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// Copyright 2014 Sonia Keys
// License MIT:
package graph
import (
// dir_RO.go is code generated from dir_cg.go by directives in graph.go.
// Editing dir_cg.go is okay. It is the code generation source.
// DO NOT EDIT dir_RO.go.
// The RO means read only and it is upper case RO to slow you down a bit
// in case you start to edit the file.
// Balanced returns true if for every node in g, in-degree equals out-degree.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) Balanced() bool {
for n, in := range g.InDegree() {
if in != len(g.AdjacencyList[n]) {
return false
return true
// Copy makes a deep copy of g.
// Copy also computes the arc size ma, the number of arcs.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) Copy() (c Directed, ma int) {
l, s := g.AdjacencyList.Copy()
return Directed{l}, s
// Cyclic determines if g contains a cycle, a non-empty path from a node
// back to itself.
// Cyclic returns true if g contains at least one cycle. It also returns
// an example of an arc involved in a cycle.
// Cyclic returns false if g is acyclic.
// Also see Topological, which detects cycles.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) Cyclic() (cyclic bool, fr NI, to NI) {
a := g.AdjacencyList
fr, to = -1, -1
temp := bits.New(len(a))
perm := bits.New(len(a))
var df func(int)
df = func(n int) {
switch {
case temp.Bit(n) == 1:
cyclic = true
case perm.Bit(n) == 1:
temp.SetBit(n, 1)
for _, nb := range a[n] {
if cyclic {
if fr < 0 {
fr, to = NI(n), nb
temp.SetBit(n, 0)
perm.SetBit(n, 1)
for n := range a {
if perm.Bit(n) == 1 {
if df(n); cyclic { // short circuit as soon as a cycle is found
// DegreeCentralization returns out-degree centralization.
// Out-degree of a node is one measure of node centrality and is directly
// available from the adjacency list representation. This allows degree
// centralization for the graph to be very efficiently computed.
// The value returned is from 0 to 1 inclusive for simple directed graphs of
// two or more nodes. As a special case, 0 is returned for graphs of 0 or 1
// nodes. The value returned can be > 1 for graphs with loops or parallel
// edges.
// In-degree centralization can be computed as DegreeCentralization of the
// transpose.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) DegreeCentralization() float64 {
a := g.AdjacencyList
if len(a) <= 1 {
return 0
var max, sum int
for _, to := range a {
if len(to) > max {
max = len(to)
sum += len(to)
l1 := len(a) - 1
return float64(len(a)*max-sum) / float64(l1*l1)
// Dominators computes the immediate dominator for each node reachable from
// start.
// The slice returned as Dominators.Immediate will have the length of
// g.AdjacencyList. Nodes without a path to end will have a value of -1.
// See also the method Doms. Internally Dominators must construct the
// transpose of g and also compute a postordering of a spanning tree of the
// subgraph reachable from start. If you happen to have either of these
// computed anyway, it can be more efficient to call Doms directly.
func (g Directed) Dominators(start NI) Dominators {
a := g.AdjacencyList
l := len(a)
// ExampleDoms shows traditional depth-first postorder, but it works to
// generate a reverse preorder. Also breadth-first works instead of
// depth-first and may allow Doms to run a little faster by presenting
// a shallower tree.
post := make([]NI, l)
a.BreadthFirst(start, func(n NI) {
post[l] = n
tr, _ := g.Transpose()
return g.Doms(tr, post[l:])
// Doms computes either immediate dominators or postdominators.
// The slice returned as Dominators.Immediate will have the length of
// g.AdjacencyList. Nodes without a path to end will have a value of -1.
// But see also the simpler methods Dominators and PostDominators.
// Doms requires argument tr to be the transpose graph of receiver g,
// and requres argument post to be a post ordering of receiver g. More
// specifically a post ordering of a spanning tree of the subgraph reachable
// from some start node in g. The start node will always be the last node in
// this postordering so it does not need to passed as a separate argument.
// Doms can be used to construct either dominators or postdominators.
// To construct dominators on a graph f, generate a postordering p on f
// and call f.Doms(f.Transpose(), p). To construct postdominators, generate
// the transpose t first, then a postordering p on t (not f), and call
// t.Doms(f, p).
