forked from TrueCloudLab/distribution
WIP: The toolkit to pack, ship, store, and deliver container content
The v2 registry will act as a pull-through cache, and needs to be handled differently by the client to the v1 registry mirror. See docker/distribution#459 for details Configuration Only one v2 registry can be configured as a mirror. Acceptable configurations in this chanage are: 0...n v1 mirrors or 1 v2 mirror. A mixture of v1 and v2 mirrors is considered an error. Pull If a v2 mirror is configured, all pulls are redirected to that mirror. The mirror will serve the content locally or attempt a pull from the upstream mirror, cache it locally, and then serve to the client. Push If an image is tagged to a mirror, it will be pushed to the mirror and be stored locally there. Otherwise, images are pushed to the hub. This is unchanged behavior. Signed-off-by: Richard Scothern <> |
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