i] <= 'Z' || b[i] >= 'a' && b[i] <= 'z' || b[i] == '_' || b[i] == '-'
// Check if the character at the specified position is a digit.
func is_digit(b []byte, i int) bool {
return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9'
// Get the value of a digit.
func as_digit(b []byte, i int) int {
return int(b[i]) - '0'
// Check if the character at the specified position is a hex-digit.
func is_hex(b []byte, i int) bool {
return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9' || b[i] >= 'A' && b[i] <= 'F' || b[i] >= 'a' && b[i] <= 'f'
// Get the value of a hex-digit.
func as_hex(b []byte, i int) int {
bi := b[i]
if bi >= 'A' && bi <= 'F' {
return int(bi) - 'A' + 10
if bi >= 'a' && bi <= 'f' {
return int(bi) - 'a' + 10
return int(bi) - '0'
// Check if the character is ASCII.
func is_ascii(b []byte, i int) bool {
return b[i] <= 0x7F
// Check if the character at the start of the buffer can be printed unescaped.
func is_printable(b []byte, i int) bool {
return ((b[i] == 0x0A) || // . == #x0A
(b[i] >= 0x20 && b[i] <= 0x7E) || // #x20 <= . <= #x7E
(b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] >= 0xA0) || // #0xA0 <= . <= #xD7FF
(b[i] > 0xC2 && b[i] < 0xED) ||
(b[i] == 0xED && b[i+1] < 0xA0) ||
(b[i] == 0xEE) ||
(b[i] == 0xEF && // #xE000 <= . <= #xFFFD
!(b[i+1] == 0xBB && b[i+2] == 0xBF) && // && . != #xFEFF
!(b[i+1] == 0xBF && (b[i+2] == 0xBE || b[i+2] == 0xBF))))
// Check if the character at the specified position is NUL.
func is_z(b []byte, i int) bool {
return b[i] == 0x00
// Check if the beginning of the buffer is a BOM.
func is_bom(b []byte, i int) bool {
return b[0] == 0xEF && b[1] == 0xBB && b[2] == 0xBF
// Check if the character at the specified position is space.
func is_space(b []byte, i int) bool {
return b[i] == ' '
// Check if the character at the specified position is tab.
func is_tab(b []byte, i int) bool {
return b[i] == '\t'
// Check if the character at the specified position is blank (space or tab).
func is_blank(b []byte, i int) bool {
//return is_space(b, i) || is_tab(b, i)
return b[i] == ' ' || b[i] == '\t'
// Check if the character at the specified position is a line break.
func is_break(b []byte, i int) bool {
return (b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9) // PS (#x2029)
func is_crlf(b []byte, i int) bool {
return b[i] == '\r' && b[i+1] == '\n'
// Check if the character is a line break or NUL.
func is_breakz(b []byte, i int) bool {
//return is_break(b, i) || is_z(b, i)
return ( // is_break:
b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029)
// is_z:
b[i] == 0)
// Check if the character is a line break, space, or NUL.
func is_spacez(b []byte, i int) bool {
//return is_space(b, i) || is_breakz(b, i)
return ( // is_space:
b[i] == ' ' ||
// is_breakz:
b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029)
b[i] == 0)
// Check if the character is a line break, space, tab, or NUL.
func is_blankz(b []byte, i int) bool {
//return is_blank(b, i) || is_breakz(b, i)
return ( // is_blank:
b[i] == ' ' || b[i] == '\t' ||
// is_breakz:
b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029)
b[i] == 0)
// Determine the width of the character.
func width(b byte) int {
// Don't replace these by a switch without first
// confirming that it is being inlined.
if b&0x80 == 0x00 {
return 1
if b&0xE0 == 0xC0 {
return 2
if b&0xF0 == 0xE0 {
return 3
if b&0xF8 == 0xF0 {
return 4
return 0

View file

@ -476,35 +476,37 @@ func settableValueOf(i interface{}) reflect.Value {
func (d *decoder) sequence(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
l := len(n.children)
var iface reflect.Value
switch out.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
// okay
out.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(out.Type(), l, l))
case reflect.Interface:
// No type hints. Will have to use a generic sequence.
iface = out
out = settableValueOf(make([]interface{}, 0))
out = settableValueOf(make([]interface{}, l))
d.terror(n, yaml_SEQ_TAG, out)
return false
et := out.Type().Elem()
l := len(n.children)
j := 0
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
e := reflect.New(et).Elem()
if ok := d.unmarshal(n.children[i], e); ok {
out.Set(reflect.Append(out, e))
out.Set(out.Slice(0, j))
if iface.IsValid() {
return true
func (d *decoder) mapping(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
switch out.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:

View file

@ -419,6 +419,13 @@ var unmarshalTests = []struct {
}, {
"a: &a [1, 2]\nb: *a",
&struct{ B []int }{[]int{1, 2}},
}, {
"b: *a\na: &a {c: 1}",
&struct {
A, B struct {
C int
}{struct{ C int }{1}, struct{ C int }{1}},
// Bug #1133337
@ -755,6 +762,37 @@ func (s *S) TestUnmarshalerError(c *C) {
c.Assert(err, Equals, failingErr)
type sliceUnmarshaler []int
func (su *sliceUnmarshaler) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var slice []int
err := unmarshal(&slice)
if err == nil {
*su = slice
return nil
var intVal int
err = unmarshal(&intVal)
if err == nil {
*su = []int{intVal}
return nil
return err
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalerRetry(c *C) {
var su sliceUnmarshaler
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("[1, 2, 3]"), &su)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(su, DeepEquals, sliceUnmarshaler([]int{1, 2, 3}))
err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("1"), &su)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(su, DeepEquals, sliceUnmarshaler([]int{1}))
// From
var mergeTests = `
@ -872,6 +910,13 @@ func (s *S) TestUnmarshalNull(c *C) {
func (s *S) TestUnmarshalSliceOnPreset(c *C) {
// Issue #48.
v := struct{ A []int }{[]int{1}}
yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("a: [2]"), &v)
c.Assert(v.A, DeepEquals, []int{2})
//var data []byte
//func init() {
// var err error

View file

@ -166,9 +166,28 @@ var marshalTests = []struct {
}, {
&struct {
A *struct{ X int } "a,omitempty"
B int "b,omitempty"
}{nil, 0},
A *struct{ X, y int } "a,omitempty,flow"
}{&struct{ X, y int }{1, 2}},
"a: {x: 1}\n",
}, {
&struct {
A *struct{ X, y int } "a,omitempty,flow"
}, {
&struct {
A *struct{ X, y int } "a,omitempty,flow"
}{&struct{ X, y int }{}},
"a: {x: 0}\n",
}, {
&struct {
A struct{ X, y int } "a,omitempty,flow"
}{struct{ X, y int }{1, 2}},
"a: {x: 1}\n",
}, {
&struct {
A struct{ X, y int } "a,omitempty,flow"
}{struct{ X, y int }{0, 1}},
@ -267,6 +286,12 @@ var marshalTests = []struct {
map[string]net.IP{"a": net.IPv4(1, 2, 3, 4)},
// Ensure strings containing ": " are quoted (reported as PR #43, but not reproducible).
map[string]string{"a": "b: c"},
"a: 'b: c'\n",
func (s *S) TestMarshal(c *C) {

View file

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ type Unmarshaler interface {
UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error
// The Marshaler interface may be implemented by types to customize their
// behavior when being marshaled into a YAML document. The returned value
// is marshaled in place of the original value implementing Marshaler.
@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ func Unmarshal(in []byte, out interface{}) (err error) {
d.unmarshal(node, v)
if d.terrors != nil {
if len(d.terrors) > 0 {
return &TypeError{d.terrors}
return nil
@ -164,7 +163,7 @@ func fail(err error) {
func failf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
panic(yamlError{fmt.Errorf("yaml: " + format, args...)})
panic(yamlError{fmt.Errorf("yaml: "+format, args...)})
// A TypeError is returned by Unmarshal when one or more fields in
@ -329,6 +328,17 @@ func isZero(v reflect.Value) bool {
return v.Uint() == 0
case reflect.Bool:
return !v.Bool()
case reflect.Struct:
vt := v.Type()
for i := v.NumField()-1; i >= 0; i-- {
if vt.Field(i).PkgPath != "" {
continue // Private field
if !isZero(v.Field(i)) {
return false
return true
return false

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
// Version is a major/minor version pair of the form Major.Minor