// Caution: The argument tr is retained in the returned Dominators object
// and is used by the method Dominators.Frontier. It is not deep-copied
// so it is invalid to call Doms, modify the tr graph, and then call Frontier.
func (g Directed) Doms(tr Directed, post []NI) Dominators {
a := g.AdjacencyList
dom := make([]NI, len(a))
pi := make([]int, len(a))
for i, n := range post {
pi[n] = i
intersect := func(b1, b2 NI) NI {
for b1 != b2 {
for pi[b1] < pi[b2] {
b1 = dom[b1]
for pi[b2] < pi[b1] {
b2 = dom[b2]
return b1
for n := range dom {
dom[n] = -1
start := post[len(post)-1]
dom[start] = start
for changed := false; ; changed = false {
for i := len(post) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
b := post[i]
var im NI
fr := tr.AdjacencyList[b]
var j int
var fp NI
for j, fp = range fr {
if dom[fp] >= 0 {
im = fp
for _, p := range fr[j:] {
if dom[p] >= 0 {
im = intersect(im, p)
if dom[b] != im {
dom[b] = im
changed = true
if !changed {
return Dominators{dom, tr}
// PostDominators computes the immediate postdominator for each node that can
// reach node end.
// The slice returned as Dominators.Immediate will have the length of
// g.AdjacencyList. Nodes without a path to end will have a value of -1.
// See also the method Doms. Internally Dominators must construct the
// transpose of g and also compute a postordering of a spanning tree of the
// subgraph of the transpose reachable from end. If you happen to have either
// of these computed anyway, it can be more efficient to call Doms directly.
// See the method Doms anyway for the caution note. PostDominators calls
// Doms internally, passing receiver g as Doms argument tr. The caution means
// that it is invalid to call PostDominators, modify the graph g, then call
// Frontier.
func (g Directed) PostDominators(end NI) Dominators {
tr, _ := g.Transpose()
a := tr.AdjacencyList
l := len(a)
post := make([]NI, l)
a.BreadthFirst(end, func(n NI) {
post[l] = n
return tr.Doms(g, post[l:])
// called from Dominators.Frontier via interface
func (from Directed) domFrontiers(d Dominators) DominanceFrontiers {
im := d.Immediate
f := make(DominanceFrontiers, len(im))
for i := range f {
if im[i] >= 0 {
f[i] = map[NI]struct{}{}
for b, fr := range from.AdjacencyList {
if len(fr) < 2 {
imb := im[b]
for _, p := range fr {
for runner := p; runner != imb; runner = im[runner] {
f[runner][NI(b)] = struct{}{}
return f
// Eulerian scans a directed graph to determine if it is Eulerian.
// If the graph represents an Eulerian cycle, it returns -1, -1, nil.
// If the graph does not represent an Eulerian cycle but does represent an
// Eulerian path, it returns the start and end nodes of the path, and nil.
// Otherwise it returns an error indicating a reason the graph is non-Eulerian.
// Also in this case it returns a relevant node in either start or end.
// See also method EulerianStart, which short-circuits when it finds a start
// node whereas this method completely validates a graph as Eulerian.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) Eulerian() (start, end NI, err error) {
ind := g.InDegree()
start = -1
end = -1
for n, to := range g.AdjacencyList {
switch {
case len(to) > ind[n]:
if start >= 0 {
return NI(n), -1, errors.New("multiple start candidates")
if len(to) > ind[n]+1 {
return NI(n), -1, errors.New("excessive out-degree")
start = NI(n)
case ind[n] > len(to):
if end >= 0 {
return -1, NI(n), errors.New("multiple end candidates")
if ind[n] > len(to)+1 {
return -1, NI(n), errors.New("excessive in-degree")
end = NI(n)
return start, end, nil
// EulerianCycle finds an Eulerian cycle in a directed multigraph.
// * If g has no nodes, result is nil, nil.
// * If g is Eulerian, result is an Eulerian cycle with err = nil.
// The first element of the result represents only a start node.
// The remaining elements represent the half arcs of the cycle.
// * Otherwise, result is nil, with a non-nil error giving a reason the graph
// is not Eulerian.
// Internally, EulerianCycle copies the entire graph g.
// See EulerianCycleD for a more space efficient version.
// There are nearly equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
// In the labeled version the first element of of the
func (g Directed) EulerianCycle() ([]NI, error) {
c, m := g.Copy()
return c.EulerianCycleD(m)
// EulerianCycleD finds an Eulerian cycle in a directed multigraph.
// EulerianCycleD is destructive on its receiver g. See EulerianCycle for
// a non-destructive version.
// Argument ma must be the correct arc size, or number of arcs in g.
// * If g has no nodes, result is nil, nil.
// * If g is Eulerian, result is an Eulerian cycle with err = nil.
// The first element of the result represents only a start node.
// The remaining elements represent the half arcs of the cycle.
// * Otherwise, result is nil, with a non-nil error giving a reason the graph
// is not Eulerian.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) EulerianCycleD(ma int) ([]NI, error) {
// algorithm adapted from "Sketch of Eulerian Circuit Algorithm" by
// Carl Lee, accessed at
if g.Order() == 0 {
return nil, nil
e := newEulerian(g.AdjacencyList, ma)
e.p[0] = 0
for e.s >= 0 {
v := // v is node that starts cycle
// if Eulerian, we'll always come back to starting node
if != v {
return nil, errors.New("not Eulerian")
if !e.uv.AllZeros() {
return nil, errors.New("not strongly connected")
return e.p, nil
// EulerianPath finds an Eulerian path in a directed multigraph.
// * If g has no nodes, result is nil, nil.
// * If g has an Eulerian path, result is an Eulerian path with err = nil.
// The first element of the result represents only a start node.
// The remaining elements represent the half arcs of the path.
// * Otherwise, result is nil, with a non-nil error giving a reason the graph
// is not Eulerian.
// Internally, EulerianPath copies the entire graph g.
// See EulerianPathD for a more space efficient version.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) EulerianPath() ([]NI, error) {
c, m := g.Copy()
start, err := c.EulerianStart()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if start < 0 {
start = 0
return c.EulerianPathD(m, start)
// EulerianPathD finds an Eulerian path in a directed multigraph.
// EulerianPathD is destructive on its receiver g. See EulerianPath for
// a non-destructive version.
// Argument ma must be the correct arc size, or number of arcs in g.
// Argument start must be a valid start node for the path.
// * If g has no nodes, result is nil, nil.
// * If g has an Eulerian path starting at start, result is an Eulerian path
// with err = nil.
// The first element of the result represents only a start node.
// The remaining elements represent the half arcs of the path.
// * Otherwise, result is nil, with a non-nil error giving a reason the graph
// is not Eulerian.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) EulerianPathD(ma int, start NI) ([]NI, error) {
if g.Order() == 0 {
return nil, nil
e := newEulerian(g.AdjacencyList, ma)
e.p[0] = start
// unlike EulerianCycle, the first path doesn't have to be a cycle.
for e.s >= 0 {
start =
// paths after the first must be cycles though
// (as long as there are nodes on the stack)
if != start {
return nil, errors.New("no Eulerian path")
if !e.uv.AllZeros() {
return nil, errors.New("no Eulerian path")
return e.p, nil
// EulerianStart finds a candidate start node for an Eulerian path.
// A candidate start node in the directed case has out-degree one greater then
// in-degree. EulerianStart scans the graph returning immediately with the
// node (and err == nil) when it finds such a candidate.
// EulerianStart also returns immediately with an error if it finds the graph
// cannot contain an Eulerian path. In this case it also returns a relevant
// node.
// If the scan completes without finding a candidate start node, the graph
// represents an Eulerian cycle. In this case it returns -1, nil, and any
// node can be chosen as a start node for an eulerian path.
// See also method Eulerian, which completely validates a graph as Eulerian
// whereas this method short-curcuits when it finds a start node.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) EulerianStart() (start NI, err error) {
ind := g.InDegree()
end := -1
for n, to := range g.AdjacencyList {
switch {
case len(to) > ind[n]:
if len(to) == ind[n]+1 {
return NI(n), nil // candidate start
return -1, errors.New("excessive out-degree")
case ind[n] > len(to):
if end >= 0 {
return NI(n), errors.New("multiple end candidates")
if ind[n] > len(to)+1 {
return NI(n), errors.New("excessive in-degree")
end = n
return -1, nil // cycle
type eulerian struct {
g AdjacencyList // working copy of graph, it gets consumed
m int // number of arcs in g, updated as g is consumed
uv bits.Bits // unvisited
// low end of p is stack of unfinished nodes
// high end is finished path
p []NI // stack + path
s int // stack pointer
func newEulerian(g AdjacencyList, m int) *eulerian {
e := &eulerian{
g: g,
m: m,
uv: bits.New(len(g)),
p: make([]NI, m+1),
return e
// starting with the node on top of the stack, move nodes with no arcs.
func (e *eulerian) keep() {
for e.s >= 0 {
n :=
if len(e.g[n]) > 0 {
e.p[e.m] = n
func (e *eulerian) top() NI {
return e.p[e.s]
// MaximalNonBranchingPaths finds all paths in a directed graph that are
// "maximal" and "non-branching".
// A non-branching path is one where path nodes other than the first and last
// have exactly one arc leading to the node and one arc leading from the node,
// thus there is no possibility to branch away to a different path.
// A maximal non-branching path cannot be extended to a longer non-branching
// path by including another node at either end.
// In the case of a cyclic non-branching path, the first and last nodes
// of the path will be the same node, indicating an isolated cycle.
// The method calls the emit argument for each path or isolated cycle in g,
// as long as emit returns true. If emit returns false,
// MaximalNonBranchingPaths returns immediately.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) MaximalNonBranchingPaths(emit func([]NI) bool) {
a := g.AdjacencyList
ind := g.InDegree()
uv := bits.New(g.Order())
for v, vTo := range a {
if !(ind[v] == 1 && len(vTo) == 1) {
for _, w := range vTo {
n := []NI{NI(v), w}
uv.SetBit(v, 0)
uv.SetBit(int(w), 0)
wTo := a[w]
for ind[w] == 1 && len(wTo) == 1 {
u := wTo[0]
n = append(n, u)
uv.SetBit(int(u), 0)
w = u
wTo = a[w]
if !emit(n) { // n is a path
// use uv.From rather than uv.Iterate.
// Iterate doesn't work here because we're modifying uv
for b := uv.OneFrom(0); b >= 0; b = uv.OneFrom(b + 1) {
v := NI(b)
n := []NI{v}
for w := v; ; {
w = a[w][0]
uv.SetBit(int(w), 0)
n = append(n, w)
if w == v {
if !emit(n) { // n is an isolated cycle
// InDegree computes the in-degree of each node in g
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) InDegree() []int {
ind := make([]int, g.Order())
for _, nbs := range g.AdjacencyList {
for _, nb := range nbs {
return ind
// AddNode maps a node in a supergraph to a subgraph node.
// Argument p must be an NI in supergraph s.Super. AddNode panics if
// p is not a valid node index of s.Super.
// AddNode is idempotent in that it does not add a new node to the subgraph if
// a subgraph node already exists mapped to supergraph node p.
// The mapped subgraph NI is returned.
func (s *DirectedSubgraph) AddNode(p NI) (b NI) {
if int(p) < 0 || int(p) >= s.Super.Order() {
panic(fmt.Sprint("AddNode: NI ", p, " not in supergraph"))
if b, ok := s.SubNI[p]; ok {
return b
a := s.Directed.AdjacencyList
b = NI(len(a))
s.Directed.AdjacencyList = append(a, nil)
s.SuperNI = append(s.SuperNI, p)
s.SubNI[p] = b
// AddArc adds an arc to a subgraph.
// Arguments fr, to must be NIs in supergraph s.Super. As with AddNode,
// AddArc panics if fr and to are not valid node indexes of s.Super.
// The arc specfied by fr, to must exist in s.Super. Further, the number of
// parallel arcs in the subgraph cannot exceed the number of corresponding
// parallel arcs in the supergraph. That is, each arc already added to the
// subgraph counts against the arcs available in the supergraph. If a matching
// arc is not available, AddArc returns an error.
// If a matching arc is available, subgraph nodes are added as needed, the
// subgraph arc is added, and the method returns nil.
func (s *DirectedSubgraph) AddArc(fr NI, to NI) error {
// verify supergraph NIs first, but without adding subgraph nodes just yet.
if int(fr) < 0 || int(fr) >= s.Super.Order() {
panic(fmt.Sprint("AddArc: NI ", fr, " not in supergraph"))
if int(to) < 0 || int(to) >= s.Super.Order() {
panic(fmt.Sprint("AddArc: NI ", to, " not in supergraph"))
// count existing matching arcs in subgraph
n := 0
a := s.Directed.AdjacencyList
if bf, ok := s.SubNI[fr]; ok {
if bt, ok := s.SubNI[to]; ok {
// both NIs already exist in subgraph, need to count arcs
bTo := to
bTo = bt
for _, t := range a[bf] {
if t == bTo {
// verify matching arcs are available in supergraph
for _, t := range (*s.Super).AdjacencyList[fr] {
if t == to {
if n > 0 {
n-- // match existing arc
// no more existing arcs need to be matched. nodes can finally
// be added as needed and then the arc can be added.
bf := s.AddNode(fr)
to = s.AddNode(to)
s.Directed.AdjacencyList[bf] =
append(s.Directed.AdjacencyList[bf], to)
return nil // success
return errors.New("arc not available in supergraph")
// InduceList constructs a node-induced subgraph.
// The subgraph is induced on receiver graph g. Argument l must be a list of
// NIs in receiver graph g. Receiver g becomes the supergraph of the induced
// subgraph.
// Duplicate NIs are allowed in list l. The duplicates are effectively removed
// and only a single corresponding node is created in the subgraph. Subgraph
// NIs are mapped in the order of list l, execpt for ignoring duplicates.
// NIs in l that are not in g will panic.
// Returned is the constructed Subgraph object containing the induced subgraph
// and the mappings to the supergraph.
func (g *Directed) InduceList(l []NI) *DirectedSubgraph {
sub, sup := mapList(l)
return &DirectedSubgraph{
Super: g,
SubNI: sub,
SuperNI: sup,
Directed: Directed{
g.AdjacencyList.induceArcs(sub, sup),
// InduceBits constructs a node-induced subgraph.
// The subgraph is induced on receiver graph g. Argument t must be a bitmap
// representing NIs in receiver graph g. Receiver g becomes the supergraph
// of the induced subgraph. NIs in t that are not in g will panic.
// Returned is the constructed Subgraph object containing the induced subgraph
// and the mappings to the supergraph.
func (g *Directed) InduceBits(t bits.Bits) *DirectedSubgraph {
sub, sup := mapBits(t)
return &DirectedSubgraph{
Super: g,
SubNI: sub,
SuperNI: sup,
Directed: Directed{
g.AdjacencyList.induceArcs(sub, sup),
// IsTree identifies trees in directed graphs.
// Return value isTree is true if the subgraph reachable from root is a tree.
// Further, return value allTree is true if the entire graph g is reachable
// from root.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) IsTree(root NI) (isTree, allTree bool) {
a := g.AdjacencyList
v := bits.New(len(a))
var df func(NI) bool
df = func(n NI) bool {
if v.Bit(int(n)) == 0 {
return false
v.SetBit(int(n), 0)
for _, to := range a[n] {
if !df(to) {
return false
return true
isTree = df(root)
return isTree, isTree && v.AllZeros()
// PageRank computes a significance score for each node of a graph.
// The algorithm is credited to Google founders Brin and Lawrence.
// Argument d is a damping factor. Reportedly a value of .85 works well.
// Argument n is a number of iterations. Reportedly values of 20 to 50
// work well.
// Returned is the PageRank score for each node of g.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) PageRank(d float64, n int) []float64 {
// Following "PageRank Explained" by Ian Rogers, accessed at
a := g.AdjacencyList
p0 := make([]float64, len(a))
p1 := make([]float64, len(a))
for i := range p0 {
p0[i] = 1
d1 := 1 - d
for ; n > 0; n-- {
for i := range p1 {
p1[i] = d1
for fr, to := range a {
f := d / float64(len(to))
for _, to := range to {
p1[to] += p0[fr] * f
p0, p1 = p1, p0
return p0
// StronglyConnectedComponents identifies strongly connected components in
// a directed graph.
// The method calls the emit function for each component identified. The
// argument to emit is the node list of a component. The emit function must
// return true for the method to continue identifying components. If emit
// returns false, the method returns immediately.
// Note well: The backing slice for the node list passed to emit is reused
// across emit calls. If you need to retain the node list you must copy it.
// The components emitted represent a partition of the nodes in g.
// So for example, if the first component emitted has the same length as g
// then it will be the only component and it means the entire graph g is
// strongly connected.
// See also Condensation which returns a condensation graph in addition
// to the strongly connected components.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
// The algorithm here is by David Pearce. See also alt.SCCPathBased and
// alt.SCCTarjan.
func (g Directed) StronglyConnectedComponents(emit func([]NI) bool) {
// See Algorithm 3 PEA FIND SCC2(V,E) in "An Improved Algorithm for
// Finding the Strongly Connected Components of a Directed Graph"
// by David J. Pearce.
a := g.AdjacencyList
rindex := make([]int, len(a))
var S, scc []NI
index := 1
c := len(a) - 1
var visit func(NI) bool
visit = func(v NI) bool {
root := true
rindex[v] = index
for _, w := range a[v] {
if rindex[w] == 0 {
if !visit(w) {
return false
if rindex[w] < rindex[v] {
rindex[v] = rindex[w]
root = false
if !root {
S = append(S, v)
return true
scc = scc[:0]
for last := len(S) - 1; last >= 0; last-- {
w := S[last]
if rindex[v] > rindex[w] {
S = S[:last]
rindex[w] = c
scc = append(scc, w)
rindex[v] = c
return emit(append(scc, v))
for v := range a {
if rindex[v] == 0 && !visit(NI(v)) {
// Condensation returns strongly connected components and their
// condensation graph.
// A condensation represents a directed acyclic graph.
// Components are ordered in a reverse topological ordering.
// See also StronglyConnectedComponents, which returns the components only.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) Condensation() (scc [][]NI, cd AdjacencyList) {
a := g.AdjacencyList
b := make([]NI, len(a)) // backing slice for scc
g.StronglyConnectedComponents(func(c []NI) bool {
n := copy(b, c)
scc = append(scc, b[:n])
b = b[n:]
return true
cd = make(AdjacencyList, len(scc)) // return value
cond := make([]NI, len(a)) // mapping from g node to cd node
for cn, c := range scc {
for _, n := range c {
cond[n] = NI(cn) // map g node to cd node
var tos []NI // list of 'to' nodes
m := bits.New(len(cd)) // tos map
m.SetBit(cn, 1)
for _, n := range c {
for _, to := range a[n] {
if ct := cond[to]; m.Bit(int(ct)) == 0 {
m.SetBit(int(ct), 1)
tos = append(tos, ct)
cd[cn] = tos
// Topological computes a topological ordering of a directed acyclic graph.
// For an acyclic graph, return value ordering is a permutation of node numbers
// in topologically sorted order and cycle will be nil. If the graph is found
// to be cyclic, ordering will be nil and cycle will be the path of a found
// cycle.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) Topological() (ordering, cycle []NI) {
i := -1
return g.dfTopo(func() NI {
if i < g.Order() {
return NI(i)
return -1
func (g Directed) dfTopo(f func() NI) (ordering, cycle []NI) {
a := g.AdjacencyList
ordering = make([]NI, len(a))
i := len(ordering)
temp := bits.New(len(a))
perm := bits.New(len(a))
var cycleFound bool
var cycleStart NI
var df func(NI)
df = func(n NI) {
switch {
case temp.Bit(int(n)) == 1:
cycleFound = true
cycleStart = n
case perm.Bit(int(n)) == 1:
temp.SetBit(int(n), 1)
for _, nb := range a[n] {
if cycleFound {
if cycleStart >= 0 {
// a little hack: orderng won't be needed so repurpose the
// slice as cycle. this is read out in reverse order
// as the recursion unwinds.
x := len(ordering) - 1 - len(cycle)
ordering[x] = n
cycle = ordering[x:]
if n == cycleStart {
cycleStart = -1
temp.SetBit(int(n), 0)
perm.SetBit(int(n), 1)
ordering[i] = n
for {
n := f()
if n < 0 {
return ordering[i:], nil
if perm.Bit(int(n)) == 1 {
if cycleFound {
return nil, cycle
// TopologicalKahn computes a topological ordering of a directed acyclic graph.
// For an acyclic graph, return value ordering is a permutation of node numbers
// in topologically sorted order and cycle will be nil. If the graph is found
// to be cyclic, ordering will be nil and cycle will be the path of a found
// cycle.
// This function is based on the algorithm by Arthur Kahn and requires the
// transpose of g be passed as the argument.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) TopologicalKahn(tr Directed) (ordering, cycle []NI) {
// code follows Wikipedia pseudocode.
var L, S []NI
// rem for "remaining edges," this function makes a local copy of the
// in-degrees and consumes that instead of consuming an input.
rem := make([]int, g.Order())
for n, fr := range tr.AdjacencyList {
if len(fr) == 0 {
// accumulate "set of all nodes with no incoming edges"
S = append(S, NI(n))
} else {
// initialize rem from in-degree
rem[n] = len(fr)
for len(S) > 0 {
last := len(S) - 1 // "remove a node n from S"
n := S[last]
S = S[:last]
L = append(L, n) // "add n to tail of L"
for _, m := range g.AdjacencyList[n] {
// WP pseudo code reads "for each node m..." but it means for each
// node m *remaining in the graph.* We consume rem rather than
// the graph, so "remaining in the graph" for us means rem[m] > 0.
if rem[m] > 0 {
rem[m]-- // "remove edge from the graph"
if rem[m] == 0 { // if "m has no other incoming edges"
S = append(S, m) // "insert m into S"
// "If graph has edges," for us means a value in rem is > 0.
for c, in := range rem {
if in > 0 {
// recover cyclic nodes
for _, nb := range g.AdjacencyList[c] {
if rem[nb] > 0 {
cycle = append(cycle, NI(c))
if len(cycle) > 0 {
return nil, cycle
return L, nil
// TopologicalSubgraph computes a topological ordering of a subgraph of a
// directed acyclic graph.
// The subgraph considered is that reachable from the specified node list.
// For an acyclic subgraph, return value ordering is a permutation of reachable
// node numbers in topologically sorted order and cycle will be nil. If the
// subgraph is found to be cyclic, ordering will be nil and cycle will be
// the path of a found cycle.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g Directed) TopologicalSubgraph(nodes []NI) (ordering, cycle []NI) {
i := -1
return g.dfTopo(func() NI {
if i < len(nodes) {
return nodes[i]
return -1
// TransitiveClosure returns the transitive closure of directed graph g.
// The algorithm is Warren's, which works most naturally with an adjacency
// matrix representation. The returned transitive closure is left in this
// adjacency matrix representation. For a graph g of order n, matrix tc
// is returned as a length n slice of length n bits.Bits values, where
// tc[from].Bit(to) == 1 represents an arc of the transitive closure.
func (g Directed) TransitiveClosure() []bits.Bits {
// construct adjacency matrix
a := g.AdjacencyList
t := make([]bits.Bits, len(a))
for n := range t {
tn := bits.New(len(a))
for _, to := range a[n] {
tn.SetBit(int(to), 1)
t[n] = tn
// above diagonal
for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ {
ti := t[i]
for k := 0; k < i; k++ {
if ti.Bit(k) == 1 {
ti.Or(ti, t[k])
// below diagonal
for i, ti := range t[:len(a)-1] {
for k := i + 1; k < len(a); k++ {
if ti.Bit(k) == 1 {
ti.Or(ti, t[k])
return